I keep getting lost. How do I find my way in the Monkey Head

Hint 1 of 13:
You need to do some navigating.

Hint 2 of 13:
Actually, you need a navigator.

Hint 3 of 13:
But, a part of a navigator will do.

Hint 4 of 13:
Like the head of a navigator.

Hint 5 of 13:
Now who do you think specializes in heads?

Hint 6 of 13:
Go to the natives and get the navigator head.

Hint 7 of 13:
They will need a replacement for their navigator head first.

Hint 8 of 13:
Do you have any reading material from Stan?

Hint 9 of 13:
Anything that will help them get a new head?

Hint 10 of 13:
Check out the brochure.

Hint 11 of 13:
Give the brochure to the natives.
