FIJA TAKES OFF: HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE FRONT LINES We have believed from the beginning that FIJA offers a unique opportunity for all different kinds of people in this country to work together to defend their rights and liberties by re-establishing juries as the fourth and final check and balance. This has turned out to be true! People from widely differing perspectives have flocked to FIJA. We are amazed at how many people write or call and say how this campaign has restored their faith in the future of this country, how it offers a very real hope that maybe freedom and the Bill of Rights can prevail after all! In other words, it has become quite clear that when it gets right down to it, what's really important to Americans is freedom from dictatorial or tyrannical government power. Without any opportunity for consultation with each other, many people observe in their letters and calls to us that the jury box is the next to the last barrier against tyranny. NATIONAL HAPPENINGS: The membership of the National Rifle Association, meeting in national convention in Anaheim, California on June 9, passed a resolution by a wide margin to endorse the Fully Informed Jury Amendment. The Legislative Affairs Committee of the NRA will consider endorsing FIJA at its next meeting, perhaps as soon as later this summer. Thanks to Bob Weber and the California crew; and to Gary Marbut, Don Young, Bob Wheaton and all the other FIJA supporters within the NRA! Enthusiasm for FIJA has been strong among Second Amendment supporters from the beginning. We've received strong support and assistance from Larry Pratt and Bill Richardson of Gun Owners of America, from Neal Knox and the Firearms Coalition, and from various state and local gun-rights organizations. FIJA has also been endorsed by the Libertarian Party and a number of its state affiliate parties. Other supportive national organizations include the National Justice Foundation of America, the National Liberty Alliance, the Freeman Education Association, American Information Network, Constitutional Revival, the Liberty Action Council, the Independent Distribution Network, and various pro-life groups. Support has also been expressed by several Populist Party and Green Party chapters. HIGHLIGHTS FROM STATE FIJA ORGANIZATIONS. ALASKA Larry Slone reports that the Lt. Governor's office is still dragging its feet on the approval process for FIJA's ballot initiative proposal. Accordingly, Alaska's Fully Informed Jury Association has filed a complaint. Since in Alaska, citizens are by law not allowed to circulate petitions for any initiative that deals with court procedure, the organization filed one mandating that the doctrine of jury nullification be taught in public high school civics classes. Slone himself is now off and running for the state House on an independent "FIJA" ticket! And Rep. Robin Taylor, Minority Leader, informs us that though the 1990 FIJA bill he introduced has died in the Judiciary committee, he and co-sponsor Sen. Paul Fischer stand ready to try again. ARIZONA We expect Sen. Wayne Stump and the thirteen original co- sponsors of FIJA in the Arizona legislature will want to re- introduce it in the upcoming session. Despite little time to prepare it in 1990, FIJA just barely failed to make it through the Judiciary, then the State Administration committees. Coordinator Rick Tompkins reports that several groups have been supportive of FIJA, including the Arizona Rifle and Pistol Association, the Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice, and the Arizona Constitutional Rights Committee. Meanwhile, Don Smith of Phoenix has been distributing FIJA literature door to door. So far he's distributed thousands of brochures, which is an excellent and enjoyable way to spread the good word! And Darlene Span is appealing her case--news of which should make good listening when she tells her story in St. Louis! ARKANSAS Ed Gran reports that though JPA (FIJA--but titled the "Jury Powers Amendment" by the state because of its comprehensiveness) failed to make the ballot as an initiative, his volunteers did collect 20,000 signatures! This puts them in a strong position to go to the legislature, and when they do, they can list retired State Supreme Justice John I. Purtle as one who supports the effort! CALIFORNIA Marion McEwen has decided to refile FIJA as an initiative this fall; meanwhile FIJA of California is building a grass roots organization, multifaceted, with some victories already gained. California FIJA activists showed up in force at the national convention of the NRA and successfully lobbied for delegate approval! And not long before that, the California chapter of the American Rifle and Pistol Association came out in support of FIJA. Meanwhile, Randy Grindle is preparing a large-scale FIJA literature distribution campaign. Greens, Christians, pro-lifers, Libertarians, and bikers are among the active groups. Randy introduced FIJA to Southern California ACLU Executive Director Ramona Ripston, who has agreed to submit FIJA to the Executive Committee for consideration and, we hope, for endorsement. Meanwhile, Randy gave out 1,000 FIJA flyers at the Reggae on the River music festival in Humboldt Country, site of a recent unconstitutional domestic military invasion. His next project: brochure coverage of a Santa Rosa gun show by FIJA activists. COLORADO Volunteers working with Jim Glennie, assisted by Larry Dodge for the last ten days of the CO ballot drive, collected over 5500 signatures, but alas failed to gain ballot status. Undaunted, Glennie plans to send thank-you's to all who signed, and ask that they reply if they want to help the Colorado FIJA Alliance "shift gears" and help move FIJA through the legislature in 1991. Press remains both frequent and favorable, and good contacts keep being made, as with the President of the Colorado Sierra Club, who is working to gain the backing of that organization. FLORIDA Thanks to the work of Rex Curry, Ken Wise and crew, FIJA was filed as a constitutional amendment, and signatures remain valid until 1994. Rex has turned the job of coordinator over to John G. Otto of Tallahassee, who has experience as a lobbyist, and who will now build the coalition and begin the lobbying process. (Thanks Rex!) GEORGIA Coordinator Burk E. Hale, Jr. has lit a FIJA fire in Georgia which seems to be sweeping the state. Already Georgia FIJA has the bipartisan support of 23 state legislators, whose next session doesn't even begin until January of 1991! Metropolitan Atlanta legislators, in both the Senate and House, Republicans and Democrats, are solidly behind FIJA! Outreach is being productively pursued, with support from the Georgia Realtors' Association and the Georgia Rifle & Pistol Association. Johnny Isaacson, the Republican Candidate for Governor, is a FIJA supporter. Burk's group is putting together a 15-20 minute video spot for local public TV on the subject of FIJA. IDAHO Idaho FIJA also collected about 5,000 signatures, and is now preparing to blitz the legislature. Letters are being sent to all legislative candidates, according to Idaho FIJA coordinator D. Allen Dalton. IOWA John Hartog reports that the Republican Party of Iowa has gone on record endorsing FIJA and calling for its immediate passage as an amendment to both the Iowa and U.S. Constitutions! John just recently lost a seatbelt violation case in front of an uninformed jury, which he says "redoubles his resolve" to get the Fully Informed Jury Amendment passed. LOUISIANA Senator William Jefferson (D-New Orleans) has introduced FIJA in the Louisiana Senate, where it is now in the judiciary committee awaiting action. FIJA has the backing of the Black Caucus of the legislature, and the backing of former Secretary of State Jim Brown! MASSACHUSETTS Jack Connell has undertaken to organize a FIJA group, and volunteers are encouraged to contact him. MINNESOTA Eve White has been very active on behalf of FIJA, and the state's Libertarian and Grass Roots parties have been supportive. Eve wrote an excellent article on FIJA for her state's chapter of the National Organization for Women, who subsequently published it in Minnesota NOW Times (see collage). MISSOURI Frank Nugent and Ken Bush recently jumped enthusiastically into the frying pan and offered to host FIJA's first national convention! Frank has long been a knowledgeable advocate of the rights of the jury, and Ken is an experienced lobbyist. The Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys is considering endorsing FIJA, according to M.A.C.D.A board member J.R.Hobbs of Kansas City. MONTANA Montana FIJA collected about 5,000 volunteer signatures, not enough to gain ballot status, but enough to show the legislature that people are plenty interested. We are optimistic that we can convince the Montana legislature to place FIJA on the ballot as a constitutional referendum. Larry Dodge has successfully lobbied the legislature in the past, and will be able to show that six Montana gun-rights organizations have endorsed FIJA. He can also point out that, as a result of a presentation by Joe Jindrich, the town of Pinesdale adopted FIJA into its charter! NEBRASKA Coordinator Harry Thode has turned the reins of the Nebraska FIJA Committee over to attorney Guy Curtis of Imperial. Thanks for getting it started Harry! Guy reports that the Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorney's Association will consider FIJA at its board meeting this fall. President Dave Schroeder has been supportive, and has published an article about FIJA in the N.C.D.A.A. newsletter, "Habeas Corpus". News Flash! We didn't think Harry would be able to retire. He reports that he has two state Senators interested in FIJA. NEVADA James Frye reports that local Greens and Pro-choice advocates are excited about FIJA, in addition to the Libertarian Party. Now that FIJA is moving into an intensive lobbying phase, James has passed the torch to new leadership. Thanks James! New coordinator Chuck Geshlider of Las Vegas promises to woo the legislature with "love and kisses", but it's a good bet that he will also rely heavily on his gift of gab--which recently led, at least indirectly, to inclusion of FIJA in the Nevada Republican Party Platform, with a call for its passage into law! NEW HAMPSHIRE David Curland has shouldered the task of starting a FIJA organization in New Hampshire, and invites people to join with him. Guy Chichester, Green Party candidate for Governor, has signed on as a FIJA supporter, and made jury rights part of his campaign. It looks as though the platform of the New Hampshire Greens will soon include FIJA, as well. NEW JERSEY Dan Karlan continues to work with the gun rights community, which is still smarting from gun-control legislation. He reports that they've become more attentive and receptive with every new erosion of the right to keep and bear. NEW MEXICO Dave Chavez has volunteered to start a state FIJA chapter, and volunteers are needed! NEW YORK Attorney Ralph Byrd of Albany has offered to lobby for FIJA. Attorney Martin Solomon has been working on drafting NY-specific language for the Amendment. Perry Metzger has been loading FIJA information onto computer bulletin boards, and organized the distribution of FIJA materials at a Stop the Drug War rally in N.Y.C. OHIO Ohio FIJA has an enthusiastic and capable new coordinator in Margerie Davies of Cincinnati. Welcome aboard! Margerie has been lining up radio talk show appearances for Larry, and joined him on the Stan Solomon Show, WCKY Cincinnati, the evening of August 1. Solomon ended up blasting anyone who called in with anything resembling a negative word about FIJA (though almost all were as gung-ho as he). Margerie recently printed 3,500 FIJA brochures for distribution at a gun rights rally, and will be on a Toledo talk show soon. OKLAHOMA Lobbyist Lorianne Horner of Oklahoma City contacted FIJA HQ immediately upon hearing about FIJA from Bette Maffucci, who was our first contact in OK Country. Thank you, Bette! In as deft a series of moves as we've seen, during a single afternoon Lorianne was able to gain the support of a majority of the House Judiciary Committee, and arrange for FIJA to be introduced into both houses of the Oklahoma legislature. Probable sponsor is the chairman of the House committee, Rep. Charles Key (R-Oklahoma City). Amazing grace! In Tulsa, several attorneys have voiced support, including Jim Linger, C. Rabon Martin, and Dave Mauldin. Steve Sessinghaus is launching his campaign for the local prosecutor's position-- with FIJA as a pillar of his platform. (May we suggest "Steve + FIJA = Fair trials in Tulsa"?) OREGON Business pressures have induced Bob Schecter to return his share of FIJA coordinating duties to Bob Fauvre. Many thanks for your efforts on behalf of FIJA, Bob! Fauvre has challenged an unfavorable ballot summary issued by the Attorney General before the Oregon Supreme Court, to no avail. Now it's time to lobby. RHODE ISLAND Dr. Tom Li, recently returned from Japan, will now be able to work on organizing a lobbying effort starting this fall, and will be needing help. SOUTH CAROLINA Sasha Kennison is our new coordinator in South Carolina, and already an active group is forming, with leadership coming from Steve Vandervelde, Ruth Trippi, Toni Black and David Kennison. Sasha reports that they've already got the SC NAACP and ACLU interested. Something must be happening: the SC Office of Senate Research just requested that we send an information packet! SOUTH DAKOTA Welcome to new coordinator Gil Paulton of Sioux Falls! The map is filling in! TENNESSEE Don Winfield continues to help with nationwide outreach, having contacted prominent people around the country on behalf of FIJA. He's behind the lobbying effort that is being organized to gain legislative approval. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Memphis) will be introducing it in the 1991 session. TEXAS Texas has an enthusiastic crew in Denny Buckley and Martin Pyle of the Texas Liberty Association, who've taken over as the FIJA coordinators there from Honey Lanham, who got the ball rolling and still works with both them and FIJA HQ. Thank you, Honey! Interested Texas legislators have been identified, as have large numbers of citizens in support of FIJA. The North Texas Arms Rights Coalition has endorsed FIJA. Also, Mike Kearns' new national bulletin board is Texas based. UTAH Kaylin Robinson reports that the Utah FIJA petition is ready to print, and that if they can get one-half the required number of signatures by December, the legislature by law will have to consider FIJA. Meanwhile, two legislators are already interested in introducing FIJA as a bill. VIRGINIA Jim Lathrop has stepped forward to get a chapter started in Virginia. A meeting is scheduled for Sept. 22 to kick off the FIJA lobbying campaign. FIJA has been endorsed by the Virginia Taxpayers' Association. WASHINGTON Rich Shepard informs us that several thousand petition signatures have already been gathered in Washington FIJA's ballot drive. And Glenn Braunstein reports excellent progress in eastern Washington. They have until January to collect 100,000 signatures, which would send it to the legislature for action. Should the legislature fail to enact FIJA, it would then go to a vote of the people in the fall of 1991. Some members of the Washington legislature have recently expressed interest in FIJA. The Conscience and Military Tax Campaign of Seattle has endorsed FIJA. And we have learned that retired State Supreme Court Justice William C. Goodloe has agreed to serve as honorary chairman of the Washington Coalition for a Fully Informed Jury. Welcome aboard, Judge Goodloe! WISCONSIN Bill Currier and company have been actively promoting FIJA to various organizations across the spectrum, and gained the endorsement of Wisconsin Eagle Forum. WYOMING Don Young reports that Wyoming FIJA now has a couple of lobbyists, Russ Donnelly and Donald Peak, ready to go to work on FIJA. Early attempts to pass FIJA in Wyoming (thanks to Rep. Keith Goodenough, D-Natrona) failed in committee, but sparked lively debates between Goodenough and others via letters-to-the- editor of the Casper Star-Tribune. COMMUNICATION AROUND THE NATION (media magic) FIJA headquarters has recently received inquiries from several nationally prominent publications, including Harper's, U.S. News and World Report, and Pacifica News Service. No word yet on results there, but the September issue of High Times has a two-page feature article on FIJA! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, FIJA has mailed or otherwise distributed about 50,000 copies of the "Outreach FIJActivist" we published in late Spring, and about the same number of "True or False" brochures. Much of the information in those materials has either been republished or rewritten as articles in newsletters from across the political spectrum. A look at our collage of clippings will show what we mean. Results of this grass roots communication can be marvelous: Coverage of the amendment in "F.Y.I.: Bulletin for Leaders" of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has resulted in requests for information from legislators in several states, including Washington, Ohio, and Virginia. Likewise, we've heard from several people who found us listed in "Fact Sheet Five." Supplementing all of the above, Larry Dodge has been a guest on any number of talk shows around the nation, exposing hundreds of thousands of issues-oriented listeners to the truth about jury rights and responsibilities. Response--both live and phoned in or mailed to HQ--has been heavy and overwhelmingly enthusiastic. Other FIJActivists have been appearing on talk shows and placing calls to them. Concurrently, various FIJActivists have been uploading FIJA materials into computer bulletin boards and news networks across the country, igniting debates and informative exchanges. It started when Joe Dehn of Colorado began feeding FIJA morsels to his bulletin board and other libertarian boards. Contact Joseph W. Dehn III, P.O. Box 621015, Littleton, Colorado 80110: Dehn Base Emerald 303-972-6575. In addition, the following libertarian boards carry FIJA information: Dan's Den 318-424-9260 House of Ill Compute 408-338-6860 Liberty Bell 408-243-1933 Liberty Houston 713-785-4763 Mike Kearns of Texas has established the Patriots' Wire Service bulletin board, with six incoming lines, 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. Up to date FIJA information will be available on this bulletin board via modem: 512-648-1112, FIJA SIG. Mike is asking a donation of $1 per month, and you get one hour immediate access. Contact: Mike Kearns, P.O. Box 201525, San Antonio, TX 78220; Phone 512-337-8709. Christian patriotic orientation. Bulletin boards are working for FIJA! We frequently receive requests for information from people who have heard about us on one or another bulletin board. And now we have computer discs full of information (including this newsletter) available for shipment to people willing to include it in their own bulletin boards, and will be happy to provide bulletin board access numbers for boards which we know are carrying FIJA news. Just ask! FIJA INTERNATIONAL? Exporting jury rights information: Vince Miller and Jarrett Wolstein of the International Society for Individual Liberty have begun distributing information on FIJA around the world. One hope is that those nations which are now finally emerging from years of totalitarian government will profit by this exposure as they work to develop new constitutions, thus forms of government.