Version 1.01 August, 1993 (This version will be out of date by August, 1994; please do not use after that time.) INFORMATION Shareware, evaluation version COURT RULES AND STATUTES, COMPUTER GUIDE Copyright 1993 BBS LEGAL GUIDE, INC. This program is a vital resource for lawyers and para-legals and students in these fields. The registered program contains the full text with annotations of the following court rules and statutes in a menu driven environment for reading and studying these items: The Federal Rules of: Appellate Procedure Bankruptcy Procedure [Bankruptcy Procedure with federal rules combined] Civil Procedure Criminal Procedure Evidence Habeas Corpus Rules- State and federal prisoners Local rules for selected Appellate Circuit Courts Multi-district litigation Tax Court Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals U.S. Supreme Court rules The following laws: Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1981 ("Bankruptcy Code") Copyright Code Title 28, United States Code- extracts regarding court jurisdiction The following regulations: Canons of Judicial Ethics Model Code of Professional Responsibility The following additional items: The North American Free Trade Agreement U.S. Constitution and amendments In addition, registered users also receive the full text of the laws and regulations in their choice of one the following word processing formats, allowing them to easily insert text into documents or pleadings: INTEL ASCII DCA/FFT DCA/RFT DW/2 (TXT) DW4 (DOC) DX FIRST CHOICE, FIRST CHOICE 3 MASS-11 MS WORD 4, MS WORD 5 MULTI MATE ADV 2, MULTI MATE 3.6, MULTIMATE 4.0 NAVY DIF NOTA BENE PFS WRITE, PFS WRITE A, PFS WRITE B, PFS WRITE C PROF WRITE 1, PROF WRITE 2 RTF SAMNA SMART WARE II VOLKSWRITER WANG IWP WRITING ASST WORD MARC, WORD MARC + WORD PERFECT, WORD PERFECT 5.0, WORD PERFECT 5.1 WORD STAR 3.31, 3.4, 4, 5, 6, 7, WORD STAR 2000, WORD STAR DATA XY WRITE (We invite users to suggest other formats.) Support via BBS, on-line services and voice is provided. THIS VERSION: Contains the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. Use this fully functional program and upon registration you will receive the other statutes and rules stated above. (If you are a power user, please see the file for installation directions; if not, please read the full manual.) PRICING: Standard Edition: Printed manual Complete menu driven package with annotated laws/regulations Text of the laws/regulations in 1 word processing format; Single CPU license--$89.00 Site license and multiple copy discounts are available upon request. Student Edition: On disk manual Complete menu driven package with annotated laws/regulations Text of the laws/regulations in 1 word processing format; Single CPU license--$59.00, paid in two installments. Satisfactory proof (photo copy of report card, proof of membership in ABA law student division, student id, letter on school letterhead) must be provided that the person is attending para legal, business, accounting or law school, or related fields. Update and upgrade policy: Updates are available via private BBS systems to registered users at no cost. Special discounts will be available to registered users on upgrades to the program, when available. Checks, money orders and most major credit cards accepted. This is not "FREE" or "PUBLIC DOMAIN" software. It is marketed as shareware. If you are not familiar with shareware, PLEASE read the SHARE.TXT file. The disk which you have contains the full annotated text of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure so that you can fully evaluate the program. This will give you the opportunity to work with the program and decide if it's for you and if you should register. GOOD REASONS TO REGISTER: (1) You'll never again have to type (or dictate) in the text of FRCP 23 in a memo or paper. Presto, pull it into your word processor! (2) This is MUCH better than a "paper" edition of these items. It takes much less space. Try reading the bankruptcy code in a book without flipping back and forth to section 101. We've solved that problem, allowing you to toggle back and forth between the definitions of the terms in the code and the code itself! Try reading the code in our menu driven format. We also have combined the bankruptcy rules and the federal rules which they reference. (3) This program is much less expensive than buying paper books of the same materials, and it weighs about 4 pounds less! (4) When preparing pleadings you can more liberally annotate them, perhaps in foot notes. The Court and opposing counsel (and your clients/professors) will be impressed with being able to see the text of the rules or statutes which you are quoting or debating. Nope, they won't have to get up and get the book or rely on the faulty memory of what is in the statute. You can show them in black letter law what's what. (5) For all of us work-a-holics you don't need to lug heavy books home or on the plane. Just take the disk or your lap top with the information that you need. (6) This program was written by a team of legal professionals including lawyers and para-legals with experience in each of the fields mentioned. The annotations will amuse you or will at least provoke thought. In some cases you will avoid a mine field or two that we stepped into once or twice or three or four times. There are of course other good reasons to register... And we are confident that this program will be a great resource for all in the legal field or studying to get into the legal field. For further information contact our exclusive dealer: Attention to Details Voice: 909-681-6210 BBS: (N,8,1) 909-681-6221 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Q: What does the program do? A: You receive a menu driven computer program to review the information listed above, which features an on-line note pad to jot notes as you go along, and the ability to toggle between two different sections of the rule or statute and even on-line help. In addition to the annotated text in the menu driven environment, you receive the full text in your favorite word processing format, ready for you to incorporate in your pleadings, law review articles or hate mail to others who don't bother to read the rules. Q: What kind of computer do I need? A: The program requires an IBM compatible PC, XT, AT (286), 386 or 486 system running DOS 3.3 or higher with at least 512KB free memory with a hard drive (fixed disk) and a printer. All monitors are supported. Q: When they change the law, then what? A: Registered users only will be able to get changes through many BBS systems and on-line services. A complete list of support on-line services and BBS systems is provided to registered users. Q: I think that at this price it can't be that good. Convince me otherwise! A: Glad you asked. The team that developed this program has sold HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS at retail. The computer code is written by professional software engineers and lawyers and para-legals as well as students in these fields have developed over 20 other legal self-help programs. Law books and legal computer programs DO NOT have to be more expensive than other programs just because they are legal. This is a fair price and provides a fair profit to the developers and distributors. It is SIGNIFICANTLY less expensive to store data like legal statutes on computer than it is on paper. Therefore, the savings are passed on to you, the user. In addition, there is NOT and has NEVER BEEN a direct correlation between the price of a program and its intrinsic utility and value. There are word processors that sell for $400 and some that sell for $50 that perform identically. In some cases expensive programs may be worse than lesser priced ones in the same field. By marketing this as shareware there are significant cost savings in advertising and no mark up between the manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer. Therefore, the price of this program reflects these economies. However, you will not be shorted on service. Period. When you register this program you will receive telephone support, BBS and on-line service support. The support personnel are real experts on the program since they were involved in the development of the program! Q: Who qualifies as a student and what is acceptable proof of student status? A: All of us (even though in some cases it was 10 years ago!) remember being a student and having a student's budget. All we need is a reasonable indication that you are a law/ para-legal/ legal secretary/ business/ accounting or related field student. You don't need to go and stand in line for an hour at the registrar to get a sealed statement. A note on letter head (hand written) from one of your instructors, a copy of a report card showing legal related course (ok, you can black out the grades that are not A's), an ABA student division membership card are all acceptable. This software is marketed on trust. Reasonable proof is enough. Q: How do I register? A: Via voice at 909-681-6210, major credit cards accepted. Or via BBS, at 909-681-6221. See the file BBSORDER.TXT. Via mail or fax you can use the handy registration form in the file ORDER.FRM. Q: Give me another good reason to register. A: Okay, we will. This program is MUCH cheaper than buying the comparable "paper books" by a factor of 4 or 5 to 1! Q: If I have a question before I register what should I do? A: We provide a high level of service to registered users. To our potential registered users (hint) we will provide a reasonable amount of support via the phone numbers and BBS shown above. Q: How do I start using the program? A: Print out or read the manual--- the file name is COURT.MAN. This is complete and will give you the information you need to start using the program.