Play List Maker

  • 1.0 - 961005: The WinPlay3 program was found and i got my first .mp3 song. It was great, but WinPlay3 had an awful interface. I looked around for a shuffle program, but the program i found wasn't what i wanted so i decided to write my own program. After 2 nights work in Visual Basic 4.0 i had the first version ready. It could save a playlist, but that was almost all.
  • 1.1 - 961008: Some more functionality were added. Now one can double-click on a song in the playlist and it was played with WinPlay. WinPlay3.exe was automatically found if it .MP3 was associated with the player in Windows 95.
  • 1.2 - 961010: Tooltips were added because it could be though understanding what all buttons were doing.
  • 1.3 - 961011: Saving a playlist was a very early functionality, but what about loading a playlist? In version 1.3 it was added. Because of this some major rework had to be done.
  • 1.4 - 961012: Major redesign of the interface; Much better. Started making this www page.
  • 1.5 - 961013: Added functionality for creating a info list; taking the playlist and for each song adding the file_id.diz to an info list.
  • 1.6 - 961016: Fixed some bugs; when the user didn't have associated .MP3 files in Windows 95 to where the player WINPLAY3.EXE was located, an error occurred saying "Invalid procedure call". Fixed. It's now also possible to add URL's (http://....) addresses to the playlist through the menus. The program was added to in the NonNetwork-CdPlayer area.
  • 1.7 - 961102: Fixed a lot of bugs. Added Drag&Drop from the pathbox and the filelistbox to the playlist. It is also possible to remove songs from the playlist by dragging them into the filelistbox. Created a new window where one can add, edit and delete URL's.
  • 2.0 - 961117: Major redesign of the user interface and alot of bug fixes ;-) Added the possibility of calculating the length of each song. Alot of improvments that i have forgotten. The trayicon functionality was improved. Five new options in the menu which let the user configure the program to his needs. Made the WinPlay3 path detection much better. All configurations are now saved to the registry.
  • 2.1 - 961130: Redesign of the user interface - again. It is now possible to D&D from the Explorer to the playlist (both files and directories). Added Id3 tag format support. It's now possible to save the path where the program will set as start path. The playlist can be saved drive independent; perfect for CD's.
  • 2.2 - 961213: Alot of bugfixes. Added the possibilty to save a .nfo file with the data from the Id3 tag. Made a new window that shows when you want to save the infolist which lets you decide exactly how you want your infolist. When adding songs to the playlist, a window pops up letting the user abort the operation. Added more genres.
  • 2.21 - 961215: Fixed some emberrassing bugs.
  • 3.0 - 970123: Major redesign of the GUI. You can now decide how the UI should look like. Added Expert mode which don't show acknowledge popups. Validate the playlist can be turned off and on. It is also possible to decide what filename a description file is called. All data about a song is loaded during a search for songs and this might take some time. Therefore it's now possible to save all this data for very quick loading of playlists (takes seconds instead of minutes). The recent playlists/datafiles can be found in the playlist menu. The playlist window shows now the information found in the Id3 tag. It's possible to choose what to see in that list. The position and size of the windows is saved. And alot more.
  • 3.1 - 970128: Remade the playlist view to a grid. Added a new window which has 5 buttons (play,stop,pause,forward & backward). These buttons controls WinPlay3, ie you can control WP3 from Mp3PlayListMaker. WinPlay3 can be hidden and instead be shown as an icon in the trayicon field. A lot of bugs where fixed (thx Jonlin).
  • 3.11 - 970201: Fixed some bugs that was introduced into 3.0 when converting V2.21 to V3.0. Added a control window which can be shown when Mp3PlayListMaker is minimized. It's also possible to quit WinPlay3 when quitting Mp3PLM. Renamed the "PlayList->Save" to "PlayList->SaveAs" and added "PlayList->Save". Misc. other improvments.
  • 3.12 - 970203: Fixed the bug concerning the control window. Some other bugs also fixed.
  • 3.13 - 970206: Yet another quick bug fix which have been there since v2.0. Now it (hopefully) will calculate the correct songlength, even from damaged mp3 files.
  • 3.14 - 970222: The state of the windows are now saved (iconized or normal). Also, it can handle .m3u/.m3d files as argument. Loading big lists shall not be any problems no more. The control window can be configured to always be on top.
  • 3.20 - 970326: Fixed the bug when trying to play songs from the file box. Added some more features to the infolist screen (check it out - very good for creating nice looking lists). Added alarms - you can make the program start playing songs at a specified time. Added HTML page generating of the playlist. New preferences window. Pressing a column header in the playlist will sort the list. More sort choices. Added Play Range which will play a selection of songs. And much more.

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    Created: Thursday, 10-Oct-96 21:40:31 GMT by Coq.
    Last modified: Wednesday, 26-Mar-97 20:24:22 GMT by Coq.