How To submit?

?øâàîì úåãåáò çåìùì ãöéë

HighSchool / Bagrut Submitions
úåøâá / ïåëéúì úåãåáò çåìùî

Generally, we will accept anything in hebrew, that relates to Highschool, or anything that can somehow help the people who hang out at this place. (Students, Teachers, Parents.... )


College/ University Submitions
äììëî/äèéñøáéðåàì úåãåáò çåìùî

Well, we'd very much like to see your work at the College Database of SchoolSucks Israel, in order to help other students and to make your stay and theirs as helpfull as possible.

PLEASE note that we will only publish Hebrew papers, in MS-WORD 6.0 or 7.0 format, or in ASCII/TEXT format. We don't publish the grade of the papers in the database, so please try to send us only papers that got at least a good grade!

and Last but not Least: this database is not here for you to steal papers from it and give them in as yours!!! It is only here for you to use as a library if papers other students wrote on a certain subject. Please do not use the papers on the database for any kind of unethical activity.

Now: if you are ready, please attach the files, max 3 at a time, to our email:

Thank You!!!

Go Back. ........ øåæç

Questions, remarks and and requests about the highschool/bagrut section please send to Nimrod Carmi
Questions, remarks and and requests about the college/university section please send to Adi Ben Ami - :éîò-ïá éãòì åçìù àð äèéñøáéðåàä øâàî éáâì úåòöäå úåù÷á ,úåøòä ,úåìàù éîøë ãåøîðì åçìù àð ïåëéú/úåøâáä øâàî éáâì úåòöäå úåù÷á ,úåøòä ,úåìàù