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3. Obtaining the CDROM

3.1 Downloading

The CDROM is distributed as a gzip or bzip2 compressed iso image, and is generally between 95-105MB in size. Available download mirrors are listed on the websites, or

3.2 Purchasing

The Sentry Firewall CD is also available for purchase over the web. Although the iso image is free to use and distribute, purchasing the CD will help support the project and help ensure continued development. For more information please visit

Custom versions of the CD tailored to a specific network configuration are also available upon request. Please email me for more information.

3.3 Burning the CDROM

This section will attempt a general overview on how to burn the CD iso image once you have obtained it from one of the mirrors. All the commands presume you're working in Linux, if not, then I'm afraid you're on your own.

First, let's decompress the iso image:
NOTE: Make sure you have enough disk space, the decompressed iso image can be somewhere between 250MB and 300MB.

blah@wherever:~$ gzip -d sentrycd.iso.gz


blah@wherever:~$ bzip2 -d sentrycd.iso.bz2

Verify the integrity of the iso image,

blah@wherever:~$ md5sum -b sentrycd.iso

Now, let's try to burn the CD. You'll need the 'cdrecord' utility available, it can be obtained here. You will want to run 'cdrecord -scanbus' in order to find the 'dev' value required for the following command. You will also need to know the write speed of your CDRW. Details on how to set this all up are beyond the scope of this document, please refer to the CD Writing HOWTO for more details.

blah@wherever:~$ DEV="DEV_LINE_HERE" SPEED="SPEED"
blah@wherever:~$ cdrecord -v -data speed=$SPEED dev=$DEV sentrycd.iso

That's it, you now have a Sentry Firewall CDROM. By the way, you may have to be root to do all this.

Keep in mind, if you simply want to look at the ISO image without actually burning the CD, you can mount the image on a loopback device;

blah@wherever:~$ mount -o loop ./sentrycd.iso /MOUNT_POINT

Where "MOUNT_POINT" is where you would like the CD mounted. You may then 'cd' to the MOUNT_POINT directory and poke around - don't forget to 'umount' the image once you're finished. This assumes you have support in your kernel for the loopback device. You probably do, but once again, recompiling kernels is beyond the scope of this document.

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