Apache Compile HOWTO (Linux edition)

Luc de Louw

           luc at delouw.ch

Revision History
Revision 1.9.122002-04-22
Added mod_gzip and mod_gunzip, Corrected some typos, updates of software mentioned in the HOWTO, separated the additional modules into an own section.
Revision 1.9.112002-04-07
Corrected lots of typos (non-technical), updates of software mentioned in the HOWTO
Revision 1.9.11-pre12002-03-15
Corrected some grammar, updates of software mentioned in the HOWTO
Revision 1.9.102002-03-09
Corrected some grammar, updates of software mentioned in the HOWTO
Revision 1.9.92002-02-11
Fixed a major bug in openssl config, restructured the document, added sources for further informations
Revision 1.9.82002-02-08
Updates of software mentioned in the HOWTO, and fixed some bugs
Revision 1.9.72001-12-26
Updates of software mentioned in the HOWTO, tested the HOWTO procedures on Linux running on IBM S/390 (zSeries) Machines (See "platforms" for more info), Added some basic support for Tomcat (Binaries only)
Revision 1.9.62001-10-27
Updates of software mentioned in the HOWTO, and fixed some bugs
Revision 1.9.52001-08-27
Yet another rewrite in DocBook 3.1
Revision 1.9.42001-08-26
Updated the Software-Versions mentioned in the document, corrected some typos
Revision 1.9.32001-06-23
Current Version 2.0.0-pre3 in Linux DocBook format
Revision 1.0.02000-08-05
First publication of the html-based document

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Contributors and Contacts
1.2. Why I wrote this document
1.3. What this document is supposed to be
1.4. What this document doesn't do for you
1.5. Platforms
1.6. Copyright Information
1.7. Disclaimer
1.8. New Versions
1.9. Credits
1.10. Feedback
1.11. Translations
1.12. About the author
2. Prerequisites
2.1. General
2.2. Distribution specific
2.3. OpenSSL
2.4. MySQL
2.5. Building mm
3. Getting, build and install Apache with its basic modules
3.1. Get and untar the Apache Source
3.2. mod_ssl
3.3. mod_perl
3.4. Configure and build Apache
4. Additional modules
4.1. mod_dav
4.2. auth_ldap
4.3. mod_auth_mysql
4.4. mod_dynvhost
4.5. mod_roaming
5. Compressed delivery
5.1. mod_gzip
5.2. mod_gunzip
6. mod_php and its prerequisites
6.1. What is mod_php
6.2. Prerequisites
6.3. Building and installing PHP4
7. PHP extensions
7.1. APC (Alternative PHP-cache)
7.2. Zend-Optimizer (Do _NOT_ combine with APC-Cache!)
8. Server Side Java
8.1. mod_jserv
8.2. jakarta-tomcat
9. Further Information
9.1. News groups
9.2. Mailing Lists
9.3. HOWTO
9.4. Local Resources
9.5. Web Sites
10. Questions and Answers