TMScript 3.01 \HOST.DIR TM3D_CFG.HST Cannot open TM3D_CFG.HST in the current directory Do you want to setup host mode (y/n)? TM3DHCFG Host mode aborted Initializing modem Carrier signal is high, trying to make it reflect the online status ~AT&C1 Carrier signal is still high, host mode may not work correctly Please check your modem manual for correct DIP switch setting Carrier signal is now correct ~ATQ0E0X4 Host mode, waiting for call Press 'L' for local mode, 'C' for configuration, [Esc] to exit and [Alt-H] to terminate user. Ending host mode Host: End session TM3DPASS.HST System error, please call again later SYSOP: Cannot create TM3DPASS.HST SYSOP: Cannot create TM3DPASS.HST, disk full ? Press [Enter] to continue File not found. Press SpaceBar for -more-,or Control-C to End Press SpaceBar for - More -, or Control-C to End Display *.* > Please start your transfer procedure or press Ctrl-X to abort File transfer completed File transfer aborted CONNECT CONNECT 1200 CONNECT 2400 CONNECT 9600 CONNECT 19200 CONNECT 38400 Connected at TM3DHELO.HST Please enter your First and Last name: Name too short, please try again ),Is This Correct [y/N]? Goodbye Password: Password too short, please try again Invalid password, access denied Host: Connect to TM3DNOTE.HST You have Entered the Twilight Zone: This is your Sysop Speaking, What can I do for you? Speak your Mind, I alway's say. It's been a pleasure! Chat mode end: You are now in TeleMate (Expert Mode). Press (X), To return to (Stardard Mode). Command F,D,T,C,X,G: Command F,U,D,T,C,X,G,[S,R,Z]: Tm3d_sys.hst Command: Tm3dlvl8.HST Tm3dLvl8.HST Tm3dlvl7.HST Tm3dlvl6.HST Tm3dlvl5.HST Tm3dGold.HST Tm3dSlvr.HST Tm3duser.HST Tm3d_new.HST Enter filename: UPLOAD FILE TO HOST! Sorry, Your Security Level is not High enough for this Command Tm3dprot.hst Select protocol: Function not available in local mode Enter filename: tm3dprot.hst I'll be with you in just a Moment? Caller would like to speak to you? Press [Enter] to accept, [Esc] to deny SYSOP: Press [Esc] to Terminate Chat Mode Maybe Later, When I have more time? Do you wish to leave Host Mode? [y/N]? TM3D_BYE.HST Shell out to Dos! Sorry, this command is for Sysop only! Shelling to DOS ... Return from DOS shell HSHELL.BAT SYSOP: Cannot find HSHELL.BAT Run Batch File! Sorry, this command is for Sysop Only! HLOCAL.BAT Loading external program ... Return from external program SYSOP: Cannot find HLOCAL.BAT HREMOTE.BAT Loading remote program ... Return from remote program SYSOP: Cannot find HREMOTE.BAT End Host Mode! Shut Down Host Mode! Are you sure [y/N]? Shutting down host mode Host: Begin session