LifePlan ======== Version 1.05, released 10 September 95. This version corrects minor technical problems in LifePlan 1.04, and further smooths the initial setup procedure. Do you have big dreams to achieve? Do you want to be a real winner in life? Do you want to be remembered as a brilliant businessperson, a creative artist, a good parent, as a major achiever in other fields, or all of these? Do you want to be financially secure and happy? If so, then LifePlan can help you achieve your dreams. LifePlan is a powerful tool that helps you to create and maintain the framework of plans and set the goals that are vital to making a real success of your life. LifePlan provides a structured approach to setting goals in all areas of your life, starting with the big lifetime dreams, and working down through a series of shorter term plans until you reach your daily To Do List, part of which shows the small, easy things that you should do today to move towards your lifetime goals. LifePlan helps you to decide what your big dreams are, and then helps you to break them down into smaller and smaller, more manageable goals so that you will achieve your dreams without getting bogged down in trivia. Once you have set your goals, LifePlan operates as a daily To Do List, integrating your routine life actions with the actions that you must take to achieve your long-term aims. It automatically schedules regular viewings and reviews of your higher level plans so that as you grow, your dreams and goals always reflect the person that you are now, not the person you were five months ago. By viewing and reviewing your dreams you keep them fresh and at the front of your mind. LifePlan has been designed to support some of the best motivational and achievement methods available, providing the initial organizational structure needed, and then the on-going routine administration to keep the methods running smoothly and on target. In addition to goals, LifePlan allows you to link in clusters of notes, scanned images, sound clips and information on people that allows you to build up a motivational dossier on your goals, ensuring that you have all the information needed for that goal and for the visualization of the achievement of that goal immediately available. If you are suspicious that the above is just 'hype', remember that LifePlan is a professional shareware product. It has been not been crippled or restricted in any way, nor is it just a shell advertising other products. We are so confident that you will like and continue to use LifePlan that we are happy for you to evaluate it free of charge, and only register it when you are satisfied that it genuinely does for you what we claim it does. To set yourself on the path towards realization of your dreams, install LifePlan today. This product can genuinely help you towards a happy, fulfilled life. Technical ========= LifePlan runs under Windows on IBM PC Compatibles. It will run (slowly) on machines specified as low as 386SX (4 Mb RAM), but runs most effectively on higher specification machines. LifePlan is a database product, so the amount of disk space used will grow as your use of it grow. It will initially use about 3Mb of your hard disk. Installation ============ Unzip LIFEPL05.ZIP in a temporary directory. From Windows File...Run... run SETUP.EXE from that temporary directory. LifePlan will then install. When accessing LifePlan for the first time you will be asked if you want to create distribution archives which will help you to pass LifePlan on to other people. If you want to do this, LifePlan will take a few minutes to create and structure those archives. Registration ============ The Shareware Registration Fee is your local equivalent of US$25.00/UKœ15.00 + P&P, for which you will receive a manual and the next upgrade free of charge. If you are a Compuserve member you can register LifePlan by going 'GO SWREG' and entering code 5228. Support ======= E-Mail for support on LifePlan.