======================= = = = Hand to Hand Combat = = = ======================= PREFACE: The methods used herein are for your knowledge. These methods are not to be used to attack someone but used for defending one's person. Be very careful when practicing any manuver, rather it is in this file or not. Remember, the best form of self-defence is by talking the problem out first. If that doesn't resolve the matter, KICK THE SHIT OUT OF THE MOTHER! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadly parts of the Human Body : Eyes- Temporary or permanent blindness can be induced by several means, first - More (Y)/N/NS? by forming a "V" shape with your index and middle fingers and driving them into your opponent's eyes, keeping a stiff wrist and fingers. Done with force this can be permanent. The thumb or middle knuckle can be used in gouging the eyes. Nose- The nose is an extremely culnerable point of attack. It can be struck with the knife edge of the hand, across the bridge. This will cause breakage, sharp pain, temporary blindness, and, if the blow is hard enough, death, as the nose bone hit with force can be driven up into the brain. Another method of attacking the nose is to deliver an upward blow with the heel of your hand. This will have the same effect as the blow on the bridge. Adam's apple- The Adam's apple is usually pretty hard to get at, because anyone who values his life has learned to keep his chin down, but if you find you do have an opening, strike a hard blow with the knife edge of your hand. This can either be a forearm or backarm blow. Chances are, if you connect with a hard blow, your enemy will die, with a severed windpipe, but if the blow was only partially effective, you may find your enemy in severe pain or gagging. Another method of attack on a subject's Adam's apple is squeezing it between your forefinger and thumb. Temple- An enemy can easily be killed by a sharp blow to the temple, as there are a large nerve and an arteries close to the skin. A heavy blow delivered with the knife edge of your hand will kill instantly. A moderate blow to the temple will cause severe pain and concussion. If you succeed in knocking your enemy down, kick him hard in the temple with the toe of your boot. It will insure that he will never get up again. Nape of the neck- A rabbit punch, or blow delivered with the knife edge of the hand to the base of the neck, can easily kill a subject by breaking his neck, but to be safe it is better to use another weapon, such as a butt of a gun, or a hammer. If you can knock your opponent to the ground, apply a kick to the back of his neck with either a kneedrop or the heel of your boot. Generally speaking, the side or heel of the boot is a better weapon than the toe, as it tends to slide off the object it is attacking. Upper lip- The point where the nose cartilage joins the upper section of the jaw is where a large network of nerves is located. This network of nerves is extremely close to the skin, and a sharp upward blow, with the knife edge of your hand, will cause extreme pain and unconsciousness. Ears- Coming up behind the enemy and cupping the hands in a clapping motion over the victim's ears can kill him almost immediately. The vibrations caused from the clapping along with the air pressure will burst the victim's eardrums and cause internal bleeding in the brain. Also, by sticking a sharp object into the victim's ear can also kill. Chin- Ever since the cowboy movies got a firm hold on the American people, every other punch has been directed at the chin. The chin isn't that vulnerable. An effective blow can be delivered with the heel of the hand, but stay away from swinging with a closed fist. More fingers are broken and wrists sprained by people swinging with a closed fist. Groin- This is the one spot that everyone who has ever been in a fight is conscious of and tries to defend. If it is left open, attack viciously with your knee in an upward motion. A person can also use his fist or heel, especially if he manages to floor his opponent. If enough pressure is given at a sharp rate to the groin, you can kill your opponent due to internal bleeding or if the blow wasn't that sharp then the most you could do is cause great pain to the victim including muscle spasm or lose of breath. Solar Plexus- The solar plexus is a large network of nerves located at the bottom of the rib cage. A blow should be struck slightly upward with the protruding knuckle of the middlefinger. A sharp blow can cause severe pain and unconsciousness. Spine- The spinal column houses the spinal nerves, and a well-directed blow to this region can easily kill or paralyze an enemy. The only really effective means of delivery for a blow of this sort is after you succeed in knocking your enemy to the ground. The blow can be made by either the knee, elbow, heel, or toe. It should be directed about two inches above the belt line, as this is where the spine is least protected. Kidneys- A large nerve that branches off the spinal cord comes very close to the kidneys, and a direct blow to the kidneys can cause death. To attack this area, you can either use the knife edge of your hand or a fist that is folded at the second knuckle. If you have knocked your opponent to the ground, a blow maybe delivered with the toe or heel. Collar bone- A sharp blow delivered with either your elbow or the knife edge of your hand can break the collar bone and bring an enemy to his knee. Floating ribs- The floating ribs are sensitive parts of the body and can either be attack from the front or back. It is best to attack and deliver a blow to the enemy's right side, since this is where his liver is located. A stunning blow can effectively be delivered by using the knife edge of your hand or, if you have managed to down your opponent, you can kill your him with a kick from your heel, elbow, knee, or toes. Remember always that you are not engaged in a high school fight, you are fighting for your life, and therefore should use full force at all times. Stomach- There are many combinations of blows which can from a basic attack pattern, but one of the most basic is a blow to the stomach. Excepting the solar plexus, the stomach is an area which cannot be treated as an end in itself, rather as a starting point for a series of blows. The best way to strike the stomach and get maximum penetration is to go at it with a fist formed by folding the fingers at the second knuckle, and stricking deeply with a slightly upswing. A blow to the stomach will cause your enemy to bend deeply forward. When this occures, either strike your enemy full force with your knee in his face, or employ a well-directed rabbit punch to the base of his neck. Armpits- A large network of nerves is very close to the skin in the armpits. The great problem with a first strike to this area is of its lack of accessibility. For that reason, it is more likely that you would attack this area after you managed to bring your opponent to the ground, and are in control of his arm. An attack should be led by a toe or heel kick. A sharp blow to this area will cause severe pain and temporary partial paralysis. Instep- The instep bones are located within the arches of your feet. The bones in the instep are very small and weak, and can be broken quite easily. A stomp, using the edge of your right foot to your enemy's right instep, is effective and at the same time protects your groin area. The instep is an area to remember, as it is almost never defended or protected, and, if directly attacked, can render an enemy immobiled in severe pain. This attack area is also useful for breaking an opponent's grip, especially if he is holding you from the back (i.e., a full nelson). Knee- Kick your enemy's kneecap by delivering a blow with the edge of your boot, not with the toe, as it is liable to slip off, and leave your enemy unharmed. The blow should come on an upward swing to catch the underneath of the kneecap and rip the cartilage and ligaments. This will cause severe pain and affect mobility. If you manage to get behind your enemy, a blow to the knee can just as easily and effectively be delivered. Shoulder- If you manage to get hold of an opponent's arm, it takes very little strength to twist it, thus causing dislocation. This operation should be performed quickly. It is not the job of a guerrilla fighter to torture his enemy. He should dispose of him as fast as possible. The twisting action involved in this operation might remind one of a half nelson or hammer lock performed quickly with the object in mind to create disability rather than pain. This type of action can also be performed well if you have managed to bring your opponent to the ground. It can be followed by a knee drop to the spinal cord, which will result in paralysis or death. Elbow- The joint in the elbow is one of the weakest points in the body, and canbe dislocated or broken with a relatively forceful blow. Grasp your enemy's wrist or forearm and pull it behind him. This will cause his arm to stiffen. As you are doing this, strike a sharp blow with the heel of your hand to the backside of his stiffened elbow. This will result, depending on the strength of the blow, in either dislocation or breakage. Wrist- A wristlock is useful for several reasons. Most importantly, an enemy can be controlled in this position. A wristlock is nothing more than placing both thumbs on the back of an opponent's hand and bending it at a righ angle to the forearm. This will produce extreme pain and loss of balance. Fingers- The fingers are an important consideration, because more than half the blows your enemy is capable of delivering entail the use of fingers, in one form or another. The fingers can be broken in several ways. One of the most effective ways is by using the left hand as a lever; Grasp the wrist and pry it down, while at the same time bend, with the right hand, the middle and index fingers back. This will cause breakage. This operation can be used to break many grips. Tail bone- Hitting the tail bone is a very effective way to disable your opponent quickly. The hard thing about this is that it would be almost impossible to break the bone of a very stocky person or of someone who is very heavy as they have a large amount of padding. Skinner people's tail bone usually can be easily broken. Breaking the tail bone requires a swift hard kick in the anal cavity. Once the tailbone has been broken, your opponent may not be able to stand for quite a few months. If you don't break the tail bone, you will just cause a great amount of pain him instead. ============================================================================ A word of caution should be noted at this point. These operations should be practiced before they are used. As with almost everything else, just reading about techniques is not good enough. One must practice and become skillful, fast, and precise. In training yourself, you should never forget that only a small amount of pressure is capable of killing or maiming an individual. Therefore, take it easy on your training partner.