Project CHILI's Bookmarks

Alta Vista: Main Page


Links to sites related to the work of finding solutions


Welcome to Powersoft Product Information
PowerBuilder FAQ
PowerBuilder Home Page
Why Use PowerBuilder
Powerbuilder Wisdom Page


Sybase, Inc., System XI
Sybase Products
Welcome To Oracle
Oracle7 Enterprise Server
Oracle7 Release 7.3: New Features Summary
Oracle7 Server Release 7.2
Oracle Server Manager V2.1
Oracle Power Objects - Main Page
Oracle Products Email Registration Form

Support Management - Resource Allocation

Links related to the work of finding the right tools. -Mathias-

ASN.1 Compilers

Links related to the work of finding a suitable (fast and no bugs) ASN.1 compiler

ASN.1 homepage (Philipp Hoschka, INRIA, France)
The Advantages of ASN.1 Compilers
1) List of ASN.1 Compilers
2) List of ASN.1 Compilers

The MAVROS ASN.1 Compiler

"One of the most performant ASN.1 compiler"
Generates C code.

The MAVROS home page

SNACC ASN.1 Compiler

MHEG Developers Workshop - SNACC
Main changes between version 1.1 and 1.2rj

CASN1 ASN.1 Compiler

CASN1 - ASN.1 to C Compiler

NIST Free value Tool for ASN.1

Examination of ASN.1 Compilers: NIST Free Value Tool for ASN.1

BBN ASN.1 to C++ Compiler

Directory of /pub/outgoing/asn_src

One Hundred Rules for NASA Project Managers