Hi folks, This is the seventh incremental "over-the-board" update to my virus collections released in the last year or two. Many of you were "complaining" about having to download the whole file when only minor additions were made. True, some of the collections have grown quite large and for those of you without too many download credits that would be a pain in the butt :) Below you'll find the list of all released collections up to October 1st 1996. As of that date only "over-the-board" updates will be released. Maybe I will release the complete collections annually for those of you who want "clean" and "sorted" files. The only exception to this system is the VDAT database. Releasing minor updates to this file is not feasible. It will only be released as a complete file everytime an update is ready. These incremental updates will be released whenever the amount of new material warrants it but I'm initially looking at once a month. The updates will be named in a CCTXXXX.ZIP format where XXXX is the month/year combination. This release is named CCTX0497.ZIP accordingly. Hopefully this system will make the collections more accessible to all who want them. Greets to all, <-Cicatrix-|04/97> History: - CCTX1096.ZIP - 1 October 1996 - IVRLUPD1.ZIP => renamed to CJUPDAT1.ZIP CJUPDAT2 ZIP 09/29/96 15:06 4618 DCUPDAT3 ZIP 09/29/96 12:16 2401 IVUPDAT3 ZIP 09/29/96 15:16 46817 MTUPDAT3 ZIP 09/29/96 12:00 1018 MVUPDAT4 ZIP 09/29/96 14:34 8943 NRLGUPD6 ZIP 09/29/96 14:59 648 PMUPDT13 ZIP 09/29/96 15:21 6308 SIUPDAT1 ZIP 09/29/96 11:59 1614 TUTUPDT4 ZIP 09/29/96 12:01 3055 VBBUPDT1 ZIP 09/29/96 13:03 3055 VDUPDAT8 ZIP 09/29/96 12:12 4630 VOFCAUP1 ZIP 09/29/96 12:20 1604 - CCTX1196.ZIP - 1 November 1996 CKUPDAT3 ZIP 11/01/96 12:00 3256 NDUPDAT1 ZIP 11/01/96 12:00 8723 PMUPDT14 ZIP 11/01/96 12:00 70028 SMEGUPD2 ZIP 11/01/96 12:00 9732 TDUPDAT3 ZIP 11/01/96 12:00 27387 TUTUPDT5 ZIP 11/01/96 12:00 9732 WVUPDAT1 ZIP 11/01/96 12:00 34469 - CCTX1296.ZIP - 1 December 1996 IVCCUPD5 ZIP 12/01/96 12:00 12114 MVUPDAT5 ZIP 12/01/96 12:00 230120 PMUPDT15 ZIP 12/01/96 12:00 6908 TUTUPDT6 ZIP 12/01/96 12:00 54439 VDUPDAT9 ZIP 12/01/96 12:00 19752 WVUPDAT2 ZIP 12/01/96 12:00 8360 - CCTX0197.ZIP - 1 January 1997 BVUPDAT1 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 9599 DCUPDAT4 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 5466 GGUPDAT2 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 2163 HTC_UPD2 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 2636 IVUPDAT4 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 739 MVUPDAT6 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 216591 PMUPDT16 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 46375 TUTUPDT7 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 51975 VDUPDT10 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 38423 VOFCAUP1 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 979 WVUPDAT3 ZIP 01/01/97 12:00 434268 - CCTX0297.ZIP - 1 February 1997 BVUPDAT2 ZIP 02/01/97 12:00 85363 IVCCUPD6 ZIP 02/01/97 12:00 2379 IVUPDAT5 ZIP 02/01/97 12:00 6037 MVUPDAT7 ZIP 02/01/97 12:00 276148 NRLGUPD7 ZIP 02/01/97 12:00 36105 PMUPDT17 ZIP 02/01/97 12:00 4010 TUTUPDT8 ZIP 02/01/97 12:00 61477 - CCTX0397.ZIP - 1 March 1997 BVUPDAT3 ZIP 03/01/97 12:00 2344 MVUPDAT8 ZIP 03/01/97 12:00 163907 PMUPDT18 ZIP 03/01/97 12:00 9996 WVUPDAT4 ZIP 03/01/97 12:00 61163 - CCTX0497.ZIP - 1 April 1997 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ÿFile Name ³ ³ Size ³ Description ÿVRC - Cicatrix Releases ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ANARKICK.ZIP 39k Anarkick Systems - Lucifer Messiah and Nameless One, some of their viruses. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> ARCVUPD6.ZIP 124k ARCV (Association of Really Cruel Viruses) - A collection (45) of their viruses. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> Update 6. AUSINHCK.ZIP 334k Australian Institute of Hackers - a collection of viruses and tutorials of this now disbanded Australian virus group. <-Cicatrix-|10/95> BETABOYS.ZIP 44k BetaBoys / F.P.C.P. / A.N.O.I. - A collection of viruses of this evolving Swedish virus writing group. <-Cicatrix-|09/95> BWUPDAT4.ZIP 177k Biological Warfare - The creation tools [(c) Mnemonix] and some of their products. <-Cicatrix-|07/95> Update 4. CKUPDAT2.ZIP 64k Crypt Keeper - A collection of his viruses. <-Cicatrix-|04/95>. Update 2. CRIMINAL.ZIP 6k Criminal Behaviour - some of his viruses. <-Cicatrix-|03/95> DANUPDT4.ZIP 852k Digital Anarchy [DAN] - A collection of 40+ viruses , 2 polymorphic engines and 9 magazines (Minotauro) released by this Argentine virus group. <-Cicatrix-|09/96> Update 4 DARKANGL.ZIP 247k Dark Angel - a small collection of viruses and tools created by one of the pioneers of the scene. <-Cicatrix-|11/95> DBUPDAT2.ZIP 45k Deathboy [NuKE] - A collection of his viruses. <-Cicatrix-|04/95> Update 2. DCUPDAT2.ZIP 179k Dark Conspiracy - a collection of viruses and a Macro Virus kit by this recent addition to the VX-scene. <-Cicatrix-|09/96> Update 2 DYUPDAT4.ZIP 118k Demoralized Youth - A collection of their viruses. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> Update 4. EAUPDAT4.ZIP 79k Evil Avatar - A collection of his viruses and techniques. <-Cicatrix-|04/96>. Update 4. GGUPDAT1.ZIP 60k GROG - A collection of 51 viruses created by this Italian virus writer. <-Cicatrix-|05/96> Update 1 HELLRAIS.ZIP 37k Hellraiser - A collection of some of his viruses <-Cicatrix-|04/95> HTC_UPD1.ZIP 237k Havoc The Chaos - A virus and tool collection. <-Cicatrix-05/95> Update 1 IEASUPD2.ZIP 133k Immortal EAS - A collection of viruses, tools and the first magazine of this new Dutch virus writing group. <-Cicatrix-|05/96> Update 2 IRUPDAT5.ZIP 373k Immortal Riot - A collection of their viruses. <-Cicatrix-|12/95> Update 5. IVCCUPD4.ZIP 156k Immortal EAS Virus Creation Centre - A collection of many viruses produced by two versions of this Dutch virus creation tool. <-Cicatrix-|09/96> Update 4 IVRLUPD1.ZIP 53k IVRL - a collection of Italian made, (mostly hacked by Cracker Jack) viruses. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> Update 1 IVUPDAT2.ZIP 178k Instant Virus Production 1.0 & 1.7 - the virus creation tools [(c) Admiral Bailey / YAM] and many of their products. <-Cicatrix-|09/95> Update 2 KTUPDAT3.ZIP 103k Kohntark - A collection of his viruses and tools. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> Update 3. LAVIUPD3.ZIP 105k LAboratoria de VIrus 1.3 - Virus creation tool [(c) Father Mac] and many of the results. <-Cicatrix-|09/96> Update 3 LLUPDAT1.ZIP 94k Little Loc / Priest - A virus collection. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> LZUPDAT2.ZIP 325k Lord Zero - a collection of his viruses and a Trojan Horse Maker. <-Cicatrix-|12/95>. Update 2 MLUPDAT3.ZIP 26k Memory Lapse (P/S) - A collection of his viruses. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> Update 3. MTUPDAT2.ZIP 47k Mr. Twister [NuKE] - A collection of his viruses. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> Update 2 MVUPDAT3.ZIP 361k Macro Viruses - A collection of several macro viruses, the Macro Virus Develop- ment Kit, a VX Macro turorial and FAQ and sveral essays on the phenomenon. "How to make 'm" and "How to get rid Update 3.<-Cicatrix-|09/96> MXUPDAT6.ZIP 230k MnemoniX - A collection of his work, viruses and tools. <-Cicatrix-|12/95> Update 6. NIKADEMS.ZIP 50k Nikademus - A collection of his viruses. <-Cicatrix-|02/95> NOWHEREM.ZIP 339k Nowhere Man [NuKE] - a collection of his viruses and other work. <-Cicatrix-|03/95> NRLGUPD5.ZIP 284k NuKE Randomic Life Generator 0.66B - a virus creation tool [(c) Azrael] and its products. <-Cicatrix-|09/96> Update 5 PMUPDT12.ZIP 681k PolyMutaEncr - A collection of polymorphic engines, mutators and encryption engines. <-Cicatrix-|09/96> Update 12 QMUPDAT5.ZIP 259k "Q" The Misanthrope - A collection of his viruses. <-Cicatrix-|11/95> Update 5. RBUPDAT2.ZIP 165k RABID Inc. - a collection of their viruses <-Cicatrix-|05/95>. Update 2 RJUPDAT2.ZIP 43k Rajaat - a collection of viruses and a polymorphic engine by this British virus writer. <-Cicatrix-|09/96> Update 2 ROCKSTDY.ZIP 136k Rock Steady [NuKE] - A collection of his viruses and other work <-Cicatrix-|02/95> SBUPDAT7.ZIP 87k Stormbringer - A collection of his viruses. <-Cicatrix-|04/95> Update 7. SECINFEC.ZIP 56k Sector Infector - a collection of mostly hacked viruses by this group/individual AKA The Weasel. <-Cicatrix-|11/95> SMEGUPD1.ZIP 101k Simulated Metamorphic Encryption Device (SMEG) - [(c) Black Baron]. A collection of 3 known SMEG viruses, a biography and more SMEG related material. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> SXUPDATE.ZIP 64k Stalker-X [NuKE] - a collection of 6 viruses and 2 virus kits by this South African virus writer.<-Cicatrix-|11/95> TALNUPD2.ZIP 63k T„l”n - A collection of his work <-Cicatrix-|05/95> Update 2 TDUPDAT2.ZIP 591k TridenT - A collection of viruses, tools, code and sources of this Dutch virus writing group. Extensive overhaul with major .ASM additions thanx to Omega at Arrested Development. Update 2 <-Cicatrix-|05/95> TUTUPDT3.ZIP 482k Virus Tutorials - a collection of virus tutorials by Dark Angel, Rock Steady, Ratboy, Qark, Australian Parasite, Black Wolf, Digital Anarchy and others. <-Cicatrix-|02/96> VBB_COLL.ZIP 246k Virus Bit & Bytes - A new addition to the VX scene, 3 e-zines containing a lot of Word Macro info. <-Cicatrix-|09/96> VCS-COLL.ZIP 38k Virus Construction Set 1.0 - a virus creation tool [(c) VDV] and some of the products. <-Cicatrix-|04/95> VDAT170 .ZIP 1545k VDAT 1.7 - " The Viral Database". Is VSUM not enough, or incomplete for your "viral needs"?. Try VDAT for everything "that VSUM does not cover". A collection of informative files VDUPDAT7.ZIP 466k VLAD - A collection of their viruses, including "Bizatch", the first W95 virus.<-Cicatrix-|04/96>. Update 7 VGUPDAT7.ZIP 626k ûirogen - A collection of his viruses and utilities. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> Update 7. VIRGRAFF.ZIP 255k Virulent Graffiti - a collection of their magazines and virusses. <-Cicatrix-|05/95> VOFCACOL.ZIP 38k Virus and Other Fine Code Authors - Their initial releases, 3 viruses and a de/encrypting tool.<-Cicatrix-|09/96> WINVCOLL.ZIP 226k Windows Viruses - a collection of tools and viruses aimed at or made for the MS Windows Operating System. <-Cicatrix-|10/96> YMUPDAT3.ZIP 187k Youths Against McAfee - A collection of their work, viruses and tools. <-Cicatrix-|05/95>. Update 3