RISE OF THE ROBOTS ================== PLEASE NOTE - A 486 IS NEEDED TO RUN THIS DEMO! IF THE DEMO FAILS TO RUN, PLEASE TYPE THE FOLLOWING COMMAND WHILE IN THE \RISE DIRECTORY SETUP [RETURN] WHEN THE PROGRAM HAS FINISHED ASSESSING YOUR MACHINE, SELECT THE 'EXIT WITHOUT SAVE' OPTION AND THEN RUN THE DEMO AGAIN. =============================================== Playable Pre-Production Demo featuring: Cyborg v. Military Droid You are now in possession of a small piece of the beat-em-up set to redefine the genre on the PC. 'Rise of the Robots' features some of the most stunning graphics ever seen on a 486. The fully rendered, fully controllable characters fight in a 3D environment designed by a professional interior designer. Each character is equipped with a complex artificial intelligence which will give your opponent the ability to learn and adapt to your fighting style in a way never before seen in a beat-em-up. This playable demo features the Cyborg, the hero of 'Rise' battling it out against the Military Droid on his way to his ultimate confrontation with the Supervisor. This duel, as with all the other encounters in 'Rise' is linked by a cinematic sequence which leads you into your opponent's environment. This is a pre-production two player only version of the game. The demo features the cinematic intro to the clash with the Military Droid (or Exterminator as he is often called). It also features the death sequence for each robot. This version being only two player does not include the Artificial Intelligence utilised in the single player option. Instead you will have to use your own intelligence (artificial or otherwise) to outwit your opponent. By diligent play you will come across the basic special moves of each character, if used correctly these can bring swift termination of your opponent. We have not included the Super Special Moves which all robots will be armed with. You will have to wait for the final version to see how Super they are. The special moves available in this demo are: Cyborg: Turbo Head Butt and Shoulder Barge Military Droid: Cyber Slash and Catapult Spin The basic requirements for running this demo are: 486 PC with SVGA card 4 Mb of memory The recommended requirements for running this demo are: 486 PC with fast SVGA card 8 Mb of memory SoundBlaster 2 Joysticks and a splitter