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CO2 CANISTER BOMB Take a Co2 canister and cut the top almost off but leave a little to form a hinge. Let out the Co2 and insert a M80 into it. Insert fuse throught hole in top. Close the top by welding or epoxy glue. When ready to ignite just light... Pretty neat eh? UNSTABLE EXPLOSIVES Mix solid Nitric Iodine with househould ammonia. Wait overnight and then pour off the liquid. You will be left with a muddy substance. Let this dry till it hardens. Now throw it at something!!!! JUG BOMB Take a glass jug, and put 3 to 4 drops of gasoline into it. Then put the cap on, and swish the gas around so the inner surface of the jug is coated. Then add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution into it and cap it. To blow it up, either throw it at something, or roll it at something. HINDENBERGH BOMB Needed: 1 Balloon 1 Bottle 1 Liquid Plumr 1 Piece Aluminum FoilL 1 Length Fuse Fill the bottle 3/4 full with Liquid Plumr and add a little piece of aluminum foil to it. Put the balloon over the neck of the bottle until the balloon is full of the resulting gas. This is highly flammable hydrogen. Now tie the baloon. Now light the fuse, and let it rise. When the fuse contacts the balloon, watch out!!! CARBIDE BOMB This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Exercise extreme caution.... Obtain some calcium carbide. This is the stuff that is used in carbide lamps and can be found at nearly any hardware store. Take a few pieces of this stuff (it looks like gravel) and put it in a glass jar with some water. Put a lid on tightly. The carbide will react with the water to produce acetylene carbonate which is similar to the gas used in cutting torches. Eventually the glass with explode from internal pressure. If you leave a burning rag nearby, you will get a nice fireball! PORTABLE GRENADE LAUNCHER If you have a bow, this one is for you. Remove the ferrule from an aluminum arrow, and fill the arrow with black powder (I use grade FFFF, it burns easy)and then glue a shotshell primer into the hole left where the ferrule went. Next, glue a BB on the primer, and you are ready to go! Make sure no one is nearby.... Little shreds of aluminim go all over the place!! AUTO EXHAUST FLAME THROWER For this one, all you need is a car, a sparkplug, ignition wire and a switch. Install the spark plug into the last four or five inches of the tailpipeby drilling a hole that the plug can screw into easily. Attach the wire (this is regular insulated wire) to one side of the switch and to the spark plug. The other side of the switch is attached to the positive terminal on the battery. With the car running, simply hit the switch and watch the flames fly!!! Again be careful that no one is behind you! I have seen some of these flames go 20 feet!!! NUTBUSTER Materials: shotgun shell thin cardboard glue a cork a nail. Procedure: Cut cardboard into fins, and glue them to the shell, percusion cap up, so it looks like a rocket when stood up. Insert nail into cork until tip peeks thru. Glue cork to shell so that nail lines up whith cap. Wha-la! Throw at desired bad person. I call this one the nutbuster, cause of if it lands between a guy's legs. SODA BOTTLE BOMB Materials: one liter soda bottle some aluminum foil P.C. Board etching fluid (Radio Shack) Procedure: Make foil into strips, and fill bottle about 1/6 full with them. Pour 1/5 to 1/2 of the fluid into the bottle, cap quickly, and throw at desired target fast (I mean fast!). Its not dangerous when done properly, (I mean thrown fast), and results can be devastating if target is a house with aluminum siding. SMOKE BOMB Materials: sugar potassium nitrate (salt peter) matches a fuse very low flame pan Proceedure: Combine four parts sugar to six parts potassium nitrate. Heat over low flame until "plasticy". When it gels, remove from heat. Stick match heads into it (to help it burn). Add a wick. What you have here is a pretty good smokebomb. It's not flamable, but one pound is said to fill a city block. FIREBOMB Most fire bombs are simply gasoline filled bottles with a fuel soaked rag in the mouth (the bottle's mouth, not yours). The original Molotov cocktail, and still about the best, was a mixture of one part gasoline and one part motor oil. The oil helps it to cling to what it splatters on. Some use one part roofing tar and one part gasoline. Fire bombs have been found which were made by pouring melted wax into gasoline. NAPALM About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistancy, like jam and is best for use on vehilces or buildings. Napalm is simply one part gasoline and one part soap. The soap is either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do. The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt. The usual way is with a double boiler where the top part has at least a two-quart capicity. The water in the bottom part is brought to a boil and the double boiler is taken from the stove and carried to where there is no flame. Then one part, by volume, of gasoline is put in the top part and allowed to heat as much as it will and the soap is added and the mess is stirred until it thickens. A better way to heat gasoline is to fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can get it. It will hold its heat longer and permit a much larger container than will the double boiler. MATCH HEAD BOMB Simple safety match heads in a pipe, capped at both ends, make a devestating bomb. It is set off with a regular fuse A plastic baggie is put into the pipe before the heads go in to prevent detonation by contact with the metal. Cutting enough match heads to fill the pipe can be tedious work for one, but an evening's fun for the family if you can drag them away from the TV. FUSE IGNITION FIRE BOMB A four strand homemade fuse is used for this. It burns like fury. It is held down and concealed by a strip of bent tin cut from a can. The exposed end of the fuse is dipped into the flare igniter. To use this one, you light the fuse and hold the fire bomb until the fuse has burned out of sight under the tin. Then throw it, and when it breaks, the burning fuse will ignite the contents. HOUSEHOLD EQUIVALENTS Name Equivalant ---- ---------- acetic acid vinegar aluminum oxide alumia aluminum potassium sulfate alum aluminum sulfate alum ammonium hydroxide ammonia carbon carbonate chalk carbon tetrachloride cleaning fluid calcium hypochloride bleaching powder calcium oxide lime calcium sulfate plaster of paris carbonic acid seltzer ethylene dichloride dutch fluid ferric oxide iron rust glucose corn syrup graphite pencil lead hydrochloric acid muriatic acid hydrogen peroxide peroxide lead acetate sugar of lead lead tetrooxide red lead magesium silicate talc magesium sulfate Epsom salts naphthalene mothballs phenol carbolic acid potassium bicarbonate cream of tarter potassium chromium sulfate chrome alum potassium nitrate saltpeter sodium dioxide sand sodium bicarbonate baking soda sodium borate borax sodium carbonate washing soda sodium choride salt sodium hydroxide lye sodium silicate water glass sodium sulfate glaubers' salt sodium thiosulfate photographers hypo sulferic acid battery acid sucrose cane sugar zinc choride tinner's fluid VINEGAR: 3-5% ACETIC ACID BAKING SODA: SODIUM BICARBONATE DRAIN CLEANERS: SODIUM HYDROXIDE SANI-FLUSH: 75% SODIUM BISULFATE AMMONIA WATER: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE CITRUS FRUIT: CITRIC ACID TABLE SALT: SODIUM CHLORIDE SUGAR: SUCROSE MILK OF MAGNESIA- MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE TINCTURE OF IODINE- 47% ALCOHOL, 4% IODINE RUBBING ALCOHOL- 70 OR 99% (DEPENDS ON BRAND) ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (DO NOT DRINK!) SMOKE BOMB Mix: 4 parts sugar 6 parts potassium nitrate Heat: Over low flame until melts. Stir well, then pour into container. Before it soldifies, put a few matches in for fuses. *One pound of this stuff will fill a block nicely with a thick cloud of white smoke* GENERIC BOMB 1) Aquire a glass container 2) Put in a few drops of gasoline 3) Cap the top 4) Now turn the container around to coat the inner surfaces and then evaporates 5) Add a few drops of potassium permanganate (<-Get this stuff from a snake bite kit) 6) The bomb is detonated by throwing aganist a solid object. *AFTER THROWING THIS THING RUN LIKE HELL. THIS THING PACKS ABOUT 1/2 STICK OF DYNAMITE* It starts when a big, dumb lummox rudely insults you. Being of a rational, intelligent disposition, you wisely choose to avoid a (direct) confrontation. But as he laughs in your face, you smile inwardly---your revenge is already planned. Step 1: Follow your victim to his locker, car, or house. Once you have chosen your target site, lay low for a week or more, letting your anger boil. Step 2: In the mean time, assemble your versatile terrorist kit (details below.) Step 3: Plant your kit at the designated target site on a Monday morning, between the hours of 4:00 AM and 6:00 AM. Include a calm, suggestive note, that quietly hints at the possibility of another attack. Do not write it by hand! An example of an effective note: "Don't be such a jerk, or the next one will take off your hand. Have a nice day." Notice how the calm tone instills fear. As if written by a homicidal psychopath. Step 5: Choose a strategic location overlooking the target site. Try to position yourself in such a way that you can see his facial contortions. Step 6: Sit back and enjoy the fireworks! ASSEMBLY OF THE VERSITILE, ECONOMIC, AND EFFECTIVE TERROTIST KIT #1: The parts you'll need are: 1) 4 AA batteries 2) 1 9-volt battery 3) 1 spdt mini relay (radio shack) 4) 1 rocket engine (smoke bomb or M-80) 5) 1 solar ignitor (any hobby store) 6) 1 9-volt battery connector Step 1: Take the 9-volt battery and wire it through the relay's coil. This circuit should also include a pair of contacts, that when separated, cut off this circuit. These contacts should be held together by trapping them between the locker, mailbox, or car door. Once the door is opened, the contacts fall apart, and the 9-volt circuit is broken, allowing the relay to fall to the closed postion, thus closing the ignition circuit. (If all this is confusing, take a look at the schematic below.) Step 2: Take the 4 AA batteries, and wire them in succession. Wire the positive terminal of one to the negative terminal of another, until all four are connected, except one positive terminal, and one negative terminal. Even though the four AA batteries only combine to create 6 volts, the increase in amperage is necessary to activate the solar ignitor quickly and effectively. Step 3: Take the battery pack (made in step 2) and wire one end of it to the relay's single pole, and the other end to one prong of the solar ignitor. Then wire the other prong of the solar ignitor back to the open position on the relay. Step 4: Using double sided carpet tape, mount the kit in his locker, mailbox, or car door. And last, insert the solar ignitor into the rocket engine (smoke bomb or M-80). Your kit is now complete! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ><ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ (CONTACTS) ³ ³ ³ ³ ÄÁÄ (9 VOLT) ³ (BATTERY) ³ ÄÂÄ ³ ³ ³ (COIL) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ///////ÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ /ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ / ³ / ³ / ³ (SWITCH)Ä¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÄÁÄ (BATTERY) ³ - ( PACK ) ³ ÄÂÄ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ * (SOLAR IGNITOR) AN-ARCH-IST(AN/AR/KIST)n.1.one who regards all goverment as evil, and belives, as a political ideal, in living without any goverment; 2.any person who stirs up violent revolt against established rule. AN-ARCH-Y(AN/AR/KI)n.the absence or lack of goverment; hence, a condition of general confusion and terror resulting from the overthrow or disregard of laws. There! That's said and done. You don't know how many times i've been asked "but whats it mean? "I belive that there is a grey to this subject, and that it is not just white and black, like being a little bit pregnent. But enough bullshit, on with buisness. First, I take no responsibilty for the actions of others who use material within for legal, or illegal activities. 'Nuff said. I'm sure at one time or another, we've all taken a potato and stuck it up the tail pipe of a car to keep it from starting (yes, it does work). Well, I have a twist to this prank. All you need is a shotgun shell and a long piece of wire, yep, you geussed it. Take the shotgun shell, and shove it up the tail pipe of the car, until it falls in. After the car is driven a couple of miles, the muffler will heat up the shell, and explode it. Neat, huh? A lot of bombs require a fuse, and you may ask yourself, where do I get such a fuse? Well, ill tell ya. You make'm. The simpelest fuses can be made with a gunpowder mixture. Gunpowder? Let me back up. The general formula for black powder is, by weight, 15 parts powdered potassium nitrate, 3 parts powdered charcoal, and 2 parts sulfur. The ingriedents are ground, separatly, as fine as possible, or fine enough to go through a 100 mesh screen. For a better quality powder, and 1/2 part of dextrine, and enough water to form a thick mush. Stir and mix well and then rub it through a window screen in a thin layer onto wax paper. When the particles are firm, but slightly damp, sprinkle them with 1/2 part fine graphite. Put them in a round bowl with a plastic cover, and gently swirl them so they become round and uniform. Next, put them on a window screen, and shake it gently until all the proper size pellets have fallen through. Now onto the fuse. Use the dextrine, but omit the graphite. Use a piece of cotton string, and stir it into the mush, which is wetter then you would use for gunpowder, and is well coated and hung to dry. It's brittle, so I spray on an aerosol plastic, and the coat it with a rubber mold compound, bought at any hobby store. Then mix 1 1/2 ounces of black antimony sulfide, 2 1/2 ounces of potassium chlorate, and 1 ounce of dextrine. They are mixed wet, because dry, they could explode. Then add the dextrine, and enough water to make a paste. Let it dry. To use, mix in enough carbon tetrachloride (bought at any auto store) to make it a paste, and dip end of fuse in. What you have is the same substance on the ends of flares, and allows easier lighting of fuse. Just use an old flare striker. A simple but powerful bomb can be made by using the heads of every day safty matches. Not the blue tipped kind. Grind up enough heads to fill up desired pipe. It's tedious, but you can do quite a few while downloading or whatching T.V. Place the matches in a plastic bag first before inserting. This cuts down on possible sparks, or powder getting in threads of pipe. The mouth of the bag is folded back over the threads, and the powder put in. It is also good to wrap the pipe with heavy wire to help increase resistance so the bomb will shatter, instead of just breaking in a couple of places. Drill cap, and hole size should be as close to the size of the wick as possible. The plastic bag should only cover the lower part of the fuse. Well,thats all for now. Until we meet again,let's be careful out there. THIS ARTICLE DEALS WITH INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO DO SOME INTERESTING EXPERIMENTS WITH COMMON HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS. SOME MAY OR MAY NOT WORK DEPENDING ON THE CON CENTRATION OF CERTAIN CHEMICALS IN DIFFERENT AREAS AND BRANDS. I WOULD SUGGEST THAT THE PERSON DOING THESE EXPERIMENTS HAVE SOME KNOWLEDGE OF CHEMISTRY, ESPEC IALLY FOR THE MORE DANGEROUS EXPERIMENTS. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INJURY OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY PEOPLE USING THIS INFO RMATION. IT IS PROVIDED FOR USE BY PEOPLE KNOWLEDGABLE IN CHEMISTRY WHO ARE INT ERESTED IN SUCH EXPERIMENTS AND CAN SAFELY HANDLE SUCH EXPERIMENTS. ======================================= ======================================== I. A LIST OF HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS AND THEIR COMPOSITION VINEGAR: 3-5% ACETIC ACID BAKING SODA: SODIUM BICARBONATE DRAIN CLEANERS: SODIUM HYDROXIDE SANI-FLUSH: 75% SODIUM BISULFATE AMMONIA WATER: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE CITRUS FRUIT: CITRIC ACID TABLE SALT: SODIUM CHLORIDE SUGAR: SUCROSE MILK OF MAGNESIA- MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE TINCTURE OF IODINE- 47% ALCOHOL, 4% IODINE RUBBING ALCOHOL- 70 OR 99% (DEPENDS ON BRAND) ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (DO NOT DRINK!) EXP #1: YE OLD FIZZ EXPERIMENT MIX VINEGAR WITH BAKING SODA. IT PRODUCES SODIUM ACETATE AND CARBONIC ACID. CARBONIC ACID QUICKLY DECOMPOSES INTO CARBON DIOXIDE AND WATER, RESULTING IN THE "FIZZ". THIS SIMPLE REACTION CAN BE CONTAINED IN A SMALL BOTTLE OR, SOMETHING, AND WHEN ENOUGH PRESSURE BUILDS, UP IT WILL BREAK OPEN. I SINCERELY DOUBT THAT IT WILL BLOW "ALL FOUR WALLS OFF THE HOUSE" AS SOME LOSER WROTE IN HIS SAFEHOUSE ARTICLE. THE SAME BASIC THING CAN BE DONE WITH DRY ICE & WATER, BAKING POWDER & WATER, CITRIC ACID & BAKING SODA, AND MANY OTHER COMBINATIONS. EXP #2: A FRUITY BATTERY IF YOU'RE EVER IN NEED OF A LITTLE POWER, GET YOUR HANDS ON THESE: A CITRUS FRUIT (LEMON, ORANGE, ETC) A SMALL ZINC STRIP A SMALL COPPER STRIP JUST STICK THE ZINC STRIP IN ONE END OF A LEMON AND A COPPER STRIP IN THE OTHER. YOU NOW HAVE A 1.5 VOLT BATTERY! JUST ATTACH THE WIRES TO THE COPPER & ZINC STRIPS... EXP #3: GENERATING CHLORINE GAS THIS IS SLIGHTLY MORE DANGEROUS THAN THE OTHER TWO EXPERIMENTS, SO YOU SHOUILD KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING BEFORE YOU TRY THIS... EVER WONDER WHY AMMONIA BOTTLES ALWAYS SAY 'DO NOT MIX WITH CHLORINE BLEACH', AND VISA-VERSA? THAT'S BECAUSE IF YOU MIX AMMONIA WATER WITH AJAX OR SOMETHING LIKE IT, IT WILL GIVE OFF CHLORINE GAS. TO CAPTURE IT, GET A LARGE BOTTLE AND PUT AJAX IN THE BOTTOM. THEN POUR SOME AMMONIA DOWN INTO THE BOTTLE. SINCE THE CHLORINE IS HEAVIER THAN AIR, IT WILL STAY DOWN IN THERE UNLESS YOU USE LARGE AMOUNTS OF EITHER AJAX OR AMMONIA (DON'T!). FOR SOMETHING FUN TO DO WITH CHLORINE... | \ / EXP #4: CHLORINE + TURPENTINE TAKE A SMALL CLOTH OR RAG AND SOAK IT IN TURPENTINE. QUICKLY DROP IT INTO THE BOTTLE OF CHLORINE. IT SHOULD GIVE OFF A LOT OF BLACK SMOKE AND PROBABLY START BURNING... EXP #5: GENERATING HYDROGEN GAS TO GENERATE HYDROGEN, ALL YOU NEED IS AN ACID AND A METAL THAT WILL REACT WITH THAT ACID. TRY VINEGAR (ACETIC ACID) WITH ZINC, ALUMINUM, MAGNESIUM, ETC. YOU CAN COLLECT HYDROGEN IN SOMETHING IF YOU NOTE THAT IT IS LIGHTER THAN AIR.... LIGHT A SMALL AMOUNT AND, IT BURNS WITH A SMALL *POP*. ANOTHER WAY OF CREATING HYDROGEN, IS BY THE ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER. THIS INVOLVES SEPERATING WATER (H2O) INTO HYDROGENAND OXYGEN BY AN ELECTRIC CURRENT. TO DO THIS, YOU NEED A 6-12 VOLT BATTERY, TWO TEST TUBES, A LARGE BOWL, TWO CARBON ELECTRODES (TAKE THEM OUT OF AN UNWORKING 6-12 VOLT BATTERY), AND TABLE SALT. DISSOLVE THE SALT IN A LARGE BOWL FULL OF WATER. SUBMERGE THE TWO TEST TUBES IN THE WATER, AND PUT THE ELECTRODES INSIDE THEM, WITH THE MOUTH OF THE TUBE AIMING DOWN. CONNECT THE BATTERY TO SOME WIRE GOING DOWN TO THE ELECTRODES. THIS WILL WORK FOR A WHILE, BUT CHLORINE WILL BE GENERATED ALONG WITH THE OXYGEN WHICH WILL UNDOUBTEDLY CORRODE YOUR COPPER WIRES LEADING TO THE CARBON ELECTRODES... (THE TABLE SALT IS BROKEN UP INTO CHLORINE AND SODIUM IONS, THE CHLORINE COMES OFF AS A GAS WITH OXYGEN WHILE SODIUM REACTS WITH THE WATER TO FORM SODIUM HYDROXIDE....). THEREFORE, IF YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON SOME SULFURIC ACID, USE IT INSTEAD. IT WILL NOT AFFECT THE REACTION, OTHER THAN MAKING THE WATER CONDUCT ELECTRICITY. EXP #6: HYRDOGEN + CHLORINE TAKE THE TEST TUBE OF HYDROGEN AND COVER THE MOUTH WITH YOUR THUMB. KEEP IT INVERTED, AND BRING IT NEAR THE BOTTLE OF CHLORINE (NOT ONE THAT HAS REACTED WITH TURPENTINE). SAY "GOODBYE TEST TUBE", AND DROP IT INTO THE BOTTLE. THE HYDROGEN AND CHLORINE SHOULD REACT AND POSSIBLY EXPLODE (DEPENDING ON PURITY AND AMOUNT OF EACH GAS). AN INTERESTING THING ABOUT THIS IS THEY WILL NOT REACT IF IT IS DARK AND, NO HEAT OR OTHER ENERGY IS AROUND. WHEN A LIGHT IS TURNED ON, ENOUGH ENERGY IS PRESENT TO CAUSE THEM TO REACT... EXP #7: PREPARATION OF OXYGEN GET SOME HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (FROM A DRUG STORE) AND MANGANESE DIOXIDE (FROM A BATTERY- IT'S A BLACK POWDER). MIX THE TWO IN A BOTTLE, AND THEY GIVE OFF OXYGEN. IF THE BOTTLE IS STOPPERED, PRESSURE WILL BUILD UP AND SHOOT IT OFF. TRY LIGHTING A WOOD SPLINT, AND STICKING IT (ONLY WHEN GLOWING) INTO THE BOTTLE. THE OXYGEN WILL MAKE IT BURST INTO FLAME. EXPERIMENT WITH IT. THE OXYGEN WILL ALLOW THINGS TO BURN BETTER... EXP #8: ALCOHOL BUY SOME RUBBING ALCOHOL IN A DRUG STORE. USUALLY THIS IS EITHER 70% OR 99% ALCOHOL, AND BURNS JUST GREAT. YOU CAN SOAK A TOWEL IN WATER AND THEN IN ACOHOL, LIGHT THE TOWEL, AND WHEN IT FINISHES BURNING THE ALCOHOL, THE FLAME SHOULD GO OUT, AND LEAVE THE TOWEL UNHARMED. NICE FOR "PARTY TRICKS", ETC. EXP #9: IODINE? TINCTURE OF IODINE CONTAINS MAINLY ALCOHOL AND A LITTLE IODINE. TO SEPERATE THEM, PUT THE TINCTURE OF IODINE IN A METAL LID TO A BOTTLE AND HEAT IT OVER A CANDLE. HAVE A STAND HOLDING ANOTHER METAL LID DIRECTLY OVER THE TINCTURE (ABOUT 4-6 INCHES ABOVE IT) WITH ICE ON TOP OF IT. THE ALCOHOL SHOULD EVAPORATE, AND THE IODINE SHOULD SUBLIME, BUT SHOULD REFORM IODINE CRYSTALS ON THE COLD METAL LID DIRECTLY ABOVE. IF THIS WORKS (I HAVEN'T TRIED), YOU CAN USE THE IODINE ALONG WITH HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA TO FORM NITROGEN TRIIODIDE (DISCUSSED IN ARTICLE #1). EXP #10: GRAIN-ELEVATOR EXPLOSION! WANT TO TRY YOUR OWN 'GRAIN-ELEVATOR EXPLOSION'? GET A CANDLE AND SOME FLOUR. LIGHT THE CANDLE, AND PUT SOME FLOUR IN YOUR HAND. TRY VARIOUS WAYS OF GETTING THE FLOUR TO LEAVE YOUR HAND, AND BECOME DUST RIGHT OVER THE CANDLE FLAME. THE ENORMOUS SURFACE AREA ALLOWS ALL THE TINY DUST PARTICLES TO BURN, WHICH THEY DO AT ABOUT THE SAME TIME, COMBINING TO FORM A FIREBALL EFFECT. IN GRAIN ELEVATORS, MUCH THE SAME THING HAPPENS. IF YOU CAN GET YOUR HANDS ON SOME LYCOPODIUM POWDER, DO. THIS WILL WORK MUCH BETTER, CREATING HUGE FIREBALLS THAT ARE UNEXPECTED. ITEMS WE WILL DISCUSS --------------------- 1.ROAD TRAP 2.WALK TRAP 3.BOOK TRAP 4.DOOR-HANDLE TRAPS 5.LOOSE FLOORBOARD TRAP 6.ASSORTED DETONATORS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE ROAD TRAP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The first trap I will discuss is a basic road trap. You need a wire-trap action to complete the electrical circuit. It is extremely simple to make, since all the equipment can be gathered in or around your house. The great advantage to this is that it will explode when the car is directly over it. So insuring maximum destruction. DIAGRAM 1 ############### ################## ################ ##################### ################ ##################### ############# ################### ######## ############# ###### ###### ###### ###### #####-TREES ###### #####ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄROPEÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ>>-_-_-###### _____________________________________ROAD__________________WEDGE_||___________ ______________________________________________________CLOTHES PIN_|___________ ___UNDER THE ROAD____CHARGE_______________________CHARGE___________BATTERY____ CLOSE UP OF CLOTHES PIN AND WEDGE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ\ +ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄWIREÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ\ =ÄÄÄÄÄ\ ÄÄÄROPEÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ/ \ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ/ / =ÄÄÄÄÄ/ +ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄOTHER WIREÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To construct the road trap start by digging three holes across the road. In two of the holes, place the explosive charges, and in the third, place a regular car battery. Connect the first wire from the negative terminal of the battery via each of the blasting caps, in each charge, to a metal pin on one side of an ordinary clothes pin. The second wire should be directly connected from the positive terminal on the battery to the opposite metal pin on the same clothes pin. The clothes pin must be kept open by a small wooden wedge, which is attached to a thin black wire (rope) stretched across the road. When the semi-invisible wire is pulled the wedge will be pulled out of the clothes pin, thus closing the clothes pin. When the clothes pin is closed, the two metal pins will connect and complete the electrical circuit, thus exploding the charges. ############################################################################## WALK TRAP ############################################################################## This incorporates the same type of wire-trap action as in the road trap. The walk trap is not electrically operated, it relies on a percussion detonator. When the wire is pulled, it pulls the safety pin out of the heavy firing pin. The heat created by the detonators explosion will be sufficient to set off the TNT. This type of trap is especially good for dense forest area, where the wire cannot be seen. CLOSEUP OF BOMB #######################################GROUND################################# # ##### # #-----#####-----#------PIN # ### # # # # # # # ( ) # <-DETONATOR #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%# #%%%%%%TNT%%%%%%# #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%# ################# ############################################################################## BOOK TRAP ############################################################################## To construct this you will need a large book, perhaps about a thousand pages. The book should be hollowed out, leaving the edges intact. In the hollow place, put a dry cell and your explosive, and connect the wires. Fix two metal contact points to the edges of the book, and seperate them with a wooden wedge, which is attached to the rear wall of the bookcase. This must be acomplished in such a manner that, when the book is removed from the shelf the two metal contact points will touch and complete the electrical circuit, thus causing the detonation of the explosive charge. CLOSE UP OF BOOK TRAP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %%%%%%%%%ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ= %% <-METAL CONTACT %% EXPLOSIVE %%%%%%% <-WOODEN WEDGE %% %%%%%%%%%ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄBATTERYÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ= %% <-METAL CONTACT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ############################################################################## DOOR HANDLE TRAPS ############################################################################## There are two basic methods of booby-trapping door handles. The first employs a short test tube, a cork, two needles, three wires, one electrical blasting cap, one metal ball bearing, and one stick of dynamite. The two needles are pushed through the cork to an equal length, and the ball bearing is placed in the tube. The test tube is corked, and taped to a door handle. The wires are then connected from the eyes of the two needles to the battery, with one wire going via the blasting cap. Next, the battery and stick of dynamite are taped to the back of the door. When the handle is turned, the ball bearing will roll, and touch both of the needles, thus completing the electrical circuit, and exploding the dynamite. The second door-handle trap is much the same, except it uses a mercury thermostat switch, rather than a ball bearing. CLOSEUP OF BALL BEARING AND MERCURY THERMOSTAT ############### ############### THEY SHOULD BOTH # ### ÄÄÄ##ÄÄÄ # # BE AT A SLIGHT SLANT. # ##### ## ÄÄÄ#ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ#ÄÄÄ # ### ÄÄÄ##ÄÄÄ #ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ# ############## ############### They should both be at a slight angle so that the ball bearing is not touching both of the needles and the mercury is not touching both wires. And rember that most people that are normal turn the handle from the outside in a clock- wise motion so make sure you dont place the detonator backwards. ############################################################################## FLOOR BOARD TRAPS ############################################################################## The loose floorboard utilizes the same principles as the book trap , in that it relies on two metal contact points touching to complete the electrical circuit. Beneath the loose floorboard are two strips of pliable metal or bamboo, each with a metal contact point, which will touch when preasure is brought down on the loose floorboard. CLOSE UP OF LOOSE FLOORBOARD ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## LOOSE BOARD ########## #####################BAMBOO######################################## ###################################################### =----------- ###################################################### ###################################################### =----------- ################################################################### ############################################################################## ASSORTED DETONATORS ############################################################################## Well there are many kinds of detonators I will only discuss three in this file. Well there is the common fuse which is usually a black-powder core surronded with a fabric and then a layer of water resistent material. However there are many different types it can generally be said that safety fuses burn between 30 and 45 seconds a foot; however check these figures when you make your purchase. Bombs can be detonated in many ways the detonation and use of certain devices are based mainly on the cleverness and the imagination of the saboteur. Well the next detonation device I will discuss is the electrical detonator which requires either a solar igniter or just a thin wire. Well if you just have a piece of wire make sure it is all covered with plastic except for a small part about a half and inch or so. So when you connect the wire to the battery each side of the wire to each side of the battery. T the wire should get very hot depending on the size an amout of batteries you are using. Just the part where there is no covering should get the hottest and that is teh part that you will stick into the explosive. There are many ways you can use this so use your imagination. The next type of detonation device i will discuss is a nonelectrical blasting cap. You need a blasting cap for alot of the more powerful explosives like tnt. A blasting cap is a low explosive compound that is connected to a high explosive, for the purpose of detonating it,to use the nonelectrical blasting cap one gently pushes the fuse into the hollow end, until it is in fully. He then crimps the metal end around the fuse and puts it in the high explosive. When the fuse burns down it ignites the flash charge which in turn explodes the priming charge, which detonates the base charge, and finally creates enough heat to set off the high explosive charge. The fuse is an ordinary safety fuse which I already discussed or a detonating cord. When the fuse is put into the blasting cap, it is necessary to seal it. This act of sealing is called crimping. When involved with this sort of thing, one must use the standard precautions. Crimpers look like a pair of pliars, and there function is very similiar although pliers cannot be used for crimping. With the crimper in your right hand and the blasting cap in your left, slowly squeez the hollow end of the blasting cap, as this may detonate it. CLOSEUP OF BLASTING CAP -HOLLOW COPPER SHELL -FLASH CHARGE -PRIMARY CHARGE / / / ****************************************************************************** !!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@###########* !!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@###########* !!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@###########* ****************************************************************************** / BASE CHARGE- WELL THATS IT FOR NOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR SUGGESTIONS YOU CAN GET IN TOUCH WITH ME ON THE PALACE AE/CAT FUR/BBS [305]-[563]-[8930] AND BE SURE TO LOOK FOR MY NEXT FILE CALLED "BOMB TRAPS II". I GOT MOST OF THIS INFORMATION FROM THE BOOK "THE ANARCHIST COOKBOOK" AND FROM COMMON KNOWLEDGE. FEEL FREE TO PASS THIS FILE AROUND BUT, MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE CREDITS INTACT OR THE BROTHERS OF THE EYE (B.O.T.E.), THE SILICON SLAVES, AND THE DOS BUSTERS WILL RAG YOU BIG TIME. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + (> Night Crawler <) + + proudly presents: + + January 25, 1986 + + The Anarchy Files ... Volume III + + "Bigger and Better" + + A.O.A. radio productions + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * As in Manual I & II, I am in no way responsible for any damages, * accidents, or injuries incurred while working on an experiment from this * Manual. I did not make you to do these experiments, and as far as I am * concerned, this is for information only. Chapter IV: Gasoline Undoubtedly you have messed with gasoline before. This is really some flammable and useful shit. The peculiar thing about it though, is it can catch almost anything on it on fire except for the thing that the gasoline is sitting on. For example, wet a rag and cover it in gasoline and light up. After all the gasoline is burned away, notice the rag is still wet. Nothing happened at all to the rag. If you stuck a firecracker on the rag while it was burning though, The firecracker would have went off. Recently, As I have a pool and this is the winter months, I had a great chance to see the effects of certain things on ice. A pick-axe does a great job at getting you soaking wet, because as I was chopping away, the island of ice under me decided to sink and it was about 20 below. The water was very stagnant as it was sitting for a few months, and you could essentially call it liquid fart. This is the kind of water to use as a replacement for "Stinkum" (You can find that recipe on almost any BBS). But anyway, I started out by trying out a recipe from someone that said how to make plastique out of gas, oil, and styrofoam. Wanting to make some fool look like a complete asshole, I tried it, and as it turned out, It made him look like a complete asshole. The only thing it does is give the gasoline a base to melt through the ice without getting soaked. Dont even bother trying to make "C-4" from gas and oil. Chances are the oil wont light anyway unless its mixed thoroughly with the gasoline. Molotov Cocktail: ingredients: Pepsi bottle old rag joy detergent (optional) FLAMMABLE oil (optional) This is one of the simplist make-do bombs that you can make. It doesn't explode like some 10 year olds think, but when it busts it makes one hell of a fire. Just fill the bottle up with 3/4 gasoline, and any joy or oil you might want to add, and stuff the rag in. Wait 5 minutes for the gas to soak up into the cloth (cotton is suggested). All you have to do is light it and throw it in a window, or in your pool, or where ever a flame would please you. Gasoline isn't a great thing to start off explosives though. You could pour it on an m-80 and chances are the m-80 wouldnt go off when you light it. Oh yes, remember that gasoline evaporates at a very low temperature. If you put some in a milk jug and light the rim, you will probably get a 2 foot flame if you shook it before hand. Napalm for fun: 3 parts gasoline 1 part Joy Dish soap Just mix together and the dish soap will burn steadily for quite a time. You can also melt certain bar soaps into heated gasoline, but this evaporates your gas so I dont like it. This is good for a filler in your basic molotov cocktail. Chapter V: Roly Poly Match Heads... Match heads are your everyday pre-made explosives. Everytime you light one you can see how powerful they are. One small head fills up about 250 times its volume in flame and about an additional 75 more in smoke. You can see the increase in power by putting about 5 or 10 matches together and lighting them. Its not much of an increase if they are right next to each other but it has a tremendous gain in temperature. Here is a interesting concept as written by the /\/\aster: Ingredients: Tennis Ball A few scores of matches Sharp knife Take the knife and slice into the tennis ball. Make sure that the slot is big enough to pour match heads in. The Smaller the tennis ball the faster it will be to make the bomb. Start cutting match heads off the matches with a razor or the knife and pour into a cup. After you get about 5 packs dump them into the tennis ball. Do this until the tennis ball is packed tight. If you have it as tight as you can, and the matches are the so called "safety" kind, then throw it high into the air and run. As it touches the ground it will explode with a great flame. If that doesnt work then you have to try something else. Just make the slot about a 1/4" wide and put in a pile of gunpowder and a small fuse. You can just light the fuse and stand back. The tennis ball will send forth a column of flame and flaming projectiles (match heads) about three feet in the air. It's GREAT! You can probably think of a thousand places to use these babies... Chapter VI: Time delay fuses You are probably going to need this for when you decide to do bombs in bathrooms (Then you'll really be smokin' in the boys room). You want the bomb to go off (preferably) when you are in the deans office. Here is one from an old bulletin board message: One straw Glycerin Just wrap your fuse around the bottom of the straw, plug the other end with non absorbant fabric (thick cotton) and fill the straw with the glycerin. Light the top and it will burn down slowly. You should have enough time to get out of there quickly without anyone noticing. There is an alternative to this using electronics. Any idiot can make this... Materials: Solar Ignitor 9v battery 3 flexible wires a push button switch A 9v battery clip This is one of the easiest things you can make. Just Connect two wires to the Switch, one leading to the battery clip, the other to one lead of the solar ignitor. Connect the third wire from the solar ignitor to the other lead of the battery clip and then plug in the battery. Just attach the solar ignitor to the fuse of whatever you want to blow up and when ever someone presses or steps on the switch, KA-BLOOIE. The solar ignitors can be found at Toys 'R' Us and the rest at Radio Shack. If this circuit cant light tough fuses, then pack a few match heads around the solar ignitor for a good flame. How to make a welcome mat switch: You can also make a welcome mat switch for this circuit. Just cut two pieces of cardboard that will fit under your "friend"'s welcome mat. Glue Tin Foil to one piece, enough to cover it, and solder a wire to it. That is your first lead. take a wire with about 2 inches stripped from it, and poke it through the center of the other cardboard, and poke it back out the top about a half inch away (Much like you are trying to sew the cardboard with the wire). Now stick some foam rubber or carpet padding on the corners of the tin-foil coated cardboard, and glue the other piece of cardboard to it. You should now have two pieces of cardboard parallel to each other separated by 4 foam rubber pads at the corners. MAKE SURE THE WIRE AND THE TIN FOIL CARDBOARDS AREN'T TOUCHING! That will complete your circuit and as soon as you connect the battery your solar ignitor will go off. Just slip under his welcome mat at night and either ring and run, or pull his knocker with a string from across the street. Obviously, you should have some type of explosives or fireworks attached to his screen door. Chapter VII: Land Mines I'm not sure who really wrote this file although i think it's from The Poor Man's James Bond by Jurt Saxon. Its very simple. Just take a thick toilet paper tube, dip one end in wax until its sealed thick and stuff papers or pour very hard glue into that end from the other side of the tube and after you are sure its sealed fill it with gunpowder. You might want to put a hole for a fuse through the center of the tube (Its a lot easier to detonate if you have a fuse). Then pour some elmers glue on top of the gunpowder, after it dries pour a layer of crazy glue, then another layer of Elmers glue, and then dip it in wax. Wallah, Instant M-80. All you have to after that is attach your solar ignitor from the electronic fuse and put in some type of packaging. 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