GUESS WHO'S COMING TO ST. LOUIS! The Bill of Jury Rights Conference in St. Louis could be one of the most unique, provocative and productive meetings of minds in recent decades. Just a glance at who's coming to speak should make this point: Jerry and Darlene Span, out of jail on appeal after District Court conviction by a jury on charges of "assaulting federal law officers"--after which five jurors protested they were improperly instructed by the judge, and regretted their vote on the verdict. Judge Walter Murray, a former Wyoming county court judge, and President of the Wyoming State Shooting Association. From the bench, Judge Murray used to instruct jurors in their right to judge the law. We look forward to learning from his experience! Godfrey Lehman, historian, author, and lecturer on the jury system, who regularly supplements his academic pursuit of justice with activism: holding seminars, publishing and distributing materials, and organizing support for victims of injustice. Steve Herzberg, the Wisconsin attorney responsible for the PBS television production of "Inside the Jury Room", the only film ever made of an actual jury deliberation--complete with discussion of jury nullification with both jurors and judges. Red Beckman, well-known author/lecturer on the jury system, one of whose talks on jury power first inspired us to develop and promote FIJA. A Montana rancher, Red "keeps it simple and clear" whenever he explains how juries can corral excessive government. Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, was one of the first defenders of the Second Amendment to see the strategic value of FIJA in fighting the war on guns. Larry has been instrumental in convincing other defenders to support FIJA. Michael Minns, a Houston attorney reknowned for his battles with Establishment Law in search of justice for the individual, for his dry wit, and for his penchant for defending people whose politics make them targets of both persecution and prosecution. Peggy Christensen, Director of the Golden Mean Team, based in Missoula, Montana, but busy nationwide helping accused people muster constitutional defenses. Peggy contributed to the first draft of FIJA, and has provided support services ever since. Glenn Braunstein, who chairs the National Liberty Alliance, and who lectures around the country on preservation of personal liberty in an increasingly totalitarian political environment. He is also coordinating the FIJA ballot drive in eastern Washington. These are invitees who have so far agreed to participate in the Bill of Jury Rights Conference, and we've got "maybes" from several others. They will either be lecturing, participating in panels on the Items in the BJR, holding workshops on how to turn those Items into law, or some combination of these. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXCHANGE IDEAS AND TO CO-AUTHOR A POTENTIALLY HISTORIC FREEDOM DOCUMENT WITH SOME OF THE SHARPEST MINDS IN THE COUNTRY! We want to guess that you, too, are coming to St. Louis!