MOVIE GOOFS LIST Version 3.6 (June 1992) A collection of film flubs, cinematic slip-ups, movie mistakes, Hollywood howlers, etc etc. Compiled by Murray Chapman and Michael Gaines ( Found by the users of USENET. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please send your contributions/corrections/donations/suggestions to Please DO NOT POST to the net, as I may not see your posting, and it bugs the people who are not interested in this rubbish. Contributions should be in the following (*NEW*) format: # Movie Title -blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah -blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Notes: -Visible boom mikes aren't really goofs unless they are appear in some unexpected way (eg reflection, hit actor on the head). -I prefer goof reports which are short, specific, and about new or very well-known movies. Picking faults in B-Grades isn't very sporting! -There are two version of movies out there: Letterboxed and pan and scan. I get goofs that are in the cropped version and not in the letterboxed versions. Because of this, I will NOT post goofs that are the cause of the movie being cropped for videotape, but I will note flubs that can only be seen in letterboxed versions. Also, some movies are filmed in the same aspect ratio as a television screen with 'safe areas' masked off which are not intended to be seen in the theater. When shown on video, the safe area is opened up which accounts for boom mikes, wires and scaffolding seen in some movies. These 'safe area' goofs will be listed, but noted as such. -I post the list every month or so to rec.arts.movies. It is availble for anonymous FTP at as /pub/tv+movies/lists/goofs.list There is no mailing list. -Spelling mistakes will be displayed in their full majesty to hundreds of net readers. -If the list gets too long, I may edit out some of the boring goofs. -A book released on this topic is "Film Flubs: Memorable Movie Mistakes" by Bill Given. It includes many of the goofs collected here (coincidence?) and has some nice movie stills. -New goofs will be posted in the differences list. If I get enough complaints that the goof may be some bad editing job, or that the person who wrote the goof may be some sort of loony, then it will be deleted after one month. If nobody bothers to complain, it becomes a permanent part of the following update. -Mac Users: I have created a Microsoft Word version of the list. Although I haven't updated it for version 3.0, if you're interested, leave e-mail. -Please remeber that this is the movie GOOFS list and not the movie GRIPES list. I will not put entries into the list based on people's opinions of what something SHOULD be in terms of wallpaper color, accents, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- T H E G O O F S L I S T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- # About last night -On new years eve, before dan and debbie decide to go out, they are having a modest dinner with shrimp-looking-things on the plates. As the camera angles change, dan's food is eaten and uneaten a couple of times. -When litco is giving dan his first delivery of stolen (100% off) restaurant supplies in dan's brand new CITY DINER, the clock dances wildly in the background as the views change. # The Abyss -When Bud brings Lindsey back to the rig after she drowns, she is pulled out of the water by the rest of the crew. They clear her hair out of her face. In the next scene Hippy puts a tube into her mouth and her hair is back on her face again. It's off her face again in the next scene. # Aliens -In the battle scene between Ripley and the mother alien where Ripley is in the loader, we see the alien pull the loader into the airlock when Ripley tries to drop it. The loader is turned upside down and the cone on top with the spinning yellow caution light is broken when it slams into the floor. In the next scene, however, we see the loader lying on the floor of the airlock with the yellow cone still in one piece. Also, the sharp end of the alien tails seems to be missing, as if it broke off, but the broken part isn't on the airlock floor. -When Bishop gets it from the mother alien, you can see the string pulling the stinger through the dummy. # Anatomy of a Murder -Lee Remick has a skirt when she gets up to leave a cafe. By the time she gets outside, she's wearing slacks. # Annie Hall -In the cabin bedroom scene, a boom mike pop in from the SIDE. # Awakenings -There is one scene near the beginning where Robin Williams gets in his car and talks to his nurse, who is outside the car. When you look into the car from the outside, the car window is not quite rolled down, and when you look out from the car, the car window is completely rolled down. -When Lucy stops walking because the pattern of tiles on the floor changes, her feet change position when the camera cuts to a different shot. # Baby Boom -When Diane Keaton has moved out to her new house and is talking to her plumber - if you watch the door of the plumber's van during their conversation, first he closes it, but in a following shot it is open again. # Back to the Future -When the Libyan terrorists are chasing Marty around the mall parking lot, look at Marty's speedometer. The odometer jumps about 200 miles between consecutive shots. -Same scene: Marty shifts into second gear twice. -This one takes place really quick, but when Biff et al. are chasing Marty (on the "skateboard") their car changes between two different models. Watch the headlights!!! The cutting is rapid and it is difficult to catch this, even when you're looking for it. -Right after Marty returns to 1985, the yellow readout (the one that shows when you just left) should read 'November 12, 1955'. Instead, you can see that it says 'October', which is the month in 1985. # Backdraft -When the man in the theatre drops his keys, they are at least 18 inches from the door. In the next shot, they are about two inches from the door. -When 'Shadow' (Robert De Niro) gets blown off of a porch, along with two other people, you can clearly see him land on a stunt mat off to the left. After the next camera cut, we find that the blast actually forced him onto a spiked fence (which goes through his shoulder). Interesting transition... # Bagdad Cafe -As Jasmine is walking along the deserted road, the shadow of the camera and crew in the back of a pickup truck is quite visible. I think this is intentional, though, as the cinematographer credit is up during the shot. # Barton Fink -when the producer is wearing his uniform, some scenes show the bottom row of medal strips hanging down while others show it straight. # Batman -The name of the museum is spelled differently on the outside and inside of the building. -In the scene in which Jack Nicholson and his gang deface a collection of of paintings, one canvas has pink handprints on it in one shot but not in a later shot. -When the joker send a ballon downtown that release a toxic gas, Vicki is in a car, everybody outside dies, and she drives away, in a shot from the back left of the car when she drives off, we see the rear-left window open... # The Battle of Midway -The same Forestal-class carrier (60's vintage, with slant decks and full radar suites) is used as the "Hiryu" and "Soryu", one of which is simply the same film turned left-to-right, including the backwards hull number painted on the flight deck. # Better Off Dead -During the scene of the final ski race down the K-12, when the paper boy is chasing Lane, there is an obvious camera on skis in the bottom of the shot. I know the skis and the reflection of the camera gear is visible, and I think the camera pops in for a minute, too! # Beverly Hills Cop -The more I watch it, the more goofs I find. Remember the scene where Axel goes to Victor Matlin's office and meets him for the first time? After a brief conversation, Victor presses a button to summon his goon squad. They come in to forcibly remove Axel. Victor's head goon is a thin man with straight hair and glasses. As the goon squad enters, you see a shot of them looking from Victor's desk. In this shot, the head goon has his suit jacket buttoned. They grab Axel, and you see a shot from the door as they carry him out. The head goon turns around and starts to lead them out. As he does he buttons his jacket. # Beverly Hills Cop II -There is a scene where Rosewood is driving a large, but slow, truck(?) and chasing the bad guys. Eddie Murphy catches hold of the door, jumps onto the truck, and gets into the cab. Meanwhile, his gun, which he stuck in the back of his jeans (in the small of his back) can clearly be seen falling out and into the road. A little while later he naturally produces this gun and starts shooting. # Big -When Tom Hanks' character is about to return home, the girl's hand moves from his cheek to his chin and back to his cheek in subsequent shots. # The Big Easy -In the scene after "Big Daddy" (?) is killed, the position of Ellen Barkin's pearl necklace changes depending on whether she is seen from the front or the side. # Bird on a Wire -In the scene where Mel and Goldie are on the ferry to Wisconsin, they leave from Detroit (apparently the ferry goes over Michigan!) # The Black Hole -The space travellers describe their mission as being to find "inhabitable life" in the universe, as though we are a race of fleas, looking for a new dog. They really do say it. # Blade Runner -When we first see Roy Batty, he's in a phone box. There's someone's hand on his shoulder even though he's clearly the only person in the phone box. (Bob N. sez: "That's Tyrell's hand. The shot is from them sitting on his bed near the end of the film, reversed left to right".) -In the very first shot of Batty, we see his hand clenching up. If you look carefully as he turns his hand just before the shot changes, you can see the nail sticking through the back of his hand. He doesn't actually insert that nail until about an hour later in the film. -When Leon throws Deckard into the car window -- the window was already broken before Deckard hit it. Not necessarily a goof, but could be. -Yet another `spot the stuntman'. When Zhora goes crashing through those plate-glass windows, the stunt double looks NOTHING like the actress. While the actress has wavy reddish hair, the stunt double has this very curly dark hair. Oops! -For the scene of the skimmer taking off, the support cables are quite visible. -In the Deckard/Batty confrontation, after Deckard has been given his gun back, and stalk off, you can see (in letterboxed versions) the shadow of the camera man and camera on the wall. # Blowout -In the scene where John Travolta crashes through the police barracade to drive straight through Philly's City Hall they accidentally show the film crew in an overhead shot swinging their boom around. # Blue Thunder -When Officer Lymongood is running on foot and being chased by the bad guy in the car,he has his hands tied behind his back but when he runs into the bike he puts his hands out to break his fall. In the next scene before he gets run over, his hands are back behind his back. # The Blues Brothers -In the scene after the hotel is blown up, one of the troopers stands up with a brick sitting on the side of his hat. # Body Double -When Gloria (?) leaves the mall, she hands her parking ticket to the attendant, and tells him it's a green Mercedes, but it's actually yellow. # *******Boom Mikes********** It seems that in many movies the microphone that usually presides above the speaking actor's head can be glimpsed. I think it only fair to remember that there is more to be seen vertically in video adaptations of movies than the editor intended. However, there are times when mikes appear in other places as in Annie Hall. If a movie is letterboxed and you still see a boom mike, that could be considered a goof since theoretically, letterboxed movies are not cropped on the top & bottom. # Hiding Out -The boom mike should have top billing for this film, as it appears more than any of the actors. # Johnny Handsome # Monty Python's Life Of Brian -Another boom mike: in the scene where Brian's mother is buying rocks to take to the stoning, the mike is visible at the top of the screen, SWIVELING back and forth between the two actors as first one talks, then the other. # Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze Spotted by a six-year-old. -During "Longtime Companion", the well-known death scene where one man is telling the other to "let go", the overhead mike was visible to me off and on through the entire scene. I remember it so clearly because I was so shocked that this very important and emotional scene would have this occur. Not only was the mike apparent, but it was moving in and out of the picture (up and down, like someone couldn't hold it properly), which was even more of a distraction. -A classic "boom shot" sequence occurs in the middle of "Yankee Doodle Dandy". George M. Cohan (James Cagney) is walking along a street scene, having a converstion. The camera is following him, when the shadow of the boom assembly sweeps across the shot. -Hey, what about all those sound booms in 'Out of Africa'? Made me wonder what kind of African plant has mikes as its fruit. -"Night of the Iguana"- Richard Burton actually gets hit in the head by a friendly boom mike in one scene... -"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"- two or three scenes of a black mike standing out against the white ceiling... - In `Wall Street' there's a scene where Michael Douglas is walking around in Charlie Sheen's apartment giving a speech to Martin Sheen. It's dark outside, and the boom mike is clearly visible in the window following him around. ************************************************ # Born on the Fourth of July -Set in 1968-69 includes Don McLean's American Pie, released in 1971. -In a protest scene outside the 1972 Republican convention, a Vietnam veteran is wearing Reeboks, which weren't introduced until 1978. # The Breakfast Club -When the teacher is in the basement looking at the files, the index card on the open drawer is in two different positions depending on the angle of the camera. # Bride of Frankenstein - At the end, when the castle is self-destructing, the good Doctor can be seen against the far wall. Yet he is next seen outside in the arms of his beloved, watching the explosions. There were two endings originally. The first had Doctor Frankenstein dying within the castle and this was so filmed. But the producers judged this a bit harsh and wanted a happy ending, so they shot the extra footage (too expensive to re-film the explosions). # Bullitt -The Charger loses three hubcaps during the chase scene, and then another three when it leaves the highway and runs into the gas station. -The same little green VW Beetle keeps showing up during the chase scene. Funny how it keeps up with the Charger and the Mustang! # Camelot -In one scene, Richard Harris is sporting a band-aid on his neck. -Guinevere's party stops along the way for a cup of tea; tea wasn't imported to England until much, *much* later. (neither was plate-mail, it is widely accepted). # Can't Buy Me Love -Miller and Budweiser must've both paid for product placement in this movie. At the New Years Eve party, Ronald, Iris, and John(?) are all holding cans of Miller. The camera moves to Bobby, then back to the threesome; now they're all holding Budweiser! # Cape Fear (1991) -In the bar scene where Max Cady is talking up the law clerk infatuated with Nolte's character, there is a shot where she is either buttons or unbuttons (I forget which) the collar of her blouse. Whenever the camera is on her during the rest of the scene, the collar of the blouse alternates with different shots. - When the private investigator is talking to Max Cady (outside somewhere), the sweat on the side of the PI's face fluctuates. # Casablanca -12 minutes into the film, it is mentioned that the stolen Letters of Transit are signed by General DeGaulle, and cannot be questioned. But DeGaulle was the leader of the Free French, and CASABLANCA is set in Vichy France, where he had been sentenced (in absentia) to death as a traitor. (This is contentious; did Peter Lorre say "DeGaulle", "Weygand", or a mix of the two?). # The Cassandra Crossing -There is a train that cannot stop, and there is an attempt to pace it with a helicopter and lower something down to it on a rope. This would be rather a neat trick, because this is Europe and the train is electric, and every few seconds it passes under one of the structures holding up the overhead wires! Solution? Simple. In the shot where the attempt is actually made to lower the rope, the locomotive is magically transformed into a diesel, and the electric wires are gone! (And only in that shot; it's still electric while the helicopter is lining up for the attempt, and turns back to electric as soon as it's finished.) # Cleopatra -She goes thru that arch. Cleopatra died in 30 BC, the arch was constructed in 300 AD. # A Clockwork Orange -Scene where Alex returns to "Home" were he raped the author's wife. He is eating some spaghetti and drinking some wine, the amount of wine in his glass and the amount of spaghetti on his plate jumps around in an unnatural manner. -There is a goof in the scene in which Alex is talking to a high mucky-muck (I think it was the warden in prison just before he gets the Ludovecho treatment started.) We cut back and forth to the mucky-muck a few times and alternatly see that in some scenes he has his hands (fingers interlocked) supporting his chin and in others his hands are on his desk. # The Adventures of Ford Fairlane -In the last shot with the characters in beach chairs, The Kid (Brandon Call) isn't wearing any shoes. When the camera shot changes for the credit sequence The Kid now has on a pair of sandals. -During the credit sequence, you can see the shadow on the boat of the helicopter filming the aerial shot. # Batman -Early in the movie, when the police show up at the chemical plant to catch Jack raiding the files (just before the fight scene where he ends up in the chemical vat), the fat police Lieutenant goes from being noticably unshaven in one scene, to being clean shaven in the next. # Back to the Future III - When the time train arrives, its shadow changes position over Marty and Jennifer. # Close Encounters of the Third Kind - During one of the Aliens' visitations to the farm, there's a close of the little boy Barry watching out the screen door. As the camera zooms in, the camera shadow becomes apparent on the screen door. # The Color of Money -Right after Eddie (Paul Newman) plays Vincent (Tom Cruise), Eddie is seen taking apart his cue stick, then the movie cuts to a short time later (after the crowd appears to have cleared out some) when Eddie walks over to the table and AGAIN begins to disassemble his stick. # Commando -After Rae Dawn Chong is introduced, Rae gets into her car in the parking garage. You can see a reflection of the camera and sound man. -In the chase scene between the bad guys' yellow Porsche and the girls' red convertible, the front bumper of the red car gets hit and hangs from only one side. A few seconds later the bumper is back on the car again all fixed. -when the Porsche rolls over, it smashes the driver's side. After AS drops the bad guy over the edge, he rolls the Porche back upright; the driver's side is **clearly** smashed badly. Yet a few seconds later, they show the car driving off, and there is not a scratch on the driver's side! -When Arnie is hit by the car as he runs out of the shopping centre, it is easy to see his wallet fly out of his pocket. In a later scene, he pulls out his wallet to show Rae Dawn Chong a picture of his daughter. -As Arnie is pulling his rubber raft onto the shores of Val Verde, he is wearing a black bathing suit. When we are shown a different angle, the bathing suit is white (or the other way round). -I think it's just after Arnie get's out of the shed after ventilating the nasty man's head with a sawblade. Arnie has a machine gun in his right hand and bullet casings are being ejected to the right. Cut to a slightly different angle for ~.5 seconds and Arnie has the gun in his left hand and casings are being ejected to the left. Quickly cut to the original view and the gun is in his right hand with shells ejecting to the right. # The Cowboys -Early establishing shot. Jet contrails! # Cutter's Way -Near the end of the movie, as Alex Cutter (John Heard) is charging across J. J. Cord's estate on a horse, for about a second he is seen as missing his right arm instead of his left. They must have felt that the importance of keeping the action moving from left to right on the screen outweighed this brief inconsistency. # The Crimson Pirate -(During the balloon scene) the camera pans down from the balloon and onto the ship where we see the old crew tied up in the big net. Between the masts of the ship you can see a luxury sealiner in the background. # The Crusades (1935) -Richard the Lionheart dramatically tosses back his cape .. to check his watch! # Dances With Wolves -Early in the film, the first time we see Costner riding Cisco, there's a canteen tied to Cisco's saddle; as the camera pulls back for a longer shot, Cisco is prancing along and it becomes obvious that the canteen is *open*, and there's clearly water splashing all over the side of the horse. Score -1 for the prop department. -Dunbar's wagon driver who carries him to the outpost has some migrating egg on his face. In the scene where he is eating the pickled eggs, every shot from the front of wagon has him with a large piece of egg on his upper lip, but every time he looks back at Dunbar, its gone. # Darkman -(near the beginning) Darkman and Julie are on the bed & Julie is using the cordless phone. After she hangs up and puts the phone back down, it is facing down. The next scene shows the phone facing up. # Days of Thunder -When Tom Cruise is injured during a race, he's taken to hospital with a red ring around the iris of his right eye. But in the subsequent scenes at the hospital, the ring moves to his left eye and then back to his right. # Decameron Nights -As Louis Jourdan surveys the shore from his 14th century ship, you can clearly see a large white truck winding its way down a hill. # Diamonds are Forever (James Bond) -There is a chase scene between Bond in a "moon buggy" and a bunch of Fords careening across the desert. In one shot, one of the Fords shoots over a sand dune. In the lower corner of the screen, you see what appears to be one of the moon buggy's wheels bouncing away. Next shot, the moon buggy drives away, with all wheels intact. -At one point James Bond is driving a car down an alley that ends at a gap between two buildings that is too narrow to drive through normally. Somehow, Bond manages to get the two left wheels up in the air and drives through the gap at a slant. When the car comes out from between the two buildings, the two RIGHT wheels are in the air. (The intervening sequence, where the car rides on all 4 wheels again before lifting the two right wheels, was edited out of the TV version of this movie). # Die Hard -Watch the window on the door to the conference room where Hans kills Takagi. Takagi's brains splatter all over the glass. But in the next scene the amount of blood on the glass is a lot less. Later during the shootout in the same room the amount of blood that was originally on the glass reappears. # Die Hard 2 -Pacific Bell phones in Dulles Airport. -You can't make phonecalls *to* planes. -Later in the movie, Bruce Willis is shown running through the airport terminal. In the background, you see him running past one of the information boards near the baggage claim and rental car area. It shows a map of the *Los Angeles* freeway system. -The Air Traffic Controllers said that the planes could only stay in a holding pattern for 2 more hours before they crashed. Those planes could have easily reached O'HARE from Dulles in 2 hours. I also believe there was some problem with the radio antenna in the airport (it was blown up or something). Many pilots have their own transceivers, which are little radios. I'm sure that someone in the airport would have one that could talk to the planes with. -During the snowmobile chase, towards the part before the bad guys start shooting at McLane, there is a person towards the right hand side trying to flag the actors with a flashlight to go a certain way. -During the fight scene on the wing between Bruce Willis and John Amos, Bruce has him down pounding his bloody face. When John Amos says "Too bad McClane I could have liked you" his face is clean no blood. # Dirty Dancing -You can see Jennifer Grey's body stocking durint the first sex scene, when Patrick Swayze gets out of bed with nothing on. # Disorganized Crime -Two FBI agents have their car stolen by a group of bank robbers. The car is used by both sides in several chase scenes, and they keep referring to it as a "Chrysler", even though it's a Ford. I wonder if they took product-placement money from both companies? # Do the Right Thing -The "mayor" of the street gives the old woman (Ruby Dee?) a bouquet of red flowers. The next day she is shown with the flowers, but they have changed. I think they switched between carnations and roses. # Downhill Racer -Redford pulls a u-turn while driving through his "home town". From one camera view no other cars are in site. 2nd view is from a rooftop and *POOF* there is another car. -While winning the olympic gold medal in downhill racing just after he reaches the finish line there is an announcement over the loudspeaker (in German) "please clear the course the first racer will be down in 5 minutes". Obviously they filmed their sequences just before a real world cup race was run. # Driving Miss Daisy -Jessica Tandy and Morgan Freeman's encounter with state troopers clearly takes place in Alabama. The troopers, however, wear Georgia Patches on their uniforms. # Dr Strangelove -You see the B-52 flying (obviously a model) over the arctic landscape and below you can plainly see the shadow of the prop-driven plane (a B-17) from which the snowscape shots were filmed. # E.T. -Did anyone else notice in E.T. that for about one second, you see Ellioit wreck his bike? He has E.T. in the front and everything. It flashed really quick, and most people didn't see it. I only saw it the second time I saw it because a friend had noticed it the time before, so I was looking. The guy I was with didn't catch it though. -When Eliot first sees ET in the storage shed, watch him and the boy sitting next to him at the table after he runs in to tell his brother's friends. As he's telling them of his amazing discovery, the boy next to him is mouthing the lines along with Eliot. -last scene, E.T. getting on ship and waving goodbye: mom kneels down - twice. kid standing next to dog, cut to ship, kid holding dog by collar, cut to ship, kid standing next to dog. # Emma Hamilton -Set in 1804, the film features the chimes of Big Ben... 50 years before it was built. # The Empire Strikes Back -Just as the Rebel troops are lining up in the trench, you see smoke from a damaged piece of equipment floating by. The AT-ATs haven't fired yet! -In the scene where Han Solo is about to get carbon-frozen, the close-ups show him without his vest, then with his vest, then without his vest as he goes down... -More obvious than this - when he is lowered into the hole to get carbon- frozen, his hands are tied (behind his back?)... When he is raised back up after being frozen, AND in the beginning of the "Return of the Jedi", his hands are frozen in place clearly untied, up in front of him, at the surface of the "frozen" block, as if he were pushing against a wall... # Excalibur -King Arthur sure looks spiffy in his shiny silver armor. As a matter of fact, it's so shiny that in it you can see the reflection of someone holding what appears to be a boom microphone. Considering that Arthur is having a private chat with Guenevere, it is safe to say that the "boom guy" *ISN'T* supposed to be there. # Exorcist III -When George C. Scott and Ed Flanders go to see "It's a Wonderful Life". In an outside shot we see Scott's cab pull up and him getting out. It then switches to a shot from inside the lobby where we see Scott coming into the theater. The interior shots were done at the Biograph theater in Georgetown, but the outside shot of Scott's cab pulling up was not done anywhere near the theater. -Complete mixup of Georgetown geography during the big car chase. Some shots might even be from a different city. # Fatal Attraction -Glen Close is in bed, talking to Michael Douglas, who's standing. In the shots looking at her from the viewer's left (her right), the sheet is below her (visible) breasts. In the shot looking at her from the viewer's right, the sheet is over her breasts. # La Femme Nikita -Nikita is in Venice when she is called upon to perform an assassination. The window in the bathroom won't open, so she uses a towel to protect her hand as she punches a hole in it. But after she shoots her target, you can see the window in the background, complete and unbroken. # Flatliners -During the final resuscitation scene, the hand-held camera is easily seen in the reflection of the EEG monitor when it zooms in. # Fletch: -Doctor Rosenpenis's stethoscope, VERY BRIEFLY, appears off, then back on his ears as he is bending over to pick up the papers he has dropped. # 48 Hours -There is a black, dusty Porsche that Eddie drives around in late in the movie, but you can see that car early in the movie while traipsing around the city. Pretty lousy garage to let the car out without washing or without a ticket. # Frankenhooker -It is the scene just after the doctor wakes up in his garage/laboratory, finds the "monster" is gone, and runs out to the street. >From the street, the camera shows the doctor comming out of the garage. His car is in front of his house on the street. Then the camera follows him as he runs a little way up the street looking for the monster. It is late at night and the streets are empty of people. There is another car on the street not far in front of the doctor's car. The doctor then runs back to his car, jumps in, and drives off. But ... THE CAR DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF HIS IS NOW GONE. The whole scene is just a few seconds. The strange thing about this goof is that the scene is (apparently), continuous. I could not see break in the action where they could have moved the car. Its as if the movie makers did it just as a joke of somekind. # Full Metal Jacket -In the first half of the film, the soldiers have to go across one of those monkey-bar-type things that you hang from and get across by moving one hand alternately ahead of the other. The sergeant in charge shouts "It should take no less than x seconds to get across!" But this doesn't make sense. He should have said "it should take no *more* than"....because then he'd be putting a reasonable upper limit on it. # Gargoyles -There is a scene where a cops car in speeding down a dirt road. The car changes from a Chevy Impala to a Ford several times during the scene. # Ghost -When bad guy Rick Aviles is hit and killed by a car, his body is left lying in the street. Seconds later, when his ghost appears at the scene, his dead body is lying on top of the car. [Roger W. said that the *ghost* was left on the ground, and the *body* on the car bonnet. Can someone please check this on video?] # Ghostbusters -During the scene on top of the apartment building, there are rocks falling from the top of the building. At one point, the scene cuts to a shot of the panicking crowd in the street. Watch closely - you can see one of the rocks hit a wooden police barricade - and BOUNCE OFF! -You can also see marshmallow on a truck *before* Mr StaPuft gets fried. # Gleaming The Cube -During the big chase sequence at the end, the burgundy Toronado alternately has and doesn't have headlight covers. -Later during this same chase, the stolen police car cuts in front of a red Corvette, "damaging" the left front fender near the headlight. When Christian Slater skates up alongside the irate driver the "damage" to the car is obviously from *old* rust, and not a hit from another car. # Glory -In the first scene where Morgan Freeman meets Matthew Broderick, Freeman is is kicking soldiers to see if they are alive. When Broderick looks up to see who has kicked him, the sun is clearly shining from behind him. Yet in the next scene, Freeman comes into the sunlight, showing his face. The sun is behind him now. The direction of the sun alternates in the next two scenes. - One has to look real close at the night battle scenes at the end to discern that the bayonets are rubber (they wiggle). This was actually a safety precaution so that no one got skewered in the dark. # The Godfather -There's a major glass-of-wine continuity problem during the wedding scene near the start. # The Godfather III -In the montage of newspaper clippings describing the Corleone family's involvement with the Italian corporation, all of the headlines are correct (e.g. CORLEONE GAINS STOCK IN IMMOBILIARE), but the text underneath them is way off base: one story talks about Saddam Hussein, another is about something else in current affairs (taxes? I forgot), and the third is actually from a computer manual, as I recall seeing "Insert the disk into the drive and turn the computer on" before it flashed offscreen. # Gone With the Wind -When the horse-drawn carriages are driving up to Twelve Oaks, they cast no shadows on the ground. -When Scarlett and Melanie are nursing the wounded soldier, their shadows don't fit their movements. -Late in the second half, Rhett Butler (Clark Gable) takes the women on a wild "chariot style" ride through burning Atlanta. Depending on which cut of the film you see, Rhett changes once, twice, or three times into a short black stunt man while driving the wagon!! # Goodfellas - In the final chaseing scene, which is supposed to be happening in 1981: The scene shows two people (I forget the names of the characters) covnersing in the back of the car. You can see the "third tail light" above the back seat. This would be completely normal, except that this feature wasn't offered unitl 1986 +/- a year. -In the scene near the end where DeNiro's character is trying to off the wife (by telling her to go into the "dress shop"), she speeds off in her car, and in the process, blows a fake license plate off the car parked in front of her (an orange new york license plate covering a new one). # The Graduate -Ben, in a pretty establishing shot, drives over the Bay Bridge to Berkeley and is on the upper span, thus going the wrong way. # The Great Outdoors -In the scene where the bear knocks down the cabin door on top of John Candy you can clearly see the trainer's stick being waved under the bear's chin to make it roar for a close-up. # Green Berets -John Wayne goes eastward into the sunset # Green Card -Andie MacDowell goes to the dinner party at her friend's parents' house. In the scene out in the garden when she is talking to the father she is barelegged; later when she comes home we see her taking off black stockings. # Gremlins -Zach Galligan's Volkswagen changes color twice in the course of a few minutes. -The *underside* of tree branches are coated with snow. -Look at the scene when the gremlins are swinging from the Christmas tree and the tree falls forward. For a split second, you can see a prop man pushing the tree over. He's behind the tree a little to the left, and he's wearing a red shirt and glasses. # Halloween -Although the story takes place in Illinois, all the cars have California license plates. # Hamlet (Zefferelli) -When the guy is stabbed through the curtain, the size and position of the hole in the curtain changes. # Handmaid's Tale -In the scene where Offred is holding yarn for Major's Wife, the amount of yarn jumps around erratically. -Natasha is given a photo of her daughter. The camera angles change, and in the next shot she is holding a _different_ photo. -A man is giving a speech denouncing women. He lists one of their sins as "test-tube babies" (on the soundtrack), but his mouth is clearly saying something else. # Hang 'em High -There's a scene where Clint Eastwood walks into a saloon. The shadow of the cameraman is clearly visible in the street. # The Hard Way -In the captain's office (early in the film, when John is complaining about Nick) a list on the wall is titled "Homocides" (sic). # Hell Comes to Frogtown -(Rowdy Roddy Piper stars as a post-apocalyptic stud whose drafted by the US government to impregnate virgins in the field ... really funny !) Roddy shoves a bad-guy demon off a cliff, and the demon falls off and out of the picture. If you play it in slow motion, you can see the matress that the demon lands on pop up for a second into the picture. # High Noon -At the end of the movie, a long boom shot pulls back from the cowboy-era town to reveal downtown Los Angeles in the background with telephone pole wires and all. # How I Got Into College -There is a scene with an overhead view of the car the main character is driving on his way to college. The shadow of the helicopter this scene was shot from passes through the bottom of the picture. # Hudson Hawk - When Hawk gets out of the packing case, he has some styrofoam stuck to his head. In a later shot, the position of the styrofoam changes. # The Hunt for Red October -A soviet crewman on a US ship does a sign of the (Roman Catholic) cross when the Russian sub goes down. Russian orthodoxists should do a mirror-image cross (ie. head, heart, right, left)! -in the beginnig when the Political Officer is reading the orders ... they are supposed to test the caterpillar drive and return to base "on or about the 16th of this month..." a few scenes later (and not more than 1 day) Jack Ryan is in the breifing of Jeffrey Pelt, and asks "it isnt the 23rd" # Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade -(In the scene at the beginning) Indy is swinging off the Coronado via a hook on a line. He distinctly has the Cross of Coronado in his left hand in the previous scene. When he grabs onto the hook, the cross disappears, and when he lands in the water, it's in his left hand again. -At the beginning of the movie, just before young Indy escapes into the train's caboose, the train is seen going through a mountainous area with forests. He disappears through the box in the floor, and when the guy with the hat looks out the back door of the caboose, there are no more mountains ... the terrain is flat like the place where Indy boarded the train in the first place! -The first shot of the adult Indy as he raises his head shows blood trickling down his chin from one side of his mouth. In the next and subsequent shots, the blood is dripping from the other side. -In trying to find his father. Indiana Jones goes thru his father's mail. A close up of the letters shows one with a stamp not issued by the U.S. Post Office until after the time frame of the movie. -After being chased by the Germans, Indy and his father come to a sign that is posted by a fork in the road. One road goes to Berlin, the other to Venice. This sign is unlikely, because Venice and Berlin are roughly 400 miles apart. -In the sequence in which Indy's clambering about on the outside of the tank, it's impossible for him to have gotten hung up on the gun barrel the way he does -- the end of the barrel's already been blown apart, causing it to blossom like a metal flower which is too large for Indy to have passed that loop of equipment strap over even if he'd wanted to. -After the tank goes over the cliff, the turret of the tank falls off and away as the tank hits the ground. However, when Connery and the rest look over the edge at the tank, the turret is in place on the top of the tank. -As the camera angles change on Sean Connery right after the Hatayan tank falls from the cliff, you can see marked differences in the way Connery's beard is trimmed. -While spelling out the word of God, Indy steps on a letter, accidentally breaking the letter behind his foot. In the next scene, the letter is intact. -The letter he stepped on was a J, which was wrong because Jehovah is spelled Iehovah in Latin. But the reason for the spelling difference is that Latin *has* no letter J. So there shouldn't have been a J tile in the first place. (It might conceivably have been an ornate T, but doesn't look much like one.) -Hitler writes his name with the wrong hand when he autographs the diary. # Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom -In the long shots of Indy on the rope bridge when he has thugees on either side of him, the thugees are much further from him than in the close up shots. Note that this is not a deceptive camera angle, it is quite clearly the case. -When the rope bridge is cut and Indy is climbing up, the stuntman is far thinner than Harrison Ford. -In the finale when the kids are returning to their mothers, one kid is boosted up to his mother. You can see the assistant's white hands for a second helping the kid up to the mother. # Intolerance [1916] -Shot includes director's assistant clad in coat and tie in scene set in ancient Babylon. # Jagged Edge -Glenn Close's outfit changes from gray to blue to brown to blue in a a courtroom sequence (..or was this to convey the passage of a few days? Anyone?). # Jailhouse Rock -The prison number on Elvis's jacket changes from 6239 to 6240. # The Jewel of the Nile -Kathleen Turner jumps onto a train wearing canvas slip-on that change to leather sandals that change back to canvas shoe later in the scene. # Julius Caesar -In the scene where Cassius offers Brutus his dagger to kill him, the blade of his dagger falls off as he pulls it out of the sheath. Without even slowing down, the actor offers the hilt of the dagger to Brutus, with the "blade" hidden behind his forearm. Truly a great recovery... # Kelly's Heroes -While they are removing the "boxes of gold bars" from the bank, some of the actors act as if the boxes are very heavy, while others toss them around as if they are empty (which they were). -Each box is supposed to carry 12 gold bars, each of 10 kg -- that's over 240 lbs a box -- at the very end, Kelly (Clint Eastwood) picks up two boxes, one in each hand, and hauls them out. A real man's man :-) # The King and I -During Yul Brynner's "Is a Puzzlement" number, the earring he wears in some shots is absent in others. It also shifts from ear to ear. # King of Kings -In this Biblical movie, you can clearly see Jeffrey Hunter wearing a wristwatch in one scene and sneakers in another. # Knock on Wood -A policeman dashes up the stairs wearing a helmet...and busrsts into the room wearing a peaked cap. # Krakatoa, East of Java -It's west of Java.