The story

I was born in 1975 in Ystad, where i lived with my parents until 1994. I attended elementary school there, and also did my time at the österportskolan gymnasium. There i met some people that I still meet often, one of them is Martin Fredriksson, also known as Kephir. During my early youth, I did a lot of things, such as playing handball, skateboarding, playing american football etc. I have also been skiing for at least a week each winter season.

I moved to Ronneby in august 1994 with the intention of conduction studies at the Software Engineering programme, which I have been doing ever since. Besides studying, I have been active in the engineerers society, RISC, during the year of 1996. I have also worked as a lab advisor at the University of Karlskrona/Ronneby.

American football

I started playing american football when I was like 17 or so and was involved in starting up the team in Ystad, Ytown Rockets. Unfortunately, I only played one season with the team before I moved to Ronneby. There are teams located near Ronneby, in Karlshamn and Karlskrona, but it would still mean travelling ~60 km whenever practicing, *sigh*.