How do I complete the sultan's challenge?

Hint 1 of 20:
Before you do anything, take careful note of the Vizier's clothes.

Hint 2 of 20:
The colors are very important.

Hint 3 of 20:
A nice massage might relax you.

Hint 4 of 20:
So sit down.

Hint 5 of 20:
Watch the girls closely while you have the chance.

Hint 6 of 20:
To go anywhere, you'll need a cover.

Hint 7 of 20:
Veils make a nice cover.

Hint 8 of 20:
Wait until the girls all leave and take one.

Hint 9 of 20:
Of course, to get anywhere, you'll need the right one.

Hint 10 of 20:
Do you think there's a connection between the Vizier's clothes and
the body parts each of the girls?

Hint 11 of 20:
Of course.  The unfaithful wife's favorite body part (the one she
massages) is covered with clothing of her color on the Vizier.

Hint 12 of 20:
So take her veil and go downstairs.

Hint 13 of 20:
You might want to take those figs, just in case.

Hint 14 of 20:
Now you'll need to get the Vizier to meet the proper wife.  With
what you have from the palace, how can you signal him?

Hint 15 of 20:
There's not much.  Give him a fig.

Hint 16 of 20:
Now it's time for the "meeting."  Head up to the proper bedroom.

Hint 17 of 20:
The Vizier isn't going to do anything in your presence.

Hint 18 of 20:
Drop the veil and get under the bed.

Hint 19 of 20:
Wait until you have proof before you come out of hiding.
