ATTENTION ALL OOBErs and ASTRAL PROJECTORS ANNOUNCING THE RELEASE OF A TEXT FILE ******HOW TO ASTRAL PROJECT********* by Don DeGracia HOW TO ASTRAL PROJECT is an about 100 page document covering all the major facets of inducing the astral projection/OOBE/Lucid dream experience. This document is intended for both beginners and advanced students in the art of leaving the body. Beginners will learn specific and detailed methods for achieving the OOBE state and advanced students can pick up alternative views of the theory of projection as well as helpful hints on what to do and where to go in the OOBE state. Major topics include: - The various theories of the projection/OOBE experience. - Detailed methods utilizing dream and trance techniques. - A detailed study of the OOBE realm, including scenery, inhabitants, and what to expect during an OOBE. - Numerous personal experiences from the author's astral projection journal. - And more too! ***WHAT TO GET*** HOW TO ASTRAL PROJECT is being distributed on the internet in two forms: 1. DO_OBE.ZIP - this is a ZIP archive containing the entire document. It is for PC compatible machines. File size is 188,144 bytes. 2. DO_OBE.TXT - this is a straight ASCII file of HOW TO ASTRAL PROJECT intended for any platform that can read ASCII files. This is an uncompressed ASCII file. File size is 492,426 bytes. If you are on a PC and use PKUNZIP 2.04g, get DO_OBE.ZIP. For everyone else. get DO_OBE.TXT. ***FTP SITES*** DO_OBE.ZIP and DO_OBE.TXT are available via FTP from two sites: 1. Senthil R. Kumar has kindly provided the following site: FTP to: Initially the files will be in the directory /pub/incoming They will eventually be moved to the directory /pub/OBE (Thank you, Senthil!) 2. Copies of DO_OBE.ZIP and DO_OBE.TXT are also available on the public Theosophy archive (Charlotte, NC). FTP to login as anonymous (pwd e-mail address) Files are in the directory /pub/theos-l Also note, the author has other documents about altered states of consciousness and psychic powers available in 1. dondeg01.txt - This is a text file that discusses hallucinogenic drugs from both a scientific and occult perspective. By Don DeGracia 2. dondeg02.txt - This is a text file that discusses the practical side of developing psychic abilities. By Don DeGracia 3. theo.exe Windows Help file; self extracting zip;by Don DeGracia Introduction to Theosophy. Lottsa nice pictures and lots of text. Written with a scientific slant. 4. theo.uu uu encoded theo.exe Well, that should cover all you need to get HOW TO ASTRAL PROJECT by FTP. I hope those of you that read this find it useful and helpful. If you want to contact me, my e-mail address is provided in the document. Thanks everybody. Don DeGracia