Star Game (Attic Door)

Hint 1 of 5:
I found that the trick to this puzzle was to try to make a jump from one
of the points of the star as soon as I could.  After that, just plan your
moves ahead a bit, and make sure that you don't paint yourself into any
proverbial corners.

Hint 2 of 5:
Read on for the answer.  The top point of the star is numbered 1, the points
on the first horizontal line are labelled 2-5 (left to right), the next two
points down are numbered 6 and 7, the point in between and just below 6 and 7
is 8, and the bottom two points are 9 and 10 (left and right).

Hint 3 of 5:
Jump 6 to 1 and 5 -> 3,
