************************ SPECIAL OFFER ************************** I've assembled a nice collection of tile sets which have been contributed by MJVGA users throughout the country. To date, I have two disks full (with five sets per disk). If you'd like to receive them directly from me, you have two options. First, if you contribute an ORIGINAL, DECENT tile set to add to this collection, I'll send you the first two disks of the library (soon to be larger than 2 disks, I hope!). You do NOT have to be a registered MJVGA user to take advantage of this part of the offer. Second, if you've registered your copy of MJVGA, I'll send you both disks for $6 (to cover my time, materials, and shipping). Please note that you MUST be a REGISTERED MJVGA user to qualify for this part of the offer. If you'd like, you can order these disks when you register. If you're already registered, please include your name and the serial number on your upgrade disk if you've received one. If you'd prefer not to accept this offer, you may be able to get the tile sets from a local bulletin board or from a friend. They're in the public domain, so they can be freely copied and distributed. The reason that I'm limiting my offer to registered users is because I don't want to be so swamped with orders from everyone that my registered users would get lost in the chaos. I think they deserve that courtesy.