
Why is this section here?
Ordinarily, I don't like to give out point lists in a UHS file.  But some of
my hints assume that you've perfected the previous events -- and you may not
get the most from the hints otherwise.  For example, a spell that you use in
Chapter 1 may also be needed in Chapter 5.  I only explained how to use that
spell in the Chapter 1 hints, and assume you know how to use it by Chapter 5.
The game will warn you if you have received less than a perfect score at the
end, and also tell you the events in which you could improve.  I have simply
included this information in this file to save you the trouble of waiting for
the built-in report -- and also to insure that you don't progress too far
before you have to restore.

Hint: What are the maximum possible points?