Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Rocket Science Games Blast your way through a classic comic thriller, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs. You'll be riveted to the driver's seat of your '53 Caddy--it's the Xenozoic Age--600 years in the future. Rocket Science Games takes you on a treacherous journey through a jungle of menacing dinosaurs. Forget the rearview mirror. The future is in front of you, with Cadillacs and Dinosaurs--The Second Cataclysm. To install from DOS, exit Windows and type D:\ (where D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive) then type: cd demos\cadillac [return] then type: "setup" [return] and follow the directions. (Note: If you would like to print out these instructions, they may be found in the "txt" directory on the CD labelled "rocket.txt")