How do I save Rome from Attila the Hun?

Hint 1 of 13:
Drop by the Vatican and bring Pope Leo with you.

Hint 2 of 13:
You need to convince him that God is powerful.

Hint 3 of 13:
Find a way to create a minor miracle.

Hint 4 of 13:
Attila doesn't know about the future, but you do.

Hint 5 of 13:
The needed "technology" isn't too far ahead in the future.

Hint 6 of 13:
Have you visited Peking in 800 AD?

Hint 7 of 13:
They have discovered fireworks, which would seem like a miracle to Attila.

Hint 8 of 13:
You will first have to get in the Inner Sanctuary of the Buddhist temple.
(See the Peking section for more information.)

Hint 9 of 13:
Ask them for the mask, and they will be happy to give it to you.

Hint 10 of 13:
All you need now is a way to light it.

Hint 11 of 13:
Have you been to the tavern in Dover, 1940 AD?

Hint 12 of 13:
Listen to Churchill's radio announcement.

Hint 13 of 13:
He'll leave a lighter behind when he's finished.