LIST OF TEXT FILES AVAILABLE. ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß in alphabetic order. COMPAT TXT - Object Type Compatibility. DIALOG TXT - Turbo Vision Dialog Boxes. EVENTS TXT - Turbo Vision Events. EXAMPLES TXT - Examples of Object-oriented Programs. HELPCOMP TXT - Turbo Vision Help File Compiler. OOPINTRO TXT - Introduction to object-oriented programming. STREAMS TXT - Non-view Objects including Streams. TVISION TXT - Turbo Vision. VIEWS TXT - Turbo Vision Views VIRTUAL TXT - Virtual Methods in Object-oriented Programming. VMT TXT - Virtual Method Table. Readers not familiar with Records, Graphics and Heap Management should consult the companion diskette PASCALTUTOR which is also available. Readers new to Object-oriented Programming should start with the note OOPINTRO.TXT followed by VIRTUAL.TXT, consulting VMT.TXT when advised. Next the note EXAMPLES.TXT should be studied, referring to the example program code as necessary. The note COMPAT.TXT should now be read. To understand how to collect objects and transfer the collection to disk or elsewhere readers should then study STREAMS.TXT. Turbo Vision is best presented in the order: TVISION.TXT VIEWS.TXT DIALOG.TXT EVENTS.TXT HELPCOMP.TXT LIST.TXT 29.11.92 3.6.93