PHADE SOFTWARE and Hartmann Multimedia Service Inh. Frank Gadegast Dipl. Ing. Stefan Hartmann present ======================================================= The Internet MPEG CD-Rom Version 1.0 Monday Mar 6th 23:57:13 EST 1995 ======================================================= The "Internet MPEG CD-Rom" is a rather unique collection of Multimedia- Data stored in a compression-format called MPEG. It includes 600 MB of digital movies, sounds, songs and all utilities for composing, encoding and decoding, playing and rearranging this multimedia material. The "Internet MPEG CD-Rom" is especially compiled for those, who want to follow the digital multimedia revolution or who want to develop MPEG-utilities or create MPEG-compressed sounds or movies. The "Internet MPEG CD-Rom" is NOW available as an ISO-9660 conform CD-Rom disc! Readable on DOS, Windows, Windows-NT, OS/2, Ultrix, Unix, Mac's .... Installation programs and all needed viewers are included for Windows, Linux, SunOS and Solaris ... "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" includes the FAQs and MPEG utility programs, source-code, movies and information-files. Just everything about MPEG-I and now even MPEG-II. The CD-Rom includes (in addition to the versions which are stored on the ftp-Servers out there) all the versions of the programs and source-code, additional movies (including the audio-files) and lots of additional informations. Additional to any ftp-servers it contains special things, you can't find anywhere but here. Like a DOS-port of the Berkeley-MPEG-Encoder, other DOS-ports, a security-filter for MPEG-I-video- and -audiostreams called secmpeg and secmpaudio, some selfmade movies, new versions and utilities that were specially made for THIS CD-Rom and that you will never find on other media... Try and USE the Internet offline !!! To make the "Internet MPEG CD-Rom" interactive, one big hypertext- document explains and displays the whole contents of the archive, giving the user a powerful tool, called Cello, to browse through Megabytes of documentaton and to interactevly select and play hours and hours of music and movies. The whole archive itself is organized as one big hypertext-document. It includes a complete Wide-World-Web (WWW) document, the tools to use this document on Windows-, Windows-NT-, Linux-, SunOS- and Solaris- machines are included, most UNIX-hosts can include "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" into their hyptertext-services with a single link !!! You can find a few of all these WWW-documents as an example under the adress: URL= inside Germany or URL= world wide. "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" contains at least the following sections: 24,888,655 E:\AUDIO\MUSIC 20,583,631 E:\NVR 49,339,823 E:\AUDIO 12,108,204 E:\PHADESW 10,103,748 E:\BIN 3,000,035 E:\UTIL\AMIGA 640,532 E:\DEMO 152,576 E:\UTIL\DEC 11,618,223 E:\DOC 20,073,867 E:\UTIL\DOS 3,157,665 E:\FAQ 338,116 E:\UTIL\IRIX 189,569,667 E:\IUMA\MUSIC 5,390,454 E:\UTIL\MAC 191,150,646 E:\IUMA 1,802,240 E:\UTIL\NEXT 15,102,123 E:\MOVIES\IFRAME 2,152,491 E:\UTIL\OS2 99,083,167 E:\MOVIES\IPBFRAME 5,944,282 E:\UTIL\SPARC 114,185,290 E:\MOVIES 30,885,363 E:\UTIL\UNIX 52,781,148 E:\MPEG1 3,060,754 E:\UTIL\WINDOWNT 250,441 E:\MPEG2 4,042,098 E:\UTIL\WINDOWS 37,465,169 E:\NFM\MUSIC 76,842,276 E:\UTIL 37,537,740 E:\NFM 23,231,772 E:\VIDEOS 3,232,740 E:\WWW Total = 607,537,581 bytes Please be sure, to get always the most-up-to-date description of "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" before requesting it ! EMail to: or try to find the latest MPEGFAQ (current Version 3.2). Look at the date of this info file, something older than 6 months can't be up-to-date ! Be faster than the Internet and order now !!! Ordering can be done starting from the of MARCH 1995 (after the CeBit computer show). To obtain "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" you have the following choices: o fill the ORDER.FRM and send it via e-mail or fax it to Hartmann Multimedia Service (if paying with VISA-card only !) o fill the ORDER.FRM and send it via letter to Hartmann Multimedia Service (only VISA-card and cheques (German Marks only) accepted !) o order it in your book store via: ISBN-number: 3-930736-40-3 Title : The Internet MPEG CD-Rom Version 1.0 Publisher : Hartmann Multimedia Service Author : PHADE Software, Inh. Frank Gadegast o try our WWW-server and get the latest info via URL= o you can order at your local computer or CD-Rom shop (try to convince your local dealer to order from Hartmann Multimedia Service) ====================== cut here cut here cut here ======================= ORDER-FORM for "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" [Version 1.0] Mon Mar 5th 23:57:13 EST 1995 ======================================================= Please fill out this form carefully to order "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" Version 1.0. Then send it via letter to: Hartmann Multimedia Service Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Hartmann Keplerstr. 11 B 10589 Berlin, GERMANY Fon : ++ 49 30 344 23 66 Fax : ++ 49 30 344 92 79 E-Mail : FTP : in pub/harti WEB : The price of the MPEG-CD-Rom is DM 49.90, plus o DM 10 for shipping inside Germany o DM 15 for shipping inside Europe o DM 28 for shipping outside Europe. So, e.g. if you order one CD-Rom disc from inside Europe and pay via EC-cheque, fill the cheque with DM 64,90. Innerhalb Deutschland, setzen Sie bitte den Betrag von DM 59,90 in Ihren Euro- oder Verrechnungs-Scheck ein. Feel free to ask for our special price list for distributors, contributors or for special prices for bundling with other hard- and software. If you order several CD-Rom's, you only have to add the shipping fees once ! Exchange rate today is about : 1 US$ = 1.50 DM, but please fill out all cheques in German Deutsch Marks (DM) only !!! Please fill out the paragraph about the "commercial use". We just like to know, what our customers are using this product for ... ... and sign the rights paragraph ! Thanks. ========================================================= Name : _____________________________________ First Name : _____________________________________ Title : _____________________________________ Company : _____________________________________ Address : _____________________________________ Town : _____________________________________ Post code : _____________________________________ Country : _____________________________________ Phone : _____________________________________ Fax : _____________________________________ E-mail : _____________________________________ Enter here the number of CD-Rom's you want to order (defaults to 1): ( ) number of CD-Rom's I pay "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" by ... ( ) VISA-card, include your Card-Nr.: _____________________ Name of cardholder: _____________________ Expiration date: _____________________ ( ) EC-Cheque, please fill in DM (German Deutsch Marks, only !) ( ) Verrechnungsscheck (nur in Deutschland, only inside Germany) I received information about "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom" from: ( ) the Usenet ( ) Compuserve ( ) a Ftp-site, host-name : __________________________ ( ) a Mail-Box, name : __________________________ Fon : __________________________ ( ) a friend ( ) a college I intend to use the MPEG-CD-Rom for ( ) commercial purpose ( ) noncommercial purpose with the following description: ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= By signing this paragraph you agree to the following terms: The use of "The Internet MPEG CD-Rom Version 1.0" is limited to one local area network or one single computer. The re-use of parts of this CD-Rom disc or the whole CD-Rom without the written permission of PHADE Software and Hartmann Multimedia Service is strictly prohibited. Especially BBS systems, Mailboxes, Networks on the Internet, ftp- or HTTP- server or Online-Services like CompuServe(R) do NOT have the permission to re-use the contents of this CD-Rom for the benefit of their users. Please ask PHADE Software for that permission and Hartmann Multimedia Service for the conditions ! Some single programs, tools, documentation files or streams can be copied and used for whatever purpose, according to the limitations from the original authors, because they are Shareware or freeware. It is strictly prohibited to use the o installation files (like INSTALL.EXE, INSTALL.HLP, the install-scripts) o utilities copyrighted by PHADE Software (like DBMP.EXE, BROWSER.EXE, WINEXE.EXE), the CD-Rom documentation files o HTML-pages and their pictures o sound-, pictures-, text- and other files belonging into the audio- archives "IUMA", "NFM" or "BerlinBands" o all MPEG-streams that are not already available in the Internet, like most of the MPEG-1-systemstreams, other streams and the Intro, consisting of MPEGCD.M1V, MPEGCD.MPG, MPEGCD.MP2 and MPEGCD.WAV for another purpose than in conjuction with using this CD-Rom disc. A copy of those files for a different purpose is strictly prohibited and protected by German Law. The music of the Intro is copyrighted by Stefan Hartmann, Hartmann Multimedia Service, Berlin and should not be copied either. PHADE Software claims the compilation copyright. Other projects should not benefit from copying the structure, methods or utility-combinations developed, tested and used for this CD-Rom disc. ============= ====================================== (date) ^-- sign here ====================== cut here cut here cut here ======================= P.S.: Please contact PHADE Software, if you need special versions or special terms for using the "Internet MPEG CD-Rom". We will find a way ... PHADE Software Inh. Frank Gadegast Leibnizstr. 30 Fon/Fax: ++ 49 30 3128103 10625 Berlin E-Mail : GERMANY URL :