MPEG2P12.ZIP (c) 1993-95 by PHADE Software Mon Jan 16 12:39:52 EST 1995 ========================================================================= This is the MPEG to PPM converter running under DOS. Its based on the MPEG-decoder called "mpeg_play" by the Berkeley Research Group. The basic idea was coming from the PPM-patch by Jef Poskanzer. Many thanks to both. It was compiled with Gnu's DOS-port of their GCC-compiler, called DJGCC Version 2.4.1 and NDMAKE Version 4.5. So please read the GNU-License-file 'LICENSE.GNU'. The DOS executable in this distribution is named MPEG2PPM.EXE and there is a batch-file called MPEG2PPM.BAT for those that are not familiar with the DJGCC-package. The final extracted PPM-files can be displayed or converted with f.e. DISP160.ZIP. They are in 24-bit-format. If you want to know more about MPEG, read the file MPCDINFO.TXT ! SHAREWARE --------- MPEG2PPM is inexpensive shareware. If you are continuing using it after a 30 day trial-period, please send a letter containing the filled and signed registration-form and the little donation of 10 $ or 15 DM in cash to the adress below. The you will receive a PASSWORD enabling you to encrypt the full-licensed version shipped in the archive FULLMPEG.ZIP using the command 'pkunzip -spassword'. This will overwrite the shareware version of MPEG2PPM. ATTENTION: The dots the shareware version of MPEG2PPM produces are just delay, to force you to register. ATTENTION: A registration is recommended for commercial use. ATTENTION: The full-licensed version is restricted to a local area netword (company) or a privat single host. Please keep me up to date with everything thats new about MPEG by sending new source-code, utils, documents concerning MPEG-I or MPEG-II to the e-mail-adress below. NEEDS ----- Version 1.2 of MPEG2PPM is compiled with a version of DJGCC that allows the executable to running under DPMI (so even in a Windows-DOS-Box), but still needs at least a 386-machine. The Gnu-environment-executable 'GO32.EXE' has to be somewhere in the PATH. If running on a 386, the GNU-387-emulationfile 'EMU387' has to be, where the environment variable GO32 is pointing to, so if the emu-file is in D:\LIB enter: set GO32=emu d:/lib/emu387 and then just start the program by typing MPEG2PPM ifa.mpg CHANGES ------- Please do not recommend any big changes or any new versions of this program. Its working all right, doing its job and there is really NO need in enhancing it. But, if it should not work on any DOS-system, please report it with a complete description to the e-mail-adress below. That should do, Phade ---------------------------------------------------- PHADE SOFTWARE Leibnizstr. 30, 10625 Berlin, GERMANY Inh. Frank Gadegast Fon/Fax: +49 30 3128103