3. Constitution

(Translation of the French document, officially registered in Nice, France, 27 January 1993 )

Article 1

In the name of The International Association of Community TeleService Centres is created an association ruled by the French Law on Associations of 14 July 1901 and the Decret of 16 August 1901.

Article 2

The Association is intended specifically to serve official or semi-official institutions, movements, associations, foundations, agencies, societies, or other groups with social, humanitarian, teaching, scientific, professional, cultural and/or international purposes through
a) studies and research applied to the developing countries for the establishment of suitable "teleservices" for the local conditions and needs;
b) through the development and provision of a training programme for the operation and management of said teleservice centres;
c) through the performance of studies on the contribution of said "teleservice" centres to the social, economic and administrative development of the region (country) concerned.

Article 3

The Association has its headquarters in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France, but it may open offices and/or delegations in other countries.
Its duration is unlimited.

Article 4

The Association and its members may undertake any operations in the field of the development of telephone and telematic and other associated services designed to help bring about the purposes of the association. They may in particular:

a) carry out studies; instigate research programmes and publish documents train and encourage organisers, researchers, experts, specialists, etc.
b) promote, organise and facilitate all forms of research, all seminars, courses, etc., designed to tailor the telephone and telematic services in the best possible way to the requirements of the region's (country's) development and to satisfy the users' needs;
c) complete any project and any construction arising from the studies and research performed;
d) assemble in each area all those interested in development problems in the telephone and telematic services, etc.

Article 5

The Association shall refrain from any act of partisan or religious politics in the service of anyone whomsoever.
Its members may be of any nationality, origin and faith.

Article 6

The Association shall be administered by a Management Board of 3 to 20 members without any discrimination.
The members of the Management Board shall be elected for a 4-year term of office by all the members of the Association voting at an optional plenary meeting or by correspondence, and shall be eligible for re-election.

Article 7

Any member of the Association may be a candidate for election to the Management Board, which may co-opt new members within the limits set by Article 6.

Article 8

The Management Board shall elect from among its members a Chairman and two Vice Chairmen and a Treasurer constituting the Executive Office of the Association.

Article 9

The Management Board shall draw up the broad lines of the operations of the Association in accordance with this Constitution with the aim of achieving the registered purposes.
Its meetings shall be called by its Chairman at least once every two years. Meetings shall be called at the written request of at least three of its members.
It may set up any Committee or Commission designed to contribute towards the achievement of the Association's purposes.

Article 10

The Executive Office shall take the decisions needed for the operation of the association between meetings of the Management Board.
It may set up any working groups intended to facilitate its task.
The Executive Office may delegate all or some of its powers to one of the members of the Office.
The extent and duration of such delegation shall be set by the Office.

Article 11

The Association's resources are made up of:

a) contributions from its members;
b) gifts and subsidies from public or private sources;
c) the embayments from property and capital belonging to the Association;
d) grants from the Government, the Departments and Communes.

Article 12

The Management Board shall determine the minimum contributions of members of the Association, whose liability shall be limited to this payment.

Article 13

The Executive Office may accept contributions, gifts, legacies or subsidies which are either unallocated to any specific purpose or are in the form of a full or partial share in the costs of given projects.

Article 14

Resources of the Association not intended for a given purpose shall be allocated by the Executive Office, especially for the full or partial financing of:

a) the cost of studies, surveys; research and publications;
b) the remuneration of advisers, lecturers and specialists undertaking tasks contributing towards the accomplishment of the Association's purposes;
c) the Association's administrative expenses.

Article 15

The Association may admit new members at any time.
Applications shall be made in writing to the Management Board which shall take its decisions at the next meeting, or by correspondence, on a majority of the votes cast.

Article 16

Any member of the Association may resign. Resignations shall be submitted to the Management Board in writing.

Article 17

The Management Board may decide to expel a member on a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, without giving any reason therefor.

Article 18

After circularising all its members in writing, the Management Board may amend the Constitution of the Association and/or disband it on a majority of the votes cast by the members present or represented on the occasion of an extraordinary meeting of the Board called for the purpose.
In either case, theproposal to amend the Constitution and/or to disband the Association shall be sent by registered post at least three months before the date set for the vote.

Article 19

In case the Association is disbanded by at least two thirds of the members present at the general assembly, one or more liquidators are named by the assembly and the assets, if any, is devolved according to Article 9 of the French Law of 14 July 1901 and the Decret of 16 August 1901.

Article 20

The competence and legal value of the French courts shall be recognised.

15 January 1993 Signed: Lars Engvall / President Pierre Luhan / Treasurer (deceased 1993)