Link-sys WPC11 Mini-HOWTO

Gerardo Arnaez


Revision History
Revision 1.1.12002-04-27Revised by: gea
some more grammer improvements, and highlighting to make things clearer
Revision 1.12002-04-13Revised by: gea
Correct grammar, made things a little more clearer, made software requirements more explicit.
Revision 1.02002-03-24Revised by: gea
Written because I spent enough figuring this out that I wanted to store "how I did it" somewhere I wouldn't lose it and figure you all might like it too.

Table of Contents
1. Link-sys WPC11 install on Debian
1.1. Why Debian and why just this card?
1.2. Required Hardware
1.3. Software Requirements
1.4. Kernel Configuration
2. Using make-kpkg to build kernels
4. Using make-kpkg to build the new kernel and pcmcia-source modules
5. Wlan Drivers for You Link-Sys Card
6. Checking things in case they don't work
7. Wireless tools
8. Wireless Access Point
9. Request for comments