How am I supposed to win this contest?

Hint 1 of 19:
You will need the gain the friendship of a "babe" to win this one.

Hint 2 of 19:
All of the most attractive women are already taken.

Hint 3 of 19:
You'll have to befriend someone that a lot of other Spring Breakers wouldn't
give the time of day to.

Hint 4 of 19:
In fact, she needs to be a real loser.

Hint 5 of 19:
Real loser as in someone who loses all the time.

Hint 6 of 19:
You might want to drop in by the Sand Bar.

Hint 7 of 19:
Roxanne doesn't seem to be having any luck at all.
She just can't win a fair contest.

Hint 8 of 19:
She will also need a bit of help to hold down her opponent.

Hint 9 of 19:
Those suction cup gloves from the Cliff Road will help her quite a bit.

Hint 10 of 19:
Hand them to her in the middle of the contest, and Roxanne will offer to help
you in the contest.

Hint 11 of 19:
Of course, you'll need to give Roxanne a T-shirt when she shows up.

Hint 12 of 19:
Roxanne needs a *lot* of help in order to win this one.

Hint 13 of 19:
In fact, she's the exact opposite of what you need in this contest.
