Equality One Nation Under God [Another WR122 paper]-RJ One Nation Under God Would God categorize his children? That is a question that I believe most would give a simple and direct answer: No. Would the United States categorize their citizens? Although the Amendment suggests that all men and women are equal, the fact is, the people of the United States are continuously being classified. So, if indeed the United States is one nation under God, why do we continue to sort ourselves through unreasonable and unethical factors? The misinterpretation of race has shattered the American society and for all that it stands. We should correct America’s immoral actions and assumptions that separate God’s children in hope of reforming the United States toward true equality. The United States is supposed to be a nation of equal beings, yet the government, companies, and organizations in America use race in questionnaires and forms. For example, ******************* admissions form asks to check one of the boxes containing the following: African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, White, Other, and Prefer not to answer. Prefer not to answer should be the most logical choice, but still, the question of race in general, should not be of any concern, especially for filing purposes. Despite the fact, we are haunted by the categorization of our "ethnic background," which vaguely describes our personality. Many other organizations prefer to ask about race, but when we inquired for our ethnic background, we should think about how and why it would be of any concern if we are considered equal under God. And when asked for ethnic background, we should wonder why the selections are merely categorized by color of skin, rather than precise nationality. How can we be equal in America, yet be judged by the color of our skin? The truth is, we are deceived by many organizations claiming equality when asked the questions of our background. Background is simple visualization of our family lineage. Character is still varied from person to person, whether a person is from the same location of the world or not. If we are truly equal in race, ethnic background should be of no concern to records but to idolize diversity. Therefore, the question of our ethnicity should no longer exist regarding any person for recording purposes such as forms or applications. Unfortunately, the United States has a social defect which disregards the equality between human beings. This they call "interracial relationships." "Interracial relationships," is an immoral expression because it demoralizes couples of the opposite color. But an interracial relationship is not a relationship between two different colors of the skin, it is a relationship between two equal human beings. People aren’t born into races or colors, but in actuality, races were created from diverse people and environments. Race is frequently regarded to as the color of the skin. But, the color of the skin is simply the natural way the body protects itself in accordance to geographical locations and the sun. The pigments of the skin have absolutely no relation to the character of the person. And since a person should be judged by their personality, not the body, classifying human beings by race remains an immoral way by reasoning. Furthermore, categorizing races into any group is senseless because people naturally differ in nationalities, religion, language, color, creed, sex preferences and so on and so forth. It would be almost impossible to grasp each of these characteristics into categories, therefore, classifying human beings in any way, is absurd. People classify to simplify life into categories, but it ironically turns into confusion. Devastating effects accompany the division of this country by race. First, psychological effects range from low self-esteem to hatred to misjudgment. Second, social effects range from barring relationships to employment. Third, physical effects range from fights to, at worse, death. And fourth, the lack of morality in respecting and loving one another as the children of God. These effects, which are the major issues concerning the social structure of the U.S. today, will persist and accumulate as long as we go on categorizing and dividing the human race. What is the proper role of race in our society? The role of race in our society is to remind us all of where the human race has been and what we have learned. Human beings have traveled, lived, and adapted on almost every piece of land on this earth. We have gained knowledge through experience and because of that we are able to carry humankind into the next century and in hope for more centuries to come. When we look at the color of our skins we should not think about our differences but our similarities and how we can learn from each other. Classing by race keeps us conscious of the color of our skin which proves to be an irrational and immoral way of thought. These thoughts are destructive and can be fatal to the human race. In order to reverse the effects of this harmful behavior, the question of our ethnicity should be excluded from all that determines our personality and that unfairly divides the people as a whole. The color of the skin should not be a factor in recognizing personality, but to acknowledge our past and our potential for unity and growth in all nations under God.