KG200 Raid on Thorpe-Abbotts Airfield [Important Note: To allow this mission to run properly you must have the following 3 files; B17FOE.BAT, B17FOE.TXT, and B17FRND.BAT. You must also have debug in the \AC subdir or a path set to it. You must exit SWOTL and place B17FOE.TXT in the \AC subdir and B17FOE.BAT & B17FRND.BAT in the \SWOTL subdir. Run B17FOE.BAT. Then run SWOTL and load 4-KG200.MIS from the custom mission menu. After running this mission exit SWOTL and run B17FRND.BAT.] Operating your captured B-17s as members of the Luftwaffe's special unit called KG200 you are attempting to infiltrate through Allied patrols over the Channel and attack the Bomb Group stationed at Thorpe-Abbotts airfield. Watch out for Allied fighter patrols as you will not have the enemy's FiFo codes and if challenged you will have to engage them. [This file is heavily patched to make it work correctly. Your score will be determined more or less normally unlike the first 3 KG200 missions in this batch.] ----------------------------------------- 4-KG200.Mis/Txt created by K. Heitmann