From: D.L. Boone & Company 8000 Towers Crescent Drive, Suite 1350, Vienna, VA 22182 (703) 760-7875 To: Current and Prospective Associate Consultants Subject: Monthly Update This is the first of what will be a regular series of updates to inform both current and prospective Associates about the latest developments within the company in the prior month. September was an active month, devoted primarily to marketing the company to both prime contractors and potential teaming partners. We contacted the Small Business Liaison Officers within 46 prime contractors to have our capabilities statement provided to program managers and to obtain listings in their business databases. We have also contacted 313 potential teaming partners, and we are currently in discussions with many of these companies regarding possible joint venture opportunities. Lists of the companies that we contacted are available for the curious. In addition, we submitted SF 129s (Bidders' Mailing List Applications) to 24 government contracting offices in the Washington/Baltimore area. One major opportunity that is shaping up is a proposal effort on an information systems support contract for a quasi-federal agency. This contract will involve "nationwide computer systems user support services for business users of mainframe and PC-based asset-related business systems". It will include developing/maintaining system documentation, SDLC support, training, data integrity/QA programs, application security support, business operations analyses, database support, programming and ad hoc reporting, and management of report generation and distribution. We will undertake this effort as a joint venture with one of the "Big 6" accounting and consulting firms. Current status: we have ordered the RFP from the agency through a notification letter; we and our joint venture partner will review the RFP when it arrives and make a "bid/no bid decision". We'll keep you posted on progress, and we'll assemble the proposal team once the decision is made. There are recruiting and business development opportunities out there, and we need all of you to step up and take advantage of them. One of the features of being an Associate amounts to a 33 percent commission for recruiting qualified (min. technical BS or bachelors + two years applicable experience) associates into the network. This compares favorably with the industry standard of 15-20 percent for technical recruiting and search firms (yes, payment for recruiting activities is common industry practice). If you haven't obtained your Associate status yet, call me in order to get your Associate Consulting Agreement and Personal Profile Form. Let's get out there and spread the word that we're teaming up with some of the biggest names in the business. Also, let's keep our eyes and ears open for potential opportunities, and let's use our speed and flexibility as a strategic advantage. In closing, remember that there are three factors in proposal evaluation: management, technical and cost. In competition with our peers (other SDBs), we have the advantage: Management - our people are more experienced and are specialists in the positions for which they are bid; Technical - experienced specialists develop better technical solutions; Cost - our network structure slashes overhead costs and enables the delivery of superior service at a comparable price. Remember that as we go forward. I'll keep you updated. David L. Boone President