
Subject: I need to convince Omar's servant that I'm important!

Hint: Where is Omar? [F,W]

Hint: How do I get the gift from the beggar? [T]

Hint: How do I get Sophia to volunteer for the knife thrower? [T]

Hint: How do I get the squab from the grocer? [T]

Hint: How do I get a balloon ride? [T]

Hint: Why won't the balloon go anywhere? [T]

Subject: Do I need to get anything from Omar's house? [F,W]

Hint: Where is the dig site in Algiers?

Hint: How do I avoid the legionnaires running around in the desert? [W]

Hint: How do I avoid the Nazis in the desert? [F]

Subject: How do I get light in the dig site?

Subject: How do I start the truck?

Hint: How do I get Sophia out of the hole? [T]

Hint: How do I get past the Nazi guard with the gun? [F]

Subject: Nothing happens at the dig site! [F,W]