# Ladyhawk -The moon goes from gibbous to full to gibbous again over three succesive days more or less as it should. Then, only three days later it's new. Or, is this movie set in some fantasy world with multiple moons? The people in this movie also had the strangest pronunciation of Aquila that I ever heard. # Lethal Weapon: -When Roger is complaining about his life being over and xxx years on the force and not a scratch on his record, the car he's driving is moving but the shifter is in park. -Riggs handcuffs himself to the depressed businessman. They jump off the building but they're not handcuffed to each other anymore. -Riggs describes his "special" bullet as a hollow point, but the one he put in his pistol earlier wasn't. # Little Man Tate -In the scene where Fred is having his last talk with the Harry Connick Jr. character, the strap on his on his breifcase changes positions from his shoulder to his arm, depending on the angle of the shot. # Look Who's Talking -While John Travolta and Kristie Alley drive around in search of a missing child, Travolta has sunglasses on in the shots taken from outside the car but not those taken inside. # The Lost Boys -There is a scene where actor Jason Patric is flying uncontrollably in his room. In his scramble to control himself, he accidentally knocks his phone off the hook. This is quite clear. We then cut to the next room, where the phone rings. Corey Haim picks it up, and begins to talk...only to have Patric talk on his phone. Of course, my question is how could the phone ring? Wouldn't it have been a busy signal? -There are two or three scenes where the camera simulates the vampires flying into and out of their lair. One of the scenes is clearly just the previous one played backwards (as the camera flies over the ocean the waves head *OUT* to sea) # The Maltese Falcon: -There's a fire on a boat (La Paloma) in the port of San Francisco. The fire fighters have Los Angeles Fire Department uniforms on. What a long drive to put out a fire!!! # Magnum Force -When the boss bad cop takes Dirty Harry prisoner, he makes him throw his gun in the back seat, not out the window. Later, when left alone in the car, Harry flees without getting the gun and is unarmed throughout the climactic battle royal (which, incidentally, hinges on a homicide detective's ability to outride several full-time motorcycle cops). # Manhattan There is a scene in Manhattan, where someone is running down a sidewalk being filmed out of a moving car. You can see a reflection of the camera (and cameraperson) in some of the windows of the cars that are between the camera and the subject. [this is the kind of # Manhunter - when the second police car crashes into the ditch, the driver cracks his head on the windscreen (complete with sound effects). In slow motion, it is obvious that the windscreen was smashed, and then the stuntman threw his head against it. # Marked for death -There is a scene where Stevan Segal is sitting in a truck parked next to the curb, watching some bad guys in a black four-door. The street is covered with leaves. Later when he starts up the truck and drives toward the bad guys car the street is clean with barely any leaves on it. # Meet Me in St. Louis -While Judy Garland sings "The Trolley Song" a friend visiting the set shouts "Hiya Johnny!", not "Hiya Judy, as widely reported. -In some early scene you can see that there is feather/down snow floating all over the set, left over from the upcoming winter scenes. -When Judy Garland and Margaret O'Brien are singing "If You Like-a Me", Margaret's slippers change from pink to blue. # Memphis Belle -In the opening minutes of the film, a B17 is returning to its British base after a mission and attempts a crash landing, siding over the camera placement. During this shot, look at the engines on the port side of the plane (right side of the screen): the inboard engine has two of three blades remaining and there is only one left on the outboard engine. But when the plane finally slides to a stop, the propeller blades have miraculously reappeared. -The Memphis Belle had P51 mustangs escorting the bombers several months before they appeared in the European theatre. (movie takes place in May, 43 - mustangs showed up in the fall) # Mermaids -Bob Hoskins discusses how "AstroTurf" will ruin baseball. Movie is set in 1963, AstroTurf was not introduced until 1967 or so. # Midnight Express -There is a shot of one of the walls to the prison, from the outside. There is a path that starts at the lower left of the wall and goes to the right, climbing. Along the bottom of the wall there are a few scraggly trees. Now, the protagonist (or someone) goes running up the path, from left to right. Your attention is meant to be focused on him, but if you watch the bottom of the screen, you will see the boomman running in time with the actor, sticking his microphone in the general direction of the action. It is plain as day. -In the scene where Hayes is alone(?) in that "wheel room", I recall the boom mike being PLAINLY visible. This is not one of those times where it simply "dips" down from above. In this scene, you can see the entire rig. # My Girl -When Thomas J. (Caulkin) and Veda (Chlumsky) are fishing, Thomas J. catches a fish and proceeds to say, "I hate touching the fish." While the hook falls out of the fish's mouth twice before Veda grabs the fish and removes the hook. No wonder the fish died! # Narrow Margin -There's a chase scene in the early part of the movie through a Canadian wood. Their vehicle hits a low branch and it thoroughly cracks the upper half of the windshield. Towards the end of the chase, for one shot, the windshield is miraculously gone! and then reappears for the next shot... # The Natural -At the end before Roy Hobbs hits the home run, look how the blood pattern on his uniform changes from shot to shot. It gets bigger and smaller and the number of spots changes. -When he is in his slump, he goes to Wrigley and it is supposed to be the first inning when he bats the first time. However, the scoreboard shows the Cubs up 1-0. They would not have batted yet since it is at Wrigley. Then in the ninth when he hits the home run and breaks the clock; everybody acts like they are leaving but why don't the Cubs bat in the bottom of ninth. -In the scene where Redford and Close meet in the diner, watch for the mysterious moving/disappearing/reappearing glass. # Never Say Never Again (James Bond) -There is a scene where Bond and Felix swim across to have a look at the villain's yacht - when Bond first gets into the water he has no head mask with his scuba diving suit, but when he exits, he is seen taking it off - guess somebody forgot about Connery's toupee....... # The Never Ending Story -Atreyu is washed up on a beach, face down. He raises his head, looks around, then stands up. During this movement, there is a cut from a tight to a wide shot. In the tight shot, Atreyu's chest is covered with sand. In the wide shot his chest is clean. -Hathaway has just left Rockbiter. We see him (from above) walking towards that building on top of the hill. All around him there are the remains of the devastated city. On his right there are some rocks strewn about. Suddenly the ground opens up. The camera switches to a ground-level shot. On his right there is now a "wall" of rocks (extending way up into the air). The camera now switches back to an aerial shot. The wall is gone and the "strewn about" rocks are back. Looks like the matte painters and set designers didn't agree on this one. -(38:19 into the movie) You can play "spot the stuntman" with this scene. If you can single- frame the film, go about 9 frames in to this "second", and there is a full-face image of the stuntman just before he falls from the tree. -Watch the bottom of the asteroid flying by. Its support pole apparently gets in the way as the asteroid rotates and ends up "masking" a vertical section of the asteroid. Looks like the effects department goofed up this time. # Nightmare on Elm Street -Nancy, after talking to her father, is seen walking past a tree, and in her hand is what seems to be the exact same tickets that her boyfriend gives her in the next scene!!! # Ninja III (The Domination) -At one point, the ninja is standing on top of a police car. He then stabs on policeman through the top of the car and punches the other, also through the top of the car. This makes two large holes in the roof which magicaly no longer there in the next shot when the car goes into a lake. # No Way Out -Kevin Costner's character escapes two assasins while running along the C&O canal in Washington D.C. by ducking into a Metro station and getting on a BALTIMORE Metro train just as it leaves. # North and South -In one battle scene, the camera pans across the battle field... and gets a shot of another camera filming away. # North by Northwest -Cary Grant complains that he only has one suit for his stay in Chicago. Yet when he heads out into the prairie, he has a different colour suit on. -There is a scene in a cafe where Cary Grant is approached by Eva Marie Saint. They talk and she draws a gun and shoots him. Before she does however there is a shot of a crowd scene. Included is a little boy, who was obviously at the scene rehearsal, putting his fingers in his ears. -Many backdrop tops and light reflections. # An Officer and a Gentleman -In the fight at the end of the film, Lou Gosset throws a punch that Richard Gere blocks. Gere then grabs Gosset's arm. If you single step this scene, you can see that in one shot, Gere is holding Gosset by the wrist, and in the next frame (from a different angle) he is holding him near his elbow. # One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest -As Jack Nicholson is strangling Nurse Ratchet, his cap falls off and is surprisingly back on his head seconds later. # Operation Petticoat -At the end of the movie, as Cary Grant is coming off the gangplank from the submarine, Tony Curtis's character's kids actually call him Mr. Grant rather than Admiral Whatever. # Outland -Sean Connery is involved in one of those fights where they are outside with spacesuits on. As he is struggling, you can CLEARLY see his bare arm where the sleeve of the spacesuit is supposed to be attached to the glove. Considering the way people are blowing up whenever they are exposed to space elsewhere in the film, this probably wasn't intended. -At one point Connery gets a bad guy cornered and "interrogates" him with his custom shotgun. Both men are approx. 4 meters apart and still Sean manages to miss the baddie twice. Some special non-expanding ammo? # Out of Africa -During one scene in the movie, Robert Redford and Meryl Strep are sitting down at a table outside. Redford's character is shown pealing and eating an orange. The camera cuts back to Redford often, sometimes eating and orange and sometimes peeling another. If you count, it would seem as if he has eaten 5 or 6 oranges in the span of about 3 minutes. And on Oscar was awarded to this fool. # Oxford Blues -When Rob Lowe arrives in Oxford with his sports car, driving through town and shouting "I do not believe this!" the shots are of locations in Oxford spliced together in random order. For example, he drives into a dead end inside New College and reappears on Oriel Square, where he asks directions to Oriel! -He gets his car stuck in an artificial wall. You can see the fittings shake on impact. In reality that car could make it through the street with no trouble. -Everybody including Rob Lowe wears scholar's gowns. In reality only about 3 percent of Oxford's students are entitled to wear scholars gowns, and Rob and his boatie friends don't seem likely scholars. -There is no architecture course at Oxford. -Admissions and students' course schedules computerized/centralized? -Virtually no one has a roommate. To be assigned a roommate in college, even in the "rowing room," would be an imposition, not an honor. -Rob breaks up an intimate late-night tete-a-tete between Amanda Pays and Julian Sands at Brown's coffee bar in the Covered Market. Brown's is always bustling and the whole Covered Market complex closes at 5:30 p.m. -It would be very unusual for a university fellow to be a rowing coach. Usually the coaches are just veteran student rowers, or for the really good crews, professionals brought from outside. -Rowers do not occupy high table at any college, not even Oriel. The fellows do. Most students in Oxford are so cynical/apathetic about rowing (and also hungry) that a suggestion of a walkout would be laughed out of college. -In the punting scene (long boat with pole), Rob Lowe moves the boat in circles, a mark of an inept novice. He probably needed to be towed back to shore. -Sconcing is banned in Oxford and certainly would not be done in formal hall with all the fellows of the college looking on. -Boat-burning takes place only after eights, not after ad hoc coxless pairs grudge matches against Harvard. # Pacific Heights -Melanie Griffiths is sneaking around Michael Keaton's room. We see his open briefcase on the table. The next scene shows Melanie sitting at the table and opening the (inexplicably closed) briefcase. -I believe that they were depicted as a young couple just starting out. Well, Pacific Heights is the most exclusive neighborhood in San Francisco and I doubt even the meanest little house would go for much under $1M U.S. Thanks to San Francisco Chronicle for pointing this one out. # Pale Rider -The snow in town appears and disappears each day. Also it is clearly winter in the town, but not in the panner's settlement or the miner's valley (this may be explainable by them being some distance from the town). -Prospector Michael Moriarty finds a chunk of gold about the size of a football and dances through the streambed waving it around over his head. ("Styrofoam. There's STYROFOAM in them thar hills!") # Parenthood -During the scene where Jason Robards talks to his wayward son in the garage in front of his prized green car, the entire film crew is visible in the reflection of the car. -The horse that the kids ride is a docile looking, skinny chestnut colored horse. Then Steve Martin gets on the horse an rides him down the street and attempts to jump him over a hedge - the horse is now bay coloured, and with a lot more energy.. # Pee Wee's Big Adventure -When Pee Wee is chaining his BIKE up next to the clown (outside the bike- store), he opens up a small "basket" on his bike to pull out the chain. Of course, he pulls out about 75 feet of chain, so what is desired is that old "joke" about something very large fitting in something very small. However one thing spoils it... in the "wide view" shot, it is clearly seen that the "basket" has a hole in it. Looking at the bottom-right of the screen, one can see the chain going up through the hole in the basket, through the basket and being pulled by PW... Ed Note: This is due to the fact that the 'safe area' was not covered in the home video version # The Perfect Weapon -When Jeff is listening to the song 'The Power', the radio station identifies itself as "FM 109". (FM dials only go as high as 108). # Pet Sematary -While daddy Dale Midkeff kneels by his son's grave, the nearby flowers change from purple to yellow. # The Pink Panther -There's a scene where David Nivens's character romances the Princess and gets her drunk on champagne while she's laying on a tiger rug. While they're talking and drinking she's been holding a lit cigarette. She passes out, still holding the cigarette; her hand flops down on the rug. Niven then tries to pick her up in order to carry her into the bedroom, and eventually wraps her up in the rug and drags it in. During this procedure, the cigarette is gone; it probably should have lit the rug on fire. I was watching carefully to see if he had taken it out of her hand, but it just disappeared. # Plan 9 from Outer Space -The grass wrinkles. -Day changes to night and back and forth in the same scene, many times. -Bela Lugosi appears in only a few shots (he died early in production) and in all other shots his character is played by Ed Wood's wife's chiropractor with his arm in front of his face. Furthermore, he was blond and made no attempt to color his hair like Lugosi's. (Ed Wood being, of course, the famous bad-movie director [Plan 9, Glen or Glenda, etc]). # Porky's II -Set in the 50's, the movie poster showed a cheerleader wearing Nikes. Don't know if this reoccurs in the movie. # Predator -When Mac and the major are hiding under the log (just before Mac gets it), you can see a microphone pinned to the underside of the log. -After the commandos have toasted the enemy camp and the major is going through the papers, Dutch (Arnie) leaves the office in a vest and comes back wearing a jacket and smoking a cigar. Immediately afterwards they are leaving the camp and Dutch has lost the jacket. -Later when Anna runs off and the guy-with-glasses gets it, one of the two cable wraps tying her wrists together is clearly hanging below the other. # Presumed Innocent -Check out the tape recorder shoved into ???'s face (Can't remember who, I was so blown away by it) after ??? emerges from the courthouse making a few statements to the press. The tape recorder is an obvious "prop" that nobody thought to put a tape in. I about cracked up watching him talk into an empty tape recorder. # Pretty Woman -On the movie poster, Gere's hair is brown. In the movie it's grey. -It's not Julia Roberts' body on the movie poster. -While they are having breakfast - watch the donut/roll/pancake Julia Roberts is eating - it keeps switching -very bad editing! -In the scene where Gere and Roberts are dining with Ralph Bellamy, the meals they have in front of them (esp. the sorbets) chop 'n change. -Julia Roberts starts undressing Richard Gere, Gere's tie and collar and zipper go from being untied and unbuttoned to being tied and buttoned, then back again, all in a matter of seconds (but not the zipper). -Also, Julia takes off his shoes and socks. A few seconds later they are magically back on his feet again. # Pump Up The Volume -There is one shot of the exterior of Hubert Humphrey High where you can clearly see what is presumably the actual name of the school on a wall behind Slater. # The Princess Bride -In the beginning when the grandfather arrives with the book. He opens the book, the camera angle switches, and the book is closed and gets opened a second time. # The Prize -Watch Paul Newman's hands when he jumps to the cargo net on the ship; you can see a pair of gloves briefly appear when his hand reaches for the railing, and just as quickly disappear as he swings over. Didn't want to hurt his dainty little hands, no doubt. Whatta wimp. # Rambo, First Blood Part II -When Rambo fires the rocket launcher through his helicopter's (missing) windshield to blow up the Russky's helicopter, the backblast would have fried all of the MIAs (and the helicopter). # Raiders of the Lost Ark -In the scene where Indy and Marion emerge from their entombment in the crypt after crashing through a wall with a statue. Indy pushes a massive stone block out of the outside wall - and you can see from the block's shadow that when it hits the ground, it bounces! -In the same scene, I noticed that when Indy and Marion run down the slope from the wall, there is an unconcious man sitting under the hole left by the rock. His presence is left unexplained (or is it an intentional joke?). -Note the tell-tale reflection of the glass pane that keeps Harrison Ford safe during his tete-a-tete with the cobra. -When Indiana Jones escapes from a pyramid through the wall by pushing out one of the big stones from it, you can see from the shadow of the stone how the 'stone' bounches up from the ground. -Indy goes to Marion's bar to get the medallion. She tells him to get lost. After he leaves she sits down and pulls the medallion, which she is wearing on a chain around he neck, out of her blouse. Straight-on shot of Meriam looking at the medallion with the chain still around her neck. Cut to a profile shot where she is still looking at the medallion and the chain is no longer around her neck. -When the truck explodes, you can see the pole shooting out of the bottom of it to make it tip over as if the explosion was real. -When Indy finds Marion in the tent after he thinks she is dead, he unties the gag in her mouth. He then ties it back catching a lot of her hair in it. The camera changes, and there is no more hair caught in the gag. -When they go to see the old man about the writing on the medalion, he tells them that the staff should be 6 kadams to which Indy states that is about 72 inches. Then the old man says to remove 1 kadam. Simple math dictates that the staff should be 60 inches or 5 feet tall. When Indy is later in the map room, he inserts the staff into the hole and the mounted medalion is over his head. I don't think Harrison Ford is less than 5 feet tall. -When Indiana leaps aboard the German submarine on its way to the island to open the Ark, he is on the outside. Then the Uboat captain shouts "tauchen, tauchen" meaning "dive, dive"! # Red Dawn -The Colorado Rockies conveniently have just enough of a dusting of snow that winter to provide a nice Valley Forge atmosphere of shared patriotic hardship. Try "snow ass-deep to a tall horse." # Return of the Jedi -When Luke is explaining to Threepio about the 'magic', Artoo is NOT tied up. (Letterboxed version only) -There is one point in the climatic battle scene where a tie fighter magically appears in the middle of the Falcon. -As Threepio is trying to get his frinds untied, we see Chewbacca poke his head onto the set BEFORE he is actually cut loose (letterboxed version ONLY) -After the battle on Tantooine, there is a flypast of many TIE fighters past the Death Star. As 3 of them approach, they magically disappear. It's about 30m into the film. # Roadhouse -Before Patrick Swayze punches the tall, goofy guy in his boss's office, you can see some of the blood come out of the guy's nose before he's punched!!! # Robin and Marian In the very last scene, after Robin(Sean Connery) has shot his last arrow, you see three apples on a window board. Two are rotten, the third one seems to be a Golden Delicious. It`s doubtful whether this variety was known in 13th century England... # Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves - When Robin returns to England and throws himself on the ground, he offers his hand to his Moorish slave. In a subsequent shot, he is offering his other hand. -The Sheriff asks his maids to see him tonight, one at 10:00, the other at 10:15. In the 12th century, they didn't have clocks. -There is one scene where the thieves are casting arrowheads out of *lead*! -there is a plaque in the wall of the castle near where he and Marion are standing. It happens just before the bad guys come to give chase. -When Sherwood Forest is initially shown (a distant shot) it appears to be an coniferous forest, and yet when Robin and party are shown within, the forest has become deciduous! -When the outlaws' hideout in Sherwood Forest is attacked 'by surprise' there are a large number of heavy cataputs, which 'shell' the hideout. Given the density of the forest and the size of the catapults it probably would have taken over a week to get them in position. # Robocop -When the disgruntled ex-city official is blasted out of the window of City Hall, he falls out of screen. During the replay of the scene for the "news" immediately afterward, the stunt man's feet are seen popping up into view as he bounces on the padding and rolls to take the impact. [This may have been intentional] - In the scene where Clarence is showing off his new "toy" gun to his pals, he gets back in his Brand New SUX to have the rear view mirror fall down. -After Clarence Boddicker spills his guts and rats of his boss Dick Jones, Robo goes to arrest Jones. To get to Jones's office, Robo rides in an elevator that takes him up past the 90th floor. In the office Robo meets up with ED209. To escape, Robo walks down a flight of stairs that the Enforcement Droid cannot. Has anyone noticed that he immediately opens the door there and is amazingly on the ground level of the building?