
The Workshop for "TDeveloping Countries" was held on the 8 June 1994 during the ITC -14 Congress in Juan-les-Pins, France (6 - 10 June 1994)

There were about .... participants at the workshop. At this congress only one day was allocated to the presentation of papers. One invited paper was presented together with 14 papers, listed below:

Invited Paper

Traffic engineering standards supporting the practice. Some recent results of ITU-T Study Group 2 Geza Gosztony, Hungary & ITU-T


  1. Teletrafic et base de donnees de planification en Algerie Rabah Mouzaoui, Algerie (presented by Beatriz Craignou)
  2. Traffic engineering experiences in Bulgaria A. Nenkov, I. Stanev, S. Tsenkova, Bulgaria
  3. The development of telecommunication services in South China King Tim Ko, Hong Kong
  4. Influence of economic factors in the traffic forecasting from Guatemala Elid Deleon de Stormont, Guatemala (presented by Alan Lewis)
  5. Grade of service effects on the revenue Marcel-Lucas Mahoukou, Congo (presented by Lars Engvall)
  6. Unified telecommunications information system Marijan Valcovic, Dragan Vitas, Croatia
  7. A queuing model for a rural shared line system Karin Cyrus, South Africa (Marius Koetzee)
  8. Network management in Brazil Carlos Alberto Costa Nunes, Eduardo Antonio Ramalho, Brazil
  9. The importance of diagnosis in network elements Nunes Guilherme, Brazil (Edson Ursini)
  10. A survey of research and development of teletraffic issues in ATM networks Xiong Jian Liang, Xu-dong Ma, China
  11. Russian digital exchange ATSC-90 A. Koucheryavy, B. Goldstein, Russia
  12. Lost call systems with non-exponential distributed calls and holding times P.M Todorov, Bulgaria (presented by Ignat Stanev)
  13. Regulation and uncertain environment in the planning process Beatriz Craignou, Jean-Louis Fullsack, France
  14. Origin - Destination traffic variance and skewness Ian G. Kennedy, South Africa & L.T.M. Berry, Australia (Pieter Kotze)