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15. ctags for PHP

Tags are extremely valuable and are used for navigation of source code inside the editors like vi, emacs, CRiSP, NEdit etc... If you had programmed a lot in C, C++ or Java you might have used the ctags program to create tags. To see the online manual page, type 'man ctags' at linux/UNIX bash prompt. The latest version of ctags supports PHP language and is available from

NOTE: Do NOT use the ptags given below but instead use the latest ctags which supports PHP language. The program below is just a exercise and sample and was created when older versions of ctags did not support PHP. The listing below is kept for historical reasons (a musuem).

The ptags program for PHP is given below, which you can use to create the tags for PHP source code. Your productivity will improve 3 to 4 times if you use ptags.

See also Vim color text editor for PHP, C, C++ at

// Save this file as ptags.cpp and compile by
//              g++ -o ptags ptags.cpp
// Copyright policy is GNU/GPL but additional request is
// that you include author's name and email on all copies
// Author : Al Dev Email: alavoor[AT]
// Usage : ptags *.php3 *.inc
//                 This will generate a file called tags
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h> // for sprintf
#include <stdlib.h> // for system
#include <string.h> // for memset
#include <ctype.h> // for isspace

#define BUFF_LEN  1024
#define LOCATION  9

char *ltrim(char *dd);
char *rtrim(char *ee);

main(int argc, char **argv)
        if (argc < 2)
                cerr << "\nUsage: " << argv[0] << " file .... " << endl;

        char fname[100] = "tag_file.out";
        FILE    *fpout;
        ofstream    fout(fname);
        if (
                cerr << "\nError opening file : " << fname << endl;
        //fpout = fopen(fname, "w");

        for (int ii = 1; ii < argc; ii++)
                char buff[2024];

                sprintf(buff, "\\rm -f %s; ls %s > %s 2>/dev/null", outfile, argv[1], outfile);
                cout << "\nbuff = " << buff << endl;

                FILE *fpin = NULL;
                fpin = fopen(argv[ii], "r");
                if (fpin == NULL)
                        cerr << "\nError opening file : " << argv[ii] << endl;
                char buff[BUFF_LEN + 100];
                memset(buff, 0, BUFF_LEN +10);
                for ( ; fgets(buff, BUFF_LEN, fpin) != NULL; )
                        char aa[BUFF_LEN + 100];
                        char aapointer[BUFF_LEN + 100];
                        memset(aa, 0, BUFF_LEN +10);
                        strcpy(aa, buff);
                        strcpy(aapointer, ltrim(aa));
                        strcpy(aa, aapointer);

                        // Remove the trailing new line..
                                int tmpii = strlen(aa);
                                if (aa[tmpii-1] == '\n')
                                        aa[tmpii-1] = 0;
                        //cout << "aa is : " << aa << endl;
                        //cout << "aapointer is : " << aapointer << endl;
                        if (strncmp(aa, "function ", LOCATION) != 0)
                        //cout << buff << endl;

                        // Example tags file output is like -
                        // al2  al.c    /^al2()$/;"     f
                                char bb[BUFF_LEN + 100];
                                memset(bb, 0, BUFF_LEN +10);
                                strcpy(bb, & aa[LOCATION]);
                                char *cc = bb;
                                while (cc != NULL && *cc != '(')
                                *cc = 0;
                                cc = rtrim(bb);
                                //cout << "bb is : " << bb << endl;
                                //cout << cc << "\t" << argv[ii] << "\t" << "/^" << aa << "$/;\"\tf" << endl;
                                fout << cc << "\t" << argv[ii] << "\t" << "/^" << aa << "$/;\"\tf" << endl;
                                //fprintf(fpout, "%s\t%s\t/^%s$/;\"f\n", cc, argv[ii], aa );

                        memset(buff, 0, BUFF_LEN +10);

        // Sort and generate the tag file
                char tmpaa[1024];
                sprintf(tmpaa, "sort %s > tags; \\rm -f %s", fname, fname);

char *ltrim(char *dd)
    if (dd == NULL)
        return NULL;

    while (isspace(*dd))
        return dd;

char *rtrim(char *ee)
    if (ee == NULL)
        return NULL;

        int tmpii = strlen(ee) - 1;
        for (; tmpii >= 0 ; tmpii--)
                if (isspace(ee[tmpii]) )
                        //cout << "\nis a space!!" << endl;
                        ee[tmpii] = 0;
        return ee;

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