Want to broaden your horison? Go for it!

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Author : Akira
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : Cristianity and the crimes agenst pagana
Grade : 98%
System : High School
Age : 17
Country : USA
Authors Comments : good if you don't mind shocking your techer or it's a great techer
Teachers Comments : spelling and punctuation
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : a links
Date : 9/16/96

Author : mike
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : women in judaism
Grade : a-
System : fsu
Age : 19
Country : us
Authors Comments : a good paper
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address :
Date :

Author : Dan Alex
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : Night
Grade : B
System : college
Age : 19
Country : usa
Authors Comments : It is a book report on "Night" by Elie Weisel
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : From a friend
Date : 11\25\96

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Religion
Title : Why Study Religion?
Grade : 62%
System : University of Wales Lampeter
Age : 27
Country : Wales
Authors Comments : This was my first essay in the University
Teachers Comments : Very promising, good luck with the future.
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : I can't really say until I see its full potential.
Date : November 1994

Author : T.B
Email : killjoy@manistee-isd.k12.mi.us
Language : English
Subject : Religion
Title : Who is Jesus
Grade : 25/25
System : Central Michigan University
Age : 22
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Yahoo
Date : 11-29-96

Author :
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : The Priesthood
Grade : 10
System : Richmond Burton CHS
Age : 15
Country : U.S.
Authors Comments : A short paper concerning the priesthood
Teachers Comments : none
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : link from report/essay database
Date : 11/22/96

Author : Clifford Toles
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Religion
Title : Christianity Today
Grade : A+
System : S.U.N.Y Canton
Age : 20
Country : United States
Authors Comments : I Love it.
Teachers Comments : Great Job!
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : reffered by a friend
Date : 11/21/96

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Religion
Title : Shipping in the Book of Acts
Grade : 80
System : University
Age : 21
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : Examines Shipping during the time of St.Paul, drawing on available data from his gospel
Teachers Comments : Thorough, Great Bibliography
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Term Paper Emporium
Date : 1995

Author : Jonathon Gamet
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Religion
Title : Satan
Grade : 84%
System : College
Age : 20
Country : USA
Authors Comments : Used to describe personal views
Teachers Comments : Good paper
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : By accident
Date : 10-15-96

Author :
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : Comparison between Gita Govinda and The Song of Solomon
Grade : 75
System : SUNY
Age : 21
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address :
Date : 11/20/96

Author : john scarchilli
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : Moses
Grade : 85
System : college
Age : 18
Country : usa
Authors Comments : nice paper
Teachers Comments : i love this kid
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : bend over and i'll show you
Date : 11/20/96

Author : Brian Thompson
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : The Role of Women in the Church
Grade : A
System : High School
Age : 18
Country : USA
Authors Comments : Did a ton of reading and a lot of background stuuf for this
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : web search
Date : 5/28/95

Author : Tim Williams
Email : Tim@cyberjunkie.com
Language : English
Subject : Religion
Title : Mother Teresa
Grade : 10th
System : private
Age : 16
Country : USA
Authors Comments : Great Essay.
Teachers Comments : got an A
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : from a friend
Date : Nov 9th

Author : Mike
Email : Mzolo@aol.com
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : Meaning of death in Hinduism
Grade : 100%
System : Univercity
Age : 20
Country : usa
Authors Comments : This assay was written and submitted in 2 classes Eastern religions and Meaning Of death
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address :
Date : 05/94

Author :
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : Homosexuality, Morality, and Human Rights
Grade : 82
System : Universtiy
Age : 23
Country : Canada
Authors Comments : position paper, based exclusively on own arguments, no references
Teachers Comments : well done, written. effective argumentation
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : termpapers on lin
Date : September 23, 1996

Author : john smith
Email : smith@no.com
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : trinity
Grade : 100
System : college
Age : 20
Country : us
Authors Comments : great reading, written by knowledge
Teachers Comments : great
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : searchin' searchin'
Date : 11-09-96

Author : fgdjfgj
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : sddfhdfs
Grade : s
System : sdag
Age : asdg
Country : sadg
Authors Comments : sadag
Teachers Comments : sadgsadg
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : sdgsdag
Date : sdgsadg

Author : Jay York
Email : jyork@beaches.net
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : Martin Luther
Grade : 95 A
System : Community College
Age : 19
Country : USA
Authors Comments : A great paper that took me forever to write.
Teachers Comments : In need of a thesis statement
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Webcrawler
Date : 11-10-96

Author : Alia Mohammed
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Religion
Title : Hume
Grade : A
System : College
Age : 20
Country : America
Authors Comments : This a good paper for High school and college students
Teachers Comments : Good Job!
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Yahoo
Date : 09/25/95

Author :
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : Mormonism
Grade : B (87%)
System : California State University
Age : 23
Country : United States
Authors Comments : History and analysis of Mormonism in America
Teachers Comments : Good paper
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Alta Vista
Date : Fall 1995

Author :
Email :
Language : English
Subject : Religion
Title : The Book of Job
Grade : 98
System : Private
Age : 18
Country : USA
Authors Comments : This paper is a short, handy review-about 2 pages typed out
Teachers Comments : Excellently described the Book of Job in succint fashion
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Links
Date : March 24, 1994

Author : Michael Shell
Email :
Language : english,mostly
Subject : Religion
Title : Was Paul A Male chavinist?
Grade : A
System : Mercer University
Age : 38
Country : USA
Authors Comments :
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : Yahoo
Date : 25 July 1996

Author :
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey
Grade : B
System : Hofstra University
Age : 21
Country : USA
Authors Comments : Book report
Teachers Comments : none
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : surfpoint
Date : 10-29-96

Author :
Email :
Language : english
Subject : Religion
Title : divine foreknowledge
Grade : 83%
System : university
Age : 26
Country : usa
Authors Comments : concerns nelson pike and boethius
Teachers Comments :
Where I got Evil House of Cheat Address : yahoo
Date : 092496

Uploader: -
Email: cisco@basenet.net
Language: English
Subject: English or Religon, on exodus
Title: The Journeys of Moses through the wilderness
Grade: 96%
System: High School
Age: 14
Country: USA
Comments: A good essay telling the reader About Moses Journey through the wilderness to the promised land. Good Essay
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 1996 22:11:40 -0500
Uploader: -
Email: mattstu@bconnex.net
Language: English
Subject: English
Title: This is a essay I wrote about hate crimes in our society.
Grade: 95%
System: -
Age: -
Country: Canada
Comments: This is a essay I wrote about hate crimes in our society.
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 96 17:53:49 -0700
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