Dear UW2 Customer: Thank you for purchasing Origin's UW2. Enclosed, you will find a patch to solve 2 problems. The first is for the Servant Strike Plot Hang. The second is sleeping with the Moonstone on your cursor, dreaming of the Ethereal Void, and then dropping the Stone. Put the disk into your disk drive, we will use the "B" drive in this example, and make sure the file has been unzipped. Use the following command: COPY B:\UW2PATCH.EXE C:\UW2 This will copy the new .EXE file into the UW2 directory. Change into the UW2 directory and type: UW2PATCH It will then search for the file, and come up with a warning that says there is already a UW2.EXE file, do you want to over write it. Select "Y" for yes. It will then start working, and you should see the files exploding. It will then bring you back to the C:\UW2 prompt. You should then be able to progress as usual in the game. There is no need to restart with this patch. We are very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you, and hope this patch enables you to complete the game without any further complications. Thank You, Origin Customer Service