All were designed on a 4.77Mhz XT & 386sx-16. No guarantee's on a Pentium-120 with an over-drive chip! Description of such April Fool type small .COM's. First few are to load onto a terminal to frustrate the next bloke/sheila/person to come along. README EXE Run this. Aardvarks txt reader. README TXT Ummmm..? AMIGA COM Displays the start-up screen of the AMIGA. Locked. ANNOY COM Annoying LOGIN program. ANNOY2 COM Annoying "Not ready reading drive A". Another one but different. ANNOY3 COM Annoying "C:\>" prompt that takes 80 chr input but does nothing. COLOUR! COM Colour display show. KEY COM Annoying "Not ready reading drive A". Keyboard lock'd. Reads A: LOCK COM Password type program used to frustrate "snoopers" and newbies. PALROT COM Useless... use PALLET.COM. TV COM Run this on 486 +. Sort of looks like your tv... Sort of. WRECK EXE Puts garbage on screen, locks computer. .\TSR directory. BUGGER COM ...just displays "BUGGER OFF". Very practical. KEY_PALL COM Palette increases by one, each press of a key. KEYBOOT COM Reboots computer after a pre-determined no#. of key presses. PALLET COM BIG but looks cool. Palette keeps incrementing while your at DOS ...playing DOOM 2 ...or in Windows 3.1. RANDOM COM Palette changes to a random colour each press of a key. TIME_PAL COM Pallete rotation starts up after some amount of time. TIMEBOOT COM Reboots computer after a pre-determined amount of time. Small routines which either look good, or are just included just for the hell of it. ADLIB COM Small(?) adlib tune. Ripped from SQUID1 intro. BARS1 COM Small scrolly bars. Ripped from SQUID1 intro. WIPE COM Freaky Clear Screen. Idea from VZ-200 program "Dissolve", 1985. WIPE2 COM Freaky Clear Screen. (bettr). Idea from THG/FX Intro Maker v3.0. AMIGA - This is PKlite'd. Use UNP or DISLITE or something similiar to de-comress, and assemble 02F7h: A 2F7 ????:02F7 INT 20 W and then quit. Then you can use it in an AUTOEXEC file etc... if you need to. Originally it is set up as ????:02F7 JMP 2F7, so that it is locked once it is run. ANNOY3 - takes a full 80 characters of input but does bugger all. Makes the next user to come along very bad-temptered. Maybe. LOCK - Does nothing but take input and keeps jumping around. COLOUR! - DEBUG COLOUR!.COM,"A127 JMP 12B" to lock keyboard. Esc quits normally KEY_PALL - Keep pressing keys..arrows, shift, alt, ctrl. etc. Probably can be reduced by 950 bytes. PALLET - Ain't it just great? Big though... WORKS IN WINDOWS 3.1. Probably can be reduced by 950 bytes. KEYBOOT - To change the length of time, DEBUG KEYBOOT.COM and change line: 118 CMP AX, 100 (100h = 128 keypresses) Originally set to 128 key presses. Put this in AUTOEXEC.BAT! TIMEBOOT - To change the length of time, DEBUG TIMEBOOT.COM and change line: 116 CMP AX, 110C (12h = 0.99 seconds, 443h = 60.005 seconds, 110Ch = 4 minutes) Originally set to 4 minutes. Place this in the AUTOEXEC!! WORKS IN WINDOWS 3.1 TIME_PAL - To change the length of time, DEBUG TIME_PAL.COM and change line: 471 CMP AX, 110c (12h = 0.99 seconds, 443h = 60.005 seconds, 110ch = 4 minutes) Originally set to 4 minutes. Place this in the AUTOEXEC!! WORKS IN WINDOWS 3.1. Probably can be reduced by 950 bytes. Original palette rotation prog. was grabbed from Draden/VLA "PALROT" Sorry if I have used something else and havn't given proper credits. "Snoopers" - person who thinks they are a hacker, but doesn't know what debug is. "Newbie" - person who asks "How do I login?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ever wondered where bridge toll collectors go for their toilet break?" e-mail: Bushy '95