
There are 3 different t-shirts available from now on:
  • How can I order these t-shirts?
    Standard Edition:

    -sold out-

    These are white T-shirts with the logo from the HomePage.
    Available in the sizes L and XL.

    Austria: 150 ATS (+30 ATS fürs Verschicken - außerhalb von Linz)
    Overseas: 15 US$ (+3 US$ for shipping)

    Black Edition: -sold out-
    Here the logo is printing on black t-shirts.
    Available in the sizes L and XL.

    Austria: 225 ATS (+30 ATS fürs Verschicken - außerhalb von Linz)
    Overseas: 23 US$ (+3 US$ for shipping)

    Killer Edition: -sold out-
    These shirts are printed on both sides. There is a nice Bill GateZ Foto on the backside (the shirts come with an undocumented link to the shoot.html-page...)
    Available in the sizes L and XL.

    Austria: 235 ATS (+30 ATS fürs Verschicken - außerhalb von Linz)
    Overseas: 25 US$ (+3 US$ for shipping)

    How can I order this cool stuff??

    Well. I thought about how you could get the shirts and I could get the money. The only way I think that is possible is that you send me the money via air-mail or an other (perhaps saver) way if you are in the US. Europeans can send me a EuroCheque or also in cash. If you want to get a t-shirt then please e-mail me and I will reservate you a shirt and mail you my adress. If then the money arrives in here I will send you the shirt.

    Please write in your mail/email which one of the t-shirts you want and what size (as described before..).

    [ Anti-M$ ]

    last modified -- Sun Mar 17 21:57:36 MET 1996