HOW CAN YOU HELP FIJA IN YOUR STATE? 1. Write a letter to the editor for your local paper(s). 2. Volunteer to petition to help get FIJA on the election ballot. If you have organizing skills and the necessary time, volunteer to organize the ballot drive for your community. 3. Study our materials and speak at your club or organization; have FIJA petitions and brochures in hand. 4. Lobby your legislators to encourage them to introduce or support a Fully Informed Juries bill. 5. If you know of people who ought to be on the national FIJA mailing list, let us know. We give state lists to state coordinators. 6. If you have access to a computer bulletin board, explain FIJA and invite participation. Don't forget the national FIJA address and phone number, or, if it's an in-state bulletin board, the address and phone number of your state FIJA organization. 7. Organize a fund raising raffle for FIJA (state or national or both). If you have a business, please consider donating merchandise or services to the raffle. 8. Distribute literature to your friends and acquaintances; tell your barber or hairdresser (for sure!), your auto mechanic, and your next-door neighbor. Tell everybody! Help your local FIJA organization distribute literature at events and door-to-door in your neighborhood (especially during the fall campaign). A table at a state fair, flea market or gun show are excellent locations from which to collect signatures or hand out literature, as is any kind of political demonstration. 9. Your local organization should contact local political and service groups. Offer to send a speaker to a luncheon meeting. 10. Contact local businesses (for example gun shops) and ask them to put the FIJA petition on their counter. Keep a close eye on these petitions. We may have problems with petition thefts. 11. Put a bumper sticker on your car and a t-shirt on your back (or vice versa). 12. Volunteer to help your local organization with routine leg work: help with computerizing and maintaining the mailing list; help with a phone tree network to announce local events; lick envelopes; and petition! 13. Help out your state or local FIJA chapter by holding a private fund raising dinner in your home, charging perhaps $20 per person. 14. If you can't help out with petitioning on a regular basis, please consider putting aside one day to petition. That one day should be primary election day if your state, like Montana, allows petitioning (on subjects not relating to that election) at the polling places. There should be volunteers lined up to petition at every polling place in the state on that day. 15. Local organizations should locate people willing and able to give a talk on FIJA to local high schools and colleges, and find teachers and professors willing to allow a presentation.