ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This file was Leeched from Communications Barrier BBS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ þ Assembly, C, Pascal Coding þ Coding tutorials & docs ³ ³ þ Home of Catchýý Demo group þ New files from Internet daily ³ ³ þ Apocalyptic Visions Distro þ Drivers, HDD's & Hardware info ³ ³ þ All Oz Scene groups supported þ Disk Magazines, Art packs ³ ³ þ Madness, FidoNet & local conf's þ Sysops: Merlin & Clef ³ ³ ³ ³ Node 1: +61.3.9585.1112 9600-33.6k V.34+,V.34,V.fc ³ ³ Node 2: +61.3.9583.6119 2400-28.8k V.fc ³ ³ ³ ³ 1685 R/W Mb online + 1 CD-ROM. Easy login with full access 1st call. TCB is ³ ³ dedicated to hardware, programming, demos, sound, the Oz Scene as well as a ³ ³ collection of the usual stuff. TCB Aims to be one of Oz's best FREE BBS's. ³ ³ ³ ³ Running RemoteAccess 2.02+ with all the good utils onboard. ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄWhy payÄthruÄyourÄassÄforÄInternet,ÄwhenÄit'sÄallÄhere,ÄforÄfree?ÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ