Yo ho, yo ho. This is Tanjent, also known as Austin Appleby, with his wonderfully boring foray into the field of fire algorithms. (Say that three times fast...) Anyway, FIREWALL.ASM is the real program, RAND.C and FIREPAL.C are the C programs that generated RAND.LST and FIRE.PAL respectively, etc. etc. This is mainly geared towards beginners in assembly language such as myself, so don't think i'm just weird and that I get a kick out of commenting code. Standard disclaimers apply, if you use this thing in a program of yours please send me a postcard or give me some kind of credit, and noone under any circumstances can distribute this silly lil' thing without my permission. Though why anyone would want to is completely beyond me. Have fun, and enjoy the flames. Tanjent, a.k.a. Austin Appleby appleby@mail.utexas.edu Oh, and if Mike Ellison is reading this, send me your E-mail address!