Dear readers, This is a file that will include any tips you wish to add to the collection of ways to: Halt the bugging of our homes & phones. Keep personal information private Please send any clues or successful stories you have to:Dean Ott 8217 Carolwood Ln Woodridge, Il. 60517 or leave mail to me on this BBS and I will include it in this file. Things that should make you suspect you are bugged 1 People on your line when you pickup your phone 2 People that want to come into your home on the guise of selling you something - or in an apartment for checks, bug extermination, etc 3 Low voltage ( not approx 51.4 volts across your phone line when phone is hung up) 4 No calls when you place an ad 5 Facitious calls rather than productive ones when you place an ad 6 When your phone is in use and much different voltage from 7 volts 7 Static on phone lines 8 You hear someone call your answering machine and then dial numbers 9 Someone puts you on three way calling without your knowledge