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  Function            DESQbeginc - begin critical section

  Syntax              void DESQbeginc(void);

  Prototype in        multihk.h

  Remarks             used in conjunction with DESQendc(), this function
                      signals the beginning of a critical piece of code
                      that should not be interrupted. DESQview will NOT
                      multitask during critical sections of code. A
                      common instance of critical code is an interrupt

  Return value        nothing.

  Note                Make sure that you end all critical sections of
                      code with DESQendc() or DESQview will not switch to
                      other tasks.

  See also            DESQendc()

See Also: DESQendc()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson