INTERFACE CONST hcNoContext = 0; hcHFileOpen = 1; hcHZoom = 2; hcHJumpChapter = 3; hcHFile = 4; hcHNextWindow = 5; hcHLastWindow = 6; hcHPrevChap = 7; hcHNextChap = 8; hcHQuit = 9; hcHSaveDesk = 10; hcHLoadDesk = 11; hcHCurBook = 12; hcHCurChap = 13; hcHMenu = 14; hcHPrint = 15; hcHUtilities = 16; hcHAbout = 17; hcHWindow = 18; hcHResize = 19; hcHDelBkmrk = 20; hcHMouse = 21; hcHColors = 22; hcHDosShell = 23; hcHChangeDir = 24; IMPLEMENTATION END. The FloppyBook Help Menu The following information provides a quick tutorial. Scan it any time via F1. q On-line help can be popped up from anywhere within the program to give you information about available options. You can get information on any specific window function that's HIGHLIGHTED within any menu bar by pressing F1. The help file is context sensitive within windows to explain each HIGHLIGHTED function. - * If you can't see the HIGHLIGHT color when making a selection, you may have made a typo error when you entered your computer information. Exit the program and enter it again. Scrolling and Moving Around Up/Down ARROWS These keys will scroll your display up or down one line at a time in both the book read mode or in the help menus. * Holding a key down accelerates movement. " Tap the key once for each line. Left/Right ARROWS These keys will scroll your display left or right, but only in the help menus. PgUp/PgDn These keys will scroll your display up or down one screen page at a time in both the book read mode or the help menus. * Holding a key down accelerates movement. " Tap the key once for each page. Ctl-PgUp or Ctl-PgDn These keys lets you jump to the top or bottom of the chapter. MOUSE - Point and Shoot Use the mouse to make a selection. Place cursor on any function that you wish and press the left mouse button. * There is NO mouse support while the help windows are active. SCROLL BAR Up/Down This bar indicates your current position within a chapter or in the help file. You can use the mouse on the VERTICAL scroll bar to scroll down a page in the chapter. * This function is NOT available with the help windows. SCROLL BAR Bar Left/Right This bar will indicate your current position on a given line within any window. SHORT-CUT KEYS Alt-F C - Select a Chapter Alt-F P - Previous Chapter Alt-F N - Next Chapter Alt-W Z - Zoom Window Alt-W R - Resize/Move Window Alt-W S - Switch Active Windows Alt-P B - Print Entire Book Alt-P C - Print a Chapter in Book Alt-U S - Save Book Mark Alt-U D - Delete Book Mark Alt-U M - Mouse Setting Alt-U C - Screen Colors Alt-U O - Drop to DOS Alt-U - View Copyright Notice ESC - Exits (or cancels) any Menu Alt-F - Select the Files Menu Pressing Alt-F key sequence places you in the Files Menu to select a chapter. Select a Chapter F7 Previous Chapter F8 Next Chapter F9 Exit Program Alt-X Alt-W - Select the Window Menu Pressing Alt-W key sequence places you in the Window Menu to manipulate window sizes as well as their location on-screen. Zoom Current Window F3 Resize/Move Window Ctrl-F5 Switch Active Windows F6 * Zoom Windows has limited use in Crime- R Fighters book and CRIMCAT, but may be useful in other books by other authors. Version 1.0 of this program limits viewing to Chapter .000 (Book Directory) and the current chapter only. Alt-P - Select the Print Menu By pressing Alt-P key sequence you will be placed in the Print Menu which allows you to select your print options. * Not available in READ/ONLY FloppyBooks h Print Book F4 Print Chapter F5 Alt-U - Select the Utilities Menu By pressing Alt-U key sequence you will be able to access utilities such as saving or deleting a book mark, information about the copyright notice, and your computer system. Save Book Mark F2 Delete Book Mark Alt-F2 Mouse Setting Alt-M Screen Colors Alt-C Drop to Dos Alt-O Copyright Notice End of General Information (Use ESC to exit any window) Select a Book to READ Menu This pull-down menu will enable you to select the book that you wish to read. It will then present you with the Table of Contents of the book and a brief description of each chapter in the book. * Use when two or more FloppyBooks are in the same directory. Load Previous Chapter This function will automatically load the previous chapter into a window for viewing. * You can't "back up" to Chapter .000 I Use F6 to view the Table of Contents or, use F7 to load Chapter .000 Load Next Chapter This function will automatically load the next chapter. Exit the Program Alt-X This Exit command lets you quit the FloppyBook Reader and return to DOS. Print Book This function prints any READ/PRINT book but is not available for READ/ONLY books. It will start by printing the table of contents and then all chapters in the book in sequence. * Restarting the print cycle for each ) chapter restarts the numbering from 1. Print Chapter This function will print any chapter of a READ/PRINT book, but is not available for READ/ONLY books. You will be prompted for the chapter number you want: Enter Chapter: 1 Ok To enter a Chapter Number: Mouse: Put the cursor on the chapter prompt box for the chapter number and press the left mouse button. Next enter the chapter number you want printed and then put the cursor on the OK Box and press the left mouse button again. Keyboard: Use the Tab Key to select the chapter prompt box and then enter the chapter number to be printed and hit the Key. Help with Menu F1 Help displays this Menu. Use arrow keys, or PgUp/PgDn to scroll the Help Window Text Up/Down, left or right. F8 Prev Chap Will close the current chapter and loads the previous chapter. F9 Next Chap Will close the current chapter and will load the next chapter. F10 Menu Will select the Menu Bar on the top left hand corner of the screen. Use Left or Right arrow keys to select a feature from the menu selection, and use the up and down arrow keys to move within each menu selection. When you have highlighted your selection, press the key to activate it. Alt-X Exit This function will exit the book Reader program and return to DOS. Help with the Print Menu Alt-P Print Book F4 Print Chapter F5 This menu is used to select the type of printing function you want to perform. * Not available in READ/ONLY FloppyBooks. - Print Book Used to print the entire book. Print Chapter Used to print any chapter in the book. You will be able to select the chapter by entering the chapter number in the box. * Use the TAB key to position the cursor in the number box, then enter the number. Enter Chapter: 1 Ok Help with Utilities Menu Alt-U This menu tells you how to save or delete a book mark, the program copyright notice and your system video and DOS version. Help on Copyright Notice This menu displays copyright information on The FloppyBook reader as well as some information about your computer. Help with the File Menu Alt-F The File Menu will tell you the options available when moving around in the book. You can go sequentially from chapter to chapter by using F8 and F9 keys. Select a Chapter F7 Previous Chapter F8 Next Chapter F9 Change Drive/Dir Ctrl-F7 Exit Program Alt-X You can also select a chapter anywhere in the book by using F7 key and entering the chapter number in the prompt box. * Use the TAB key to move the cursor into the prompt box. Enter Chapter: 1 Ok Load Previous Chapter Load the previous chapter of the book. Load Next Chapter Loads the next chapter of the book. Exit Used to exit The FloppyBook Reader. Zoom a Window This function will allow you to change the active window's size. An active window is one with double border around it. You can choose this command to restore the screen to its original size only if its size had been previously changed by using the Resize function. * Zoom and Resize Windows features have very h limited use in CrimeFighters book and CRIMCAT, but may be useful in other books by other authors. Version 1.0 of this program limits viewing to Chapter .000 (Book Directory) and the current chapter only. Switch Active Windows This function allows you to toggle between the table of contents and the current chapter. The active window will be indicated by the double border. This is a handy Windows feature - to scan the book directory at any time and possibly use the F7 key (jump to chapter) feature. Switch Windows This function allows you to toggle between the table of contents and the last chapter loaded. It switches the active window. Select a Chapter You can manually select a chapter other than the next one in sequence by pressing F7 and entering the chapter number in the box provided and pressing key or clicking on the OK box with the mouse cursor. * Use the TAB key to position the cursor in the prompt box, and enter the number. Enter Chapter: 1 Ok Save Book Mark This function saves your current place within the book. The bookmarked chapter and page will automatically be loaded when you restart the program. Saves time and aggravation of having to scroll through a chapter to find where you left off. You may change the book mark during your reading session, but only the last book mark will be saved and reloaded. (There is only one page mark available. It is a small file that's replaced by the next book mark.) Delete Book Mark Alt-F2 This function allows you to clear the book mark you had previously set. The next time the program is run, it will open the book at Chapter.000 instead of the bookmarked place. Help with Window Menu Alt-W This function will allow you to change both the window size and its location on the screen. For more information, HIGHLIGHT the function you want more details on and press F1. Zoom Current Window F3 Resize/Move Window Ctrl-F5 Switch Active Windows F6 * This Windows feature has limited use in # CrimeFighters' book and CRIMCAT. Mouse Setting Alt-U M This function will allow you to change the current setting of your mouse. Screen Colors Alt-U O This function will allow you to change the current screen colors of the program automatically set by the FloppyBook Reader. On a few computers, you may not be able to read text or see the highlights on menus. It may be you made an error in entering your computer configuration in START2. Exit the program and retype the parameters. If that's not the problem, it may be your computer colors set for standard use may not be good for viewing FloppyBooks' colors. Try changing screen colors to correct the problem. Drop to Dos Alt-U P This function will allow you to Shell to DOS. Type EXIT to return to the FloppyBook Reader. Change Directory or Drive Ctrl-F7 This function will allow you to change the Disk Drive or Directory. If you have a hard drive, floppy swapping won't be necessary, and files are loaded faster. Use a hard drive if you have one. FLOPPY DRIVE OPERATION Floppy # 1 with the book reader software must be in drive A at all times. The 2nd floppy (if any) must be in drive B. When a chapter isn't on line, an error message says "chapter can't be found." It means the next file is on another floppy and/or not in drive A. If the computer is reading drive A, and the next file is drive B or a different floppy, insert the required floppy in drive B and/or tell the computer to read from drive B for the rest of the book. (If you're reading files at random, and you want to read a file that's on drive A when you're on drive B, use Ctl-F7 to change control back to drive A.) Use ESC to exit the error message. Use Ctl-F7 to open a window to change drives: Use the DOS format to enter the drive (B:) (Don't forget the colon.) If the files are in a directory, set the Path to locate the files. (Crimftr1 and CRIMCAT FloppyBooks have no directories.) Resize a Window Ctr-F5 This will allow the user to change the size of the window and move the window's location on the screen. * This Windows feature has very limited use & in CrimeFighters' book and CRIMCAT. RESIZE a Window To enable the Resize mode press and hold the Shift key and use the arrow keys to create the window size you want. MOVE a Window To move the location of the window that is currently active, use the arrow keys to change its location. To complete the ReSize/Move mode press the key.