These scripts all deal with Page Detail JavaScripts. There are several scripts that do make a site more pleasant to visit. You can write the time a visitor entered the page, how long they've been there, write when the page was last updated, whether it was updated since you last visited, and lots more! They are very difficult to write - just look at the code.

Title: 404 Referrer
Details: 0.56 KB * Uploaded March 20 1999
Description: Do you get lots of 404 "file not found" errors every time you change a file's name? Use this simple script to include in a HTML form (a hidden field) that contains the referring page's address. It's easy to correct bad links!

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Title: Arrow Links
Details: 2.33 KB * Uploaded May 17 1999
Description: This neat little JavaScript will indicate which link is selected with a little arrow image. Hard to explain, but you'll understand when you see it! Very cool!

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Title: Bookmark Us!
Details: 0.91 KB * Uploaded April 6 1999
Description: (Internet Explorer Only) Allow your visitors to click one text link to quickly and easily add your site to their "Favorites." Don't let your visitors lose you because they forget to bookmark your site! (Netscape Users won't get any errors, but instead of the bookmark link, see a message reminding them to bookmark the site)

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Title: Born On Date
Details: 2.64 KB * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: In place of the boring 'Last Updated' script, you can use this script. It does everything and more - it gives the page title, the day the page was last updated, and if the page has been updated since the visitor's last visit all in a cool little table!

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Title: Break Frames
Details: 0.59 KB * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: If a visitor comes to your site and is looking through frames, this script will automatically make the page 'break out' of frames. As an added bonus, it's only 8 lines of script!

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Title: Check URL
Details: 0.58 KB * Uploaded July 3 1998
Description: This script is particularly useful for those who have their site on a free webspace provider, then use a "" redirecting service. What this script will do is analyze the URL the visitor is at, and if they did not came to your site via the redirecting URL, it can print out a message telling them that is your new URL. Neat!

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Title: Click Sound
Contributor: Nicholas Loar (
Contributor URL:
Details: 0.77 KB * Uploaded June 16 2000
Description: (Internet Explorer Only) Plays a WAV sound file when the user clicks a link. Neat!

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Title: Close Window
Details: 0.50 KB * Uploaded August 3 1999
Description: JavaScript can close a window when you push a button or click a text link. Super-short script too!

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Title: Color Chart
Contributor: Dion (
Contributor URL:
Details: 0.98 KB * Uploaded February 6 1999
Description: JavaScript can print out 8 tables with the 512 "standard" colors and their corresponding "#RRGGBB" values. This sure makes picking colors easy! Wow!

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Title: Color Picker
Contributor: Luis Romero (
Contributor URL:
Details: 18.35 KB * Uploaded September 14 2000
Description: Uses an imagemap to allow you to select any color box and see the hexadecimal html value for that color.

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Title: Crazy Window
Contributor: Eric B. Dennis
Details: 0.98 KB * Uploaded February 14 2000
Description: Your browser has gone crazy! The browser window jumps to random positions around the screen at a dizzying rate of 10 times a second. It is a good idea to load any page that uses this script in a new browser window so your visitor still can access your site. Warning: Be careful not to toss your cookies on your keyboard. ;-)

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Title: Date & Time Stamp
Details: 0.97 KB * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: With this script, you can have the date and time the page was loaded 'stamped' to the page. This would make a wonderful header or footer for any web page.

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Title: Date Updated
Contributor: Kenneth Preston (
Details: 0.65 KB * Uploaded April 16 1998
Description: On your site, you might want to just let visitors know the date that the script was updated, but not the time (maybe it's not important?) This simple script (about a dozen lines) you can do just that! Very neat!

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Title: Delayed GIF
Contributor: Ronnie T. Moore, Editor
Contributor URL: JavaScript Source Code 2002
Details: 1.20 KB * Uploaded March 28 2000
Description: Normally, animated GIF images start as soon as they are loaded on the page. But, if your GIF only loops once, it displays before the rest page is completely visible. This JavaScript solution ensures that the page is fully loaded before the animated GIF begins. Great!

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Title: Determined Popup
Contributor: (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.04 KB * Uploaded February 23 2001
Description: This short, easy script set launches a window that continually re-opens itself and cannot be permanently closed unless the visitor clicks on a link that you provide. Compatible Browsers: NS6 and IE4-6.

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Title: DOM Browser
Contributor: Cyanide_7 (
Contributor URL:
Details: 3.78 KB * Uploaded January 14 2000
Description: The DOM Browser is a visual, interactive representation of the DOM (Document Object Model). It's helpful to beginners learning to interact with the DOM in JavaScript. It's also a great tool for side-by-side comparisons of Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other browsers and how they interpret the document and its elements.

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Title: Drag-n-Drop
Contributor: Randy Bennett (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.99 KB * Uploaded December 30 1999
Description: Simply click images on the web page, drag to move, and then drop images anywhere on the web page. A fun way to allow your visitors to interact with your site. And, it is a short script too!

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Title: Dynamic Sized Image
Contributor: Ed Churnside
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.64 KB * Uploaded June 2 2000
Description: Sometimes, your image does not look very good in different sized browser windows. This script will proportionally resize a graphic to fit within the current window or frame when a page is loaded, thus giving a more consistent and attractive look to your page.

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Title: Email Address Protector
Contributor: CDR Software
Contributor URL:
Details: 0.68 KB * Uploaded February 7 1999
Description: Here's a clever way to prevent email address collecting "robots" from grabbing your email address while still making your address available to your visitors.

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Title: Email This Page
Contributor: Ronnie T. Moore, Editor
Contributor URL: JavaScript Source Code 2002
Details: 1.63 KB * Uploaded March 31 2000
Description: Allow your visitors to email the current page to a friend. They just enter a friend's name and email address. It will send them a link to the current web page address in an email message signed by you, courtesy of Perfect!

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Title: Fake Counter
Details: 0.69 KB * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: If you don't quite have the traffic you'd like to your site, you can use your own fake page counter! Funny! Just don't get too carried away when you set the multiplier.... :-)

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Title: Floating Link
Contributor: Richard Cleaver (
Contributor URL:
Details: 2.14 KB * Uploaded February 8 2001
Description: This link will float in the upper right corner of the browser window and return you to the top of the window when clicked. Easily modified to include floating text or image!

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Title: Focus OnLoad
Details: 0.61 KB * Uploaded November 16 1999
Description: You can easily put the user's cursor inside a text box (calling giving the text box focus) as soon as the page is loaded. This helps ensure that visitors do not 'overlook' an important form item on your site. Only 1 line of code!

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Title: Frame Print
Contributor: Li Weidong
Contributor URL:
Details: 0.86 KB * Uploaded December 4 2000
Description: Control which frame is printed simply by using this short script. Easy!

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Title: Frameless Popup
Contributor: (
Contributor URL:
Details: 2.24 KB * Uploaded January 18 2001
Description: (IE4+) Launches a popup window without the Windows frame or titlebar. In other browsers, it launches a standard popup window. Position, width, and height are settable. Automatic closing of the window on leaving the page may also be optionally set.

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Title: Highlighted Text
Contributor: Ronnie T. Moore, Editor
Contributor URL: JavaScript Source Code 2002
Details: 1.12 KB * Uploaded April 20 2000
Description: Captures any text that has been highlighted with the cursor. In Internet Explorer, it even grabs text highlighted within a text box or textarea. Sweet!

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Title: Image Load
Details: 0.91 KB * Uploaded November 3 1999
Description: Notifies the user is an image on your site fails to load properly or if it is aborted when loading. Definitely an excellent example of the onAbort and onError image event handlers in use. Please note that in the script example we intentionally included a 'broken image' that fails to load properly to display the script in use.

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Title: Image Manipulator
Contributor: Ronnie T. Moore, Editor
Contributor URL: JavaScript Source Code 2002
Details: 2.07 KB * Uploaded May 3 2000
Description: Displays an online image or local image from your computer under various width and height manipulations that you enter. Useful for determining the best size for an image on your site without all the work. Nice!

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Title: Image Sized Window
Contributor: Alan Chu
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.59 KB * Uploaded October 5 2000
Description: Sizes a new popup window to the exact dimensions of the image in that window. Sweet!

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Title: Last Modified
Details: 1.17 KB * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: When you just can't stand to look at another 'Last Updated: Feb 02 1998 14:12:56:10' Script, give this script a try. It'll write to the page in the format, 'Last Updated February 2 1998' This looks much better!

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Title: Launch Date
Contributor: Ronnie T. Moore, Editor
Contributor URL: JavaScript Source Code 2002
Details: 1.12 KB * Uploaded April 24 2000
Description: Displays one of two messages after comparing the current date on the user's computer to a date that you determine, such as a product or web site launch date. A 'before' or 'after' message can be customized with your own HTML code, including images. Short!

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Title: Link of Minute
Contributor: Joe Merical
Details: 2.00 KB * Uploaded March 2 1998
Description: JavaScript will create a link that will change depending on the minute of the hour! You can add as many entries as you want! It's great!

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Title: Logo Branding
Contributor: Randy Bennett (
Contributor URL:
Details: 2.22 KB * Uploaded October 4 1998
Description: Have you seen the floating logo on Geocities sites? How would you like to have your own logo floating in the corner of your site? This script does just that! Awesome!

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Title: Menu Branding
Contributor: Randy Bennett (
Contributor URL:
Details: 3.24 KB * Uploaded November 29 1999
Description: Keeps logo (or text) in the bottom right corner of the browser window as they scroll the page up and down. The logo glides very smoothly when the page is scrolled and looks great. When their cursor is on the logo, a menu appears in its place offering links to different sections of the site. The menu returns to the logo a few seconds after the move the cursor off the menu. Neat!

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Title: Mouse Coordinates
Contributor: (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.33 KB * Uploaded January 11 2001
Description: Capture mouse X - Y positions with this easy script. Works much like our Mouse Tracker script, but much simpler! Compatible in Internet Explorer and Netscape versions 4+. Great!

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Title: Mouse Orbit
Contributor: Kurt Grigg (
Contributor URL:
Details: 5.33 KB * Uploaded June 9 2000
Description: A series of dots orbit the mouse cursor on the page, giving the appearance of a comet effect. Awesome!

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Title: Mouse Bubbles
Contributor: Kurt Grigg (
Contributor URL:
Details: 3.26 KB * Uploaded February 13 2001
Description: Bubbles float up from mouse giving the effect that the mouse is under water. The bubbles even expand in Internet Explorer.

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Title: Move Window
Contributor: Aaron Clinger (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.41 KB * Uploaded October 13 2000
Description: Move the browser window by simply clicking the buttons on the page. Neat!

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Title: Netscape Source Image
Contributor: Dion (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.14 KB * Uploaded October 21 1999
Description: When visitors using Netscape right-click your web page and select "View Source" or go to the View menu bar and select "View -> Page Source" the entire source code of your page is displayed. Interestingly enough, it's possible to actually insert an image into Netscape's view source page instead of just having text. When Netscape users view the source of your page, they see an image as well as the source code! Your image could tell the visitor that they are not allowed to view this source code, for example. A very simple but very clever script, indeed.

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Title: New Links
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.18 KB * Uploaded May 28 1999
Description: Displaying links as new for a few weeks after adding them is great. But, adding, removing, and updating that "New" icon for each link is pointless! Let JavaScript do your work for you! Just add a small code (less than 40 characters) next to each link with the date you want it to expire, and it will automatically display the "New" icon until the expiration date. What a time-saver!

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Title: No Right Click
Contributor: Martin Webb (
Details: 1.57 KB * Uploaded June 8 1999
Description: (4.0+ browsers) Ever wanted to prevent users from "borrowing" images from your site through right-clicking them and "save image as..." or right-clicking the page and viewing your page source? This script will (attempt to) disable the right click on your page! As explained, however, this script is not fool-proof !!

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Title: Page Extension
Details: 1.29 KB * Uploaded December 23 1999
Description: Displays a message based on the extension (like .html) of the web page. And, it is a breeze to add more file types to the script.

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Title: Page Scroller
Contributor: Brian Gosselin (
Contributor URL:
Details: 2.21 KB * Uploaded July 18 2000
Description: Placing the cursor on the page's up or down arrows located in the bottom right corner of the browser window will automatically scrolls the page. Cool!

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Title: Page Variable
Details: 0.61 KB * Uploaded April 16 1998
Description: Not exactly the most used script, but this one allows you to reference the page name in a variable. Instead of, you can use this script to create a variable that stores index.html for your use! You can use it with alerts, document.write, etc. Take a look!

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Title: Page Viewed Date
Details: 0.60 KB * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: I think it's always interesting to see some information about the page itself. This JavaScript will write out when the page was viewed, according to the visitor's clock.

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Title: Page Up For
Details: 1.96 KB * Uploaded July 1 1999
Description: JavaScript can even display how long your web page has been online. Just enter the date, the script does the calculations, and prints out the time. It has a very nice readout and looks very professional!

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Title: Preload Page
Contributor: Gilbert Davis
Details: 1.20 KB * Uploaded September 28 2000
Description: Displays a loading message as the page, including images and sound elements, are loaded in the background. When the page finishes loading the screen is shown, similar to how Macromedia's Flash plugin works. Easy!

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Title: Protect Images
Details: 0.81 KB * Uploaded May 21 1999
Description: (4.0+ browsers) Keep visitors from stealing your site images by right-clicking and then selecting "Save Image As..." This script will disable the right click on all the images on your site. Not foolproof, but helpful!

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Title: Reload on Resize
Details: 0.23 KB * Uploaded December 22 1999
Description: Useful for situations when a page resize moves the page elements improperly or causes JavaScript errors, which has been known to occasionally occur on pages with layers. As a solution, this script reloads the web page when the user resizes the page.

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Title: Resize Link
Contributor: Kevin B. Ebert (
Contributor URL:
Details: 0.67 KB * Uploaded October 9 2000
Description: Useful for webmasters, this script lets you view any web page at different resolutions by simply clicking the link and entering the height and width values. Tip: You can drag the link to your "Links" toolbar, and use it on any page you are viewing.

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Title: Right Click Menu
Contributor URL:
Details: 3.36 KB * Uploaded September 21 2000
Description: (Internet Explorer Only) Displays a menu when the visitor right click's on the page. You can easily use style sheets to modify the menu 'skins', or write your own. Awesome!

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Title: Roman Numerals
Contributor: Dougie Lawson (
Details: 1.96 KB * Uploaded May 31 2000
Description: This script helps you write the copyright statements on your page. It outputs the correct Roman Numerals for any year you want, including the current year. Clever!

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Title: Scrollbar Color
Contributor: (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.33 KB * Uploaded February 9 2001
Description: (IE 5.5+) Changes the color of the scrollbars in a page dynamically. Awesome!

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Title: Share A Page
Details: 1.94 KB * Uploaded August 13 1999
Description: If you would like to have several sites sharing one 'contact us' page, you can! Each site can link to the same page (but each with a unique string) and the appropriate site's information will be highlighted yellow in the contact table. For example, If they clicked on the 'contact us' link on the real estate page, the table cell with the real estate contact email address will be highlighted yellow instead of white on the contact us page. Clever!

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Title: Smart Popup
Contributor: Nannette Thacker (
Contributor URL:
Details: 3.93 KB * Uploaded February 20 2001
Description: Create popup windows that will center on your screen or popup near your link without popping off the edge of the screen. Also shows how to create a clickable popup or a popup that displays when you hover over the link with your mouse. Cool!

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Title: Source Viewer
Contributor: Alfie Pugh (
Details: 1.08 KB * Uploaded October 16 2000
Description: View the source of any web page. This will bypass any 'No right click' scripts on the page. Clever!

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Title: Thumbnail Viewer
Contributor: Anders Jennerberg (
Details: 1.72 KB * Uploaded May 2 2000
Description: Save page space by opening a new window to display larger images on your site when a thumbnail image or a picture text link is clicked. The same window is re-used when the images are the same size. Cool!

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Title: Time Box
Details: 1.41 KB * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: This is a neat little script that makes your web page look a whole lot more 'professional'. This JavaScript will display a small box with the time the visitor loaded the page.

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Title: Time Greeting
Contributor: Robert Ison
Contributor URL:
Details: 0.79 KB * Uploaded June 17 1999
Description: Don't just welcome your visitors anymore, JavaScript can write good morning, good evening, or good afternoon based on the time the page was loaded, according to the user's system clock. Neat!

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Title: Time On Page (Alert)
Details: 2.92 KB * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: If you want to show your visitors how long they have been on your page but don't exactly like those clock displays, then you might like this script. When the visitor leaves or clicks the button, they are alerted to the time they have been on your page. Many times, they won't even expect it!

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Title: Time On Page (Clock)
Details: 1.29 * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: Occassionally, it might be interesting to show the visitor how long they have been on your page. So, you can use this script to write a clock to the screen that will tell them exactly that!

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Title: Time On Page (Seconds)
Details: 1.28 KB * Uploaded August 18 1997
Description: If the other time on page scripts seem too impersonal for you, this could be your solution. Instead of the 00:00 readout, it displays 'X Secs'. Just another wonder of JavaScript...

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Title: Time On Page (OnUnload)
Contributor: Max Harris (
Contributor URL:
Details: 1.08 KB * Uploaded April 2 1998
Description: When someone visits your web page, JavaScript will start the clock. When the leave that page, they will be alerted with the time they have been viewing the page! Cool!

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Title: Top Window
Details: 1.48 KB * Uploaded May 29 1998
Description: Use this JavaScript to keep a window 'on top' of the rest of your other windows. Not sure what I mean? Try it out and see!

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Title: Window Print
Contributor: (
Contributor URL:
Details: 0.91 KB * Uploaded March 9 2001
Description: Quickly and easily print the current page by clicking on a link. Add this function to a submit button to automatically print a submitted form!

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