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Getting a new I.D. ------------------ There are a few ways you can go about this, but I'll only look into two of them here. The first way has a few conditions that most people may not be able to meet, but is damn easy if you can. The most important thing is that you have a relative, fairly close to your age, living in some far off country (like Russia, Turkey, etc.). Now, you need this guy to mail you his BIRTH CERTIFICATE. This may not be the easiest thing in the world, but if he doesn't care, or doesn't need it... Now, take some government envelopes (bills, etc.) and remove the lables. Print up new ones with the name on the birth certificate and paste them on. Take verything you've got down to the video store, and get a card. FIGHT the temptation to rent a PSX and run, better things are comming. Take the card, birth certificate and envelopes and get some other forms of I.D. Anything you can think of, Consession cards, library cards, whatever. Now, it starts to get good. Take all this down to Vic Roads. You now have enough I.D to get you L's. Get these and wait (if you're now over 18 it won't be long) and lay low. Collect your P's. The second, and a tad harder, way. This might require some smooth talking, so if you're not up to it, forget it! What you have to do is head down to the STATE LIBRARY. (If you can't find that, you're in real trouble!) Ask to see the registary of deaths for Aust. Now, pick out a guy, from the other side of Aust. who would be around your are if he were still alive. Go to the desk, tell them you're either reaserching your family history, or doing a geaneology project for school. Ask them for info on how to order a copy of their DEATH and BIRTH certificates. They will tell you how, it may however involve a small charge. Now, take these, and print up labels for a few government envelopes as above. Grab the lot and head down to the video store, library, etc. Oh yeah! You're goin to need a fake address. Anon. P.O boxes aren't bad.. But I wouldn't use one. Empty apartments in big buildings, or flats are good. Empty houses aren't bad either. You should now have a big bunch of cards saying you're someone else. Try RENTING a VERY cheap flat under the fake I.D's. You now have REAL bills to your new name! You have enough I.D to get almost anything except a drivers license or passport (they won't accept photo copies of birth certificate). You now have a few choices. You can live under your new name peacfully, or you can make some cash. If you want cash, go to SS and register for the dole under your new name. You have MORE then enough I.D. Or, you can head down to BRASHS or some similar store, and but goods six months interest free. All they need is you DRIVERS LICENCE!!!! Another use is to just carry them. If you're ever busted by the cops, uses you fake I.D. It even checks out! The possabilities are endless, use you imagination. Renting things is also cool. Whew! Now that that's over with, I'll move on to my next feature, simple (but extreamly strong) explosives. Now, some people out there will already be screaming. I know a large number of you may already know this information, but, like everyone else, you too were once ignorant. You all had to start somewhere, so bear with me..... Right, so you want to build a simple explosive. Why? I don't care. This is what you'll need. Gunpowder (from shotgun shells, if you can't get a can) OR Rocket Engines (hobby shop) A metal pipe, about 15cm long, 3cm wide. End caps to fit the pipe, or some other way to seal it. A packet of Sparklers. A drill bit about the width of a sparkler. A Drill. Epoxy glue. Tissues. Now, if you've got gunpowder good, if not, keep reading. What you need to do is dismantel the Rocket Engine. You do this by cutting the thick cardboard body, then removing it. Take the blackish stick of fuel and place it in a plastic bag. Place this bag in another bag and so on about 7 times. Take a LARGE pair of pliers, and through the bags, begin to SLOWLY crush the stick. It's unbelievably hard, so it'll take some time. Just don't HIT it, SQUEEZE it! Now, take the semi crushed powder and place it in some container. What you need now is a mortar and pestal. If you don't own one, steal it from school. Use this to CAREFULLY grind the engine into a very fine powder. Grind SMALL amounts at a time, to minimize risk. If you can't get a mortal and pestal, just crush the stick as finely as you can. Take your time, this is VERY important. Take your pipe and drill. Drill the hole near the center of the pipe. Take your end cap (hardwarehouse is good for this stuff) and seal the pipe. Use epoxy around the seal if you have it. Take a tissue and stuff it down the pipe. Tap it lightly into place. Take the gun powder (or crushed rocket engine) and fill the pipe to JUST BELOW the hole. Push the sparkler through the hole, TOP FIRST, so that the part sticking into the pipe is SPARKLER, not plain wire. Continue filling the pipe until nearly full. Place a few tissues into the pipe, and tap down LIGHTLY. If you didn't do it lightly, your hands, face, etc. are now scattered around the room, and you are slowly bleeding to you death, so do it LIGHTLY! Screw on the other end cap, and epoxy around the joint. That's it, it's done! You now have in you posession a simple, strong, and damn dangerous bomb. To use, place it somewhere, and light the sparkler. You have about one minute to RUN LIKE HELL. Be careful with this, the resulting explosion is not only EXTREAMLY loud, but strong. Placed properly, it'll take out a small car. (depending on the grade of powder and thickness of pipe used, and the size of the fuse hole.) What you do with it now is your problem. If you get busted doing something like this in Aust., you're in DEEP SHIT! They will come down on you like a ton of bricks, so don't get caught, and don't mention us! Well, that's all from this issue. With any luck I might stay on and help write more issues. If you have any good (or bad) experiences with anything here, be sure to let us know. Who knows, we might even get an issue out of it:) Cya... CandyMAN ---------------------- THE END OF CLASS WAR 3 ---------------------- YOU CAN STOP READING FOREVER FROM NOW ON! THE MANDATORY FLAME: -------------------- My lawyer's better than your lawyer...