4. Belgian Linux user groups

More information can be found in the User Group HOWTO A complete list of Linux User Groups is at: http://www.ssc.com/linux/glue/ and at: http://lugww.counter.li.org/

4.1. ALLIN Linux User Group [BEGIJNENDIJK]

4.2. Antwerp Linux User Group - ALUG [ANTWERP]

4.3. Brussels Linux User Group - BeLUGa [BRUSSELS]

4.4. Charleroi LUG [CHARLEROI]

4.5. Computer Forum KaHo - CFK

4.6. HCC Limburgse Linux Gebruikers Groep - HLLGG

4.7. HCC Linux Gebruikers Groep Leuven [LEUVEN]

4.8. Independent Group of Unix-Alikes and Network Activists - IGUANA

4.9. Infogroep - IGWE [BRUSSELS]

4.10. Leuvense Linux Users - L2U [LEUVEN]





First and third thursday every month in Freinetschool De Zevensprong, Vital Decosterstraat 67, B-3000 Leuven



4.11. LiΦge Linux Team - LiLiT [LIEGE]

4.12. Linux User Group De Bruxelles - BxLUG [BRUSSELS]

4.13. Linux User Group Heist op den Berg [HEIST OP DEN BERG]

4.14. Linux User Movement Underground Mad Belgian Aliens - LUMUMBA [DIEPENBEEK]

4.15. LinuxBe.Org A.S.B.L

4.16. Louvain-Li-nux - LLN [LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE]

4.17. Mons LUG [MONS]

4.18. Namur LUG [NAMUR]

4.19. Open Source Blanc Blue Belge - OS3B [CHARLEROI]

4.20. Open Technology Assembly Linux Special Interest Group [BRUSSELS]

4.21. PC Aktief Computerclub [SINT-NIKLAAS]


          PC Aktief Computerclub




Fourth tuesday every month in 't Hoveken van Belsele, Nieuwe Baan 130, B-9111 Belsele (Sint-Niklaas)


Johan De Baere

4.22. Student Information Networking - SIN [GEEL]

4.23. There Is No Alternative - TINA [ANTWERP]

4.24. Unix Lovers Yield Student Services & Internet Support - ULYSSIS [LEUVEN]

4.25. West-Vlaamse Linux User Group - Lug-WV [BRUGGE]

4.26. Workgroup of Linux Fanatics - WOLF [MECHELEN]

4.27. Zeus WPI - Werkgroep Informatica RUG [GENT]